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The theoretical contributions of Knut Wicksell

In the Fall of 1977, The Institute of Economics at the University of Lund arranged a symposium on the theoretical contributions of Knut Wicksell and the subsequent development of his ideas by other theorists. The symposium was financed by the Arne Ryde Foundation. The aim of the symposium was to examine the effects of Wicksell's ideas on the development of economic theory and to discuss the assert

A pre-LGM sandur at Fiskarheden in NW Dalarna, Sweden – sedimentology and glaciotectonic deformation.

The Fiskarheden quarry, situated in NW Dalarna, central Sweden, reveals thick coarse-grained sediments of Scott type facies association representing a sandur deposited in an ice-proximal proglacial environment. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of the sandur sediments suggests a pre-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) age. Most acquired ages are pre-Saalian (>200 ka) and we regard each of thes

Perspektiv på kyrkans år

Volymen lyfter fram några aspekter av hur kyrkoåret har uppfattats, främjats och reviderats under det senaste seklet. Artiklarna belyser kyrkoårets gestaltning i predikoutkast, evangeliebok, folklig sed, sång, musik och liturgiska textilier. Dessutom finns en fyllig recensionsavdelning.

Lund Concept for De-airing of the Left Heart. Clinical Evaluation.

Background: Residual air accumulated air in the pulmonary veins constitutes a challenge to achievment of complete de-airing in open left heart surgery. To adress this problem, a conceptual method for de-airing was developed in Lund comprising bilateral opening of the pleurae to induce pulmonary collapse and a strategy with gradual pulmonary reperfusion and ventilation at weaning from cardiopulmona

St. Augustine, Preacher of Paradox and Promise in Early Fifth-Century North Africa

Artikeln analyserar hur Augustinus i Sermo 9 hanterar människolivets paradoxer och svårigheter i relation till Guds löfte om evigt liv.Augustine mainly addressed men of the upper and middle classes. Their wives are assumed to be present (and, frequently, to be more pious than their husbands), but are seldom directly addressed. Servants and beggars are not addressed either, but stood to benefit from admonitions to the men in the audience, e.g. that they should give alms regularly and not sexually abuse their subordinates. All this

Scientific computing with Python 3

Python can be used for more than just general-purpose programming. It is a free, open source language and environment that has tremendous potential for use within the domain of scientific computing. This book presents Python in tight connection with mathematical applications and demonstrates how to use various concepts in Python for computing purposes, including examples with the latest version of

Using Optimal Transport for Estimating Inharmonic Pitch Signals

In this work, we propose a novel multi-pitch estimation technique that is robust with respect to the inharmonicity commonly occurring in many applications. The method does not require any a priori knowledge of the number of signal sources, the number of harmonics of each source, nor the structure or scope of any possibly occurring inharmonicity. Formulated as a minimum transport distance problem,

Platinum(IV) Bromo Aqua Complexes. Acid Hydrolysis Equilibria and Kinetics of Bromiide Anation

The stepwise stabililty constants, Kn for the bromo aqua complexes PtBrn−1(H2O)7−n5−n; n=4, 5, 6, formed in the successive acid hydrolyses of PtBr62−, have been determined to be K6=(.19±0.1) x 103 M−1, K5= (1.0±0.2) x 104 M−1 and K4=(1.1±0.2) x 105 M−1. A bromide assisted mechanism is proposed for the bromide anations of PtBr4(H2O)2 and PtBr5H2O-. Both these reactions are found to be first order wThe stepwise stabililty constants, Kn for the bromo aqua complexes PtBrn−1(H2O)7−n5−n; n=4, 5, 6, formed in the successive acid hydrolyses of PtBr62−, have been determined to be K6=(.19±0.1) x 103 M−1, K5= (1.0±0.2) x 104 M−1 and K4=(1.1±0.2) x 105 M−1. A bromide assisted mechanism is proposed for the bromide anations of PtBr4(H2O)2 and PtBr5H2O-. Both these reactions are found to be first order w

Efficiency Optimal, Maximum Pressure Control in Compression Ignition Engines

Ever since the invention of the internal combustion engine, there has been an interest in optimizing the in-cylinder pressure to achieve reliable and efficient work output. With the use of in-cylinder pressure sensors, piezoelectric injector actuation, the possibility of multiple injection events and the increased availability of computation power, cycle-to-cycle, in-cylinder pressure optimization

A recent intermezzo at the Ribosome Club

Two sets of ribosome structures have recently led to two different interpretations of what limits the accuracy of codon translation by transfer RNAs. In this review, inspired by this intermezzo at the Ribosome Club, we briefly discuss accuracy amplification by energy driven proofreading and its implementation in genetic code translation. We further discuss general ways by which the monitoring base

A c. 1710 Ma mafic sill emplaced into a quartzite and calcareous series from Ighrem, Anti-Atlas – Morocco : Evidence that the Taghdout passive margin sedimentary group is nearly 1 Ga older than previously thought

The Taghdout Group is a passive margin sequence deposited during rifting and break-up of the northern margin of the West African craton (WAC), culminating with the creation of an oceanic basin between the northern edge of the WAC and an unknown terrane. However, the age of this passive margin has been poorly constrained. It was previously thought to be c. 800–1000 Ma on the basis of age of the con

Electroencephalography as a prognostic tool after cardiac arrest

Multiple prognostic tools are used to evaluate prognosis for comatose survivors resuscitated after cardiac arrest (CA). Next to the clinical neurologic examination, electroencephalography (EEG) is the most commonly used method to assess prognosis. However, the reliability of EEG has been limited by varying classification systems, interrater variability, and the influence of sedation. Another impor