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Gerontechnology 1 course v1

Gerontechnology - aging and digitalization I 3 higher education credits, Third cycle (Version 1) Content Digitization is considered to lead to profound changes in how we consider old people as patients, care receivers, citizens and consumers. Digitalization is a process that allows for new models and concepts that in turn lead to new services and new ways of delivering services. It is characterize - 2025-03-08


Master Class, IAGG-ER Regional Congress May 22 – 26, 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden Portraying Old Age and Ageing to Counteract Ageism This master class reflects the mission of the IAGG which is to promote outstanding global research and training toward ensuring the well-being and quality-of-life of older persons. Its theme, Portraying Old Age and Ageing to Counteract Ageism emphasizes how knowledge cre - 2025-03-08

Iagg-er2019-masterclass-applicationform 0

Master Class, IAGG-ER Regional Congress May 22 – 26, 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden Portraying Old Age and Ageing to Counteract Ageism This master class reflects the mission of the IAGG which is to promote outstanding global research and training toward ensuring the well-being and quality-of-life of older persons. Its theme, Portraying Old Age and Ageing to Counteract Ageism emphasizes how knowledge cre - 2025-03-08

Information gerontechnologycourse 2018

Gerontechnology - aging and digitalization I&II 7.5 (3+4.5) higher education credits, Third cycle Content Digitization is considered to lead to profound changes in how we consider old people as patients, care receivers, citizens and consumers. Digitalization is a process that allows for new models and concepts that in turn lead to new services and new ways of delivering services. It is characteriz - 2025-03-08

Information gerontologycourse 2018

Schedule_SWEAHCourse_2018_add Department of Psychology 1 (2) Haraldsgatan 1, PO Box 500, SE 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden +46 31 786 00 00 Gerontology – multidisciplinary and integrative perspectives on aging 5 (3+2) higher education credits Third cycle Content The first course module (3 HEC) presents current research in biological, medical/geriatric, health sciences, psychological, soci - 2025-03-08

Postdoc assignments 2019 ad and registration form

Brevmall 3 Postdoc assignments within SWEAH 2019 Want to stay actively engaged in SWEAH after your dissertation? Now is the chance to apply for one of the four postdoc assignments within SWEAH during 2019. The four assignments are: 1) Assistance to the study coordinator . You will assist the study coordinator in preparing different activities within SWEAH. An additional task is to be a member of t - 2025-03-08

Postdoc assignments sweah 2021 final

2 Postdoctoral assignments within SWEAH 2021 Do you want to stay actively engaged in SWEAH after your dissertation? Now is the chance to apply for one or several of the four postdoc assignments within SWEAH during 2021. The assignments are: 1) Assistance to the study coordinator . You will assist the study coordinator in preparing different activities within SWEAH. A specific focus will be to comp - 2025-03-08

Registration form postdoctoral course sweah 2018 0

Brevmall 2 Application form for the postdoctoral course From junior to senior researcher in research on ageing and health Full name Civic registration number Home address Postal code City or place Country E-mail address (print clearly) ( work/home or cell phone Present work address Confirm (mark with a cross) that you can participate in mandatory workshops during the following dates: ⎕ February 5- - 2025-03-08

Registration form postdoctoral course sweah 2018 2

Brevmall 2 Application form for the postdoctoral course From junior to senior researcher in research on ageing and health Full name Civic registration number Home address Postal code City or place Country E-mail address (print clearly) ( work/home or cell phone Present work address Confirm (mark with a cross) that you can participate in mandatory workshops during the following dates: ⎕ February 5- - 2025-03-08

Registration form theoretical perspectives sweah 2019

Brevmall 2 Application form for the graduate course THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON METHODOLOGICAL CHOICES IN RESEARCH ON AGEING AND HEALTH, 3 ECTS Full name Civic registration number Work address Postal code City or place Country E-mail address (print clearly) ( work/home or cell phone Presently registered at the university of Date and place Signature of applicant Date and place Signature of main sup - 2025-03-08

Registration form theories of ageing sweah 2020 0

Brevmall 2 Application form for the graduate course THEORIES OF AGEING, 3 ECTS Full name Civic registration number Work address Postal code City or place Country E-mail address (print clearly) ( work/home or cell phone Date and place Signature of applicant Date and place Signature of main supervisor Name in block letters If you are NOT an affiliated SWEAH PhD student, please fill out below: Univer - 2025-03-08

Schedule sweahcourse 2018 final 0

Microsoft Word - Schedule_SWEAHCourse_2018_final.docx Department of Psychology 1 (3) Haraldsgatan 1, PO Box 500, SE 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden +46 31 786 00 00 Gerontology – multidisciplinary and integrative perspectives on aging 5 (3+2) higher education credits Third cycle Module 1 (3 HEC) Day 1: Tuesday February 6, 2018 [conference room 6 (K6)] Theme I: Gerontology - multidisciplina - 2025-03-08

Schedule sweahcourse 2018 update2

Schedule_SWEAHCourse_2018_updated Department of Psychology 1 (3) Haraldsgatan 1, PO Box 500, SE 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden +46 31 786 00 00 Gerontology – multidisciplinary and integrative perspectives on aging 5 (3+2) higher education credits Third cycle Module 1 (3 HEC) Day 1: Tuesday February 6, 2018 [conference room 6 (K6)] Theme I: Gerontology - multidisciplinary and integrative p - 2025-03-08

Sweah conference 22-24 oct 2019 program 0

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Preliminary program Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors 15.00-16.00 Registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to the SWEAH conference! Margareta Pålsson, Chair of the SWEAH board Moderators: Catharina Melander & Joakim Frögren 16.15 -17.00 Key Note Presentation Ethnicit - 2025-03-08

Sweah conference 22-24 oct 2019 program 4

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Preliminary program Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors 15.00-16.00 Registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to the SWEAH conference! Margareta Pålsson, Chair of the SWEAH board Moderators: Catharina Melander & Joakim Frögren 16.15 -17.00 Key Note Presentation Ethnicit - 2025-03-08

Sweah conference 22-24 oct 2019 program 6

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Preliminary program Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors Supervising the doctorate in a multidisciplinary context: opportunities and challenges Sandra Torres, Professor of Sociology, Uppsala University 15.00-16.00 Coffee and registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to t - 2025-03-08

Sweah conference 22-24 oct 2019 program 8

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Preliminary program Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors Supervising the doctorate in a multidisciplinary context: opportunities and challenges Sandra Torres, Professor of Sociology, Uppsala University 15.00-16.00 Coffee and registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to t - 2025-03-08

Sweah konferens 22-24 okt 2019 program

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors 15.00-16.00 Registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to the SWEAH conference! Margareta Pålsson, Chair of the SWEAH board Moderators: Catharina Melander & Joakim Frögren 16.15 -17.00 Key Note Presentation Ethnicity, race and migrancy - 2025-03-08

Sweah konferens 22-24 okt 2019 program 1

SWEAH Conference October 22-24, 2019, Lund, Sweden Preliminary program Tuesday, October 22, 2019 13.00-15.00 Pre-conference meeting for partner representatives and supervisors 15.00-16.00 Registration for the conference 16.00-16.15 Welcome to the SWEAH conference! Margareta Pålsson, Chair of the SWEAH board Moderators: Catharina Melander & Joakim Frögren 16.15 -17.00 Key Note Presentation Ethnicit - 2025-03-08

2006 iter lapponicum

It er L ap po ni cu m Fjärilar insamlade av de unga naturforskarna Quensel, Liljeblad, Rutström och Ekholm på resa i lappmarken vid 1780-talets början beskrevs av Carl Peter Thunberg i ett arbete Insecta Svecica, publicerat i form av 9 dissertationer 1784-95. Planschen i andra häftet visar bland annat flera nyfunna dagfjärilar som avbildas med vingarnas över- och undersidor: gräsfjärilarna lappona - 2025-03-08