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Your search for "*" yielded 531657 hits

Dysphagia in Lewy body dementia - a clinical observational study of swallowing function by videofluoroscopic examination

Background: Dysphagia, which can result in aspiration pneumonia and death, is a well-known problem in patients with dementia and Parkinson's disease. There are few studies on dysphagia in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD), especially studies objectively documenting the type of swallowing dysfunction. The aim of this study was therefore to investig

Search for a fermiophobic Higgs boson in the diphoton decay channel with the ATLAS detector

A search for a fermiophobic Higgs boson using diphoton events produced in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 7 TeV is performed using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.9 fb(-1) collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. A specific benchmark model is considered where all the fermion couplings to the Higgs boson are set to zero and

FTO, Type 2 Diabetes, and Weight Gain Throughout Adult Life A Meta-Analysis of 41,504 Subjects From the Scandinavian HUNT, MDC, and MPP Studies

OBJECTIVE-FTO is the most important polygene identified for obesity. We aimed to investigate whether a variant in FTO affects type 2 diabetes risk entirely through its effect on BMI and how FTO) influences BMI across adult life span. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-Through regression models, we assessed the relationship between the FTO single nucleotide polymorphisms rs9939609, type 2 diabetes, and BM

Exploring the environmental impacts of olive packaging solutions for the European food market

Reduction of packaging waste has been a European target for more than 40 years. However, packaging is indispensable for protecting what it carries. In this study, an analysis of the European regulations on packaging and of their resulting effect on recycling performance was performed by means of a literature survey and the national results published in the European Database, Eurostat. Based on the

Municipal Landfilling Practice and Its Impact on the Water Resources - Jordan

Jordan is considered one of the most water-stressed countries in the world, with less than 150 cubic meters freshwater available per capita annually. Groundwater resources are clearly vital for Jordan´s population and economic wellbeing. It´s quality and amount has therefore to be managed in a sustainable way avoiding possible contaminations. Unfortunately the groundwater quality is threatened by

Supply chain integration obtained through uniquely labelled goods: A survey of Swedish manufacturing industries

Purpose – This paper aims to examine the use of unique identities (through radio frequency identification technology, bar codes and “human-readable” labels) on packages and load carriers in Swedish manufacturing industries. The purpose is to investigate drivers behind the adoption, the perceived improvements and visions for the coming 2-5 years. It also covers different methods for reading the ide

Estimating microbial risk in treated wastewater for reuse: a case study in Lund, Sweden

The potential microbial risk from using treated wastewater is a burning issue to be studied. In Sweden, only a small part of treated wastewater is reused directly, although water reuse could be beneficial. Disinfection is virtually never practised and no protective guidelines for water reuse are found in Sweden. Based on a 1 year monitoring programme of water quality, this paper estimates the micr

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Abstract in Danish Anmeldelse i ’Fund og Forskning i det Kongelige Biblioteks Samlinger’, Bind 52, 2013, s. 462-66: Kristian Jensen: Revolution and the Antiquarian Book. Reshaping the Past, 1780-1815. Oxford University Press, 2011.

The Road to Maturity - Lineage Commitment in early Hematopoiesis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Benmärgstransplantation är idag en livsavgörande behandling som används vid leukemi, men även andra sjukdomar. Trots att behandlingen funnits sedan 1950-talet medför den fortfarande komplikationer. Den är ibland inte heller tillräckligt effektiv, och nya strategier behöver utvecklas. För att kunna genomföra detta är det av stor betydelse att förstå hur sjukdomarna uppstThe road to maturity – how do hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) differentiate into mature blood cells? The pathways of lineage commitment during normal hematopoiesis are of great significance in order to understand the underlying events that lead to leukemia, and to the design of proper treatments for prevention and remission of the disease. The route of hematopoiesis can be thought of as a hierarchi

Treatment with the C5a receptor antagonist ADC-1004 reduces myocardial infarction in a porcine ischemia-reperfusion model

Background: Polymorphonuclear neutrophils, stimulated by the activated complement factor C5a, have been implicated in cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury. ADC-1004 is a competitive C5a receptor antagonist that has been shown to inhibit complement related neutrophil activation. ADC-1004 shields the neutrophils from C5a activation before they enter the reperfused area, which could be a mechanistic a

Predictors of successful, self-reported lifestyle changes in a defined middle-aged population: The Soderakra cardiovascular risk factor study, Sweden

Aims: It is well established that the main cause of the development of cardiovascular disease can be found in unhealthy lifestyle habits. In our study, we wanted to explore the long-term predictors of self-reported lifestyle changes in a middle-aged population after screening for cardiovascular risk factors 10 years earlier. Methods: We conducted a 10-year follow-up telephone interview on self-rep

The contributions of Ramon y Cajal and other Spanish authors to hypnosis

The authors review the most important Spanish contributions to hypnosis during the 19th and 20th centuries, with emphasis on the work of Santiago Ramon y Cajal, winner of the 1906 Nobel Prize in medicine. It is widely accepted that he provided a basic foundation for modern neurosciences with his work on neuronal staining and synaptic transmission. What is missing in most accounts of his work is hi

Complex Formation of Small Molecules during Isolation in Low Temperature Matrices: Water Dimers in p-H-2 and Ne Matrices

The concentrations of water dimer are compared in Ne and p-H-2 matrices at low temperatures, using infrared spectroscopy. Additional data are given for o-D-2 and Ar matrices. For a given monomer concentration, the dimer concentration is significantly higher in solid Ne (or Ar) than in solid p-H-2. In p-H-2, the dimer concentration is only slightly higher than expected for a random distribution of

Epidemiological studies of severe infections in COPD

It is well known that patients with COPD have an increased risk of lower respiratory tract infections, but less is known about the association with other infections. The aim of this thesis was to explore epidemiological aspects of severe infections in COPD, using public registries in Sweden. In the first study, incidence rates of tuberculosis were compared in all individuals discharged with COPD,

Factors associated with patients self-reported adherence to prescribed physical activity in routine primary health care

Background: Written prescriptions of physical activity have increased in popularity. Such schemes have mostly been evaluated in terms of efficacy in clinical trials. This study reports on a physical activity prescription referral scheme implemented in routine primary health care (PHC) in Sweden. The aim of this study was to evaluate patients' self-reported adherence to physical activity prescripti