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BIM och informationsöverföring - En studie om IFC-baserad teknik i förvaltningsskedet

Building information modelling, BIM, is a well-known and established conception within the construction business. In the building industry BIM technology is used as a tool and a work method by different occupational groups within planning, production and facility management. Due to the usage of BIM differs between the fields, so does the software’s as well. The software’s are using different types

A study of the UK social enterprises’ accountability: Could social enterprises and their accountability provide an avenue to an alternative capitalism?

Seminar date: 2nd June 2014 Purpose: The study's purpose is to investigate accountability in social enterprises. This is to answer the main thesis question of whether social enterprises and their accountability could provide the world with an alternative form of capitalism where humanitarian crises are better addressed. Methodology: The study applies a qualitative approach based on inductive

Swedwatch’s reports 2011-2013: what happened next and why? An analysis of trends in outcomes of investigated cases by the Swedish NGO Swedwatch

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a term increasingly used in academic discussions, political debates, media, corporate reports, Non-Governmental Organizations’ (NGOs) reports, and even by civil society and the public. But what does CSR actually mean? What do CSR practices actually constitute? Another increasingly debated issue is the growing power of the business sector and its direct effe

Identification and functional studies of genetic aberrations underlying adipocytic tumour development

Popular science summary: Genetic aberrations underlying adipocytic tumour development Adipocytic tumours are the most common mesenchymal tumours. We have identified genetic aberrations in such tumours using high-resolution single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array analysis. We have also performed functional studies of specific genetic aberrations and found genes of importance for tumour develo

Differences in the ascetic behaviour in the Sahih al-Bukhari and the synoptic gospels through the stories related to Muhammad and Jesus

Asceticism is a widely discussed topic. The aim of the thesis is to compare two textual blocks – the Sahih al-Bukhari and the Synoptic Gospels - from two different religious traditions and deduce the most vivid particularities of the respective visions of asceticism, situating the findings in context of the related academic scholarship. Findings in some cases are very unexpected. If in the Sahih a

En studie om hur olika röstkvaliteter i kombination med bakgrundsbuller påverkar barns språkförståelse

Föreliggande studie baseras på en jämförelse mellan två likvärdiga grupper av barn. Syftet var att undersöka om barns språkförståelse påverkas mer av en dysfonisk (hes) röst i kombination med bakgrundsbuller jämfört med en typisk (funktionell) röst i kombination med bakgrundsbuller. Syftet var även att ta reda på barnens subjektiva upplevelse om lärarens röstkvalitet, kombinationen röstkvalitet oc

Inventering av nedlagda deponier i Sjöbo kommun enligt Naturvårdsverkets vägledning

The aim of this study is to conduct preliminary risk assessments of two abandoned landfills in the villages of Bjärsjölagård and Fränninge, in the municipality of Sjöbo, Scania. Assessing risks connected to abandoned landfills is of great importance as they can contain a large number of pollutants, hence pose a risk for their surroundings by polluting soil, ground water and even buildings. It is a

Hur tre av Sveriges ledande banker arbetar med förtroende

Idag befinner sig banker i en konkurrensutsatt marknad eftersom banker i stort erbjuder likartade tjänster och produkter. Detta innebär att det försvårar för bankerna att attrahera nya kunder och behålla sina befintliga kunder. Hur ska banker då arbeta för att växa? Idag pratar man om förtroende och hur man skapar långavariga och starka kundrelationer inom bankbranschen. Denna studie undersöker ju

Styrmedelspotential på vägen mot ett hållbart transportsystem

In this study suggested political instruments for a future sustainable transportation system are analyzed. This is done by a survey study with answers from municipality workers in ten different municipalities in the Scania region, southern Sweden. The questions covers the respondents transportation habits and their opinions on 19 different political instruments and how these instruments, if put in

Cykelplanering i svenska storstadsregioner -vem styr (egentligen?)

Abstract In order to reduce climate emissions from transports and to move towards a more sustainable transport system, many municipalities and regions strive to increase the use of bicycle in cities. This study focuses on the three metropolitan areas in Sweden; Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö. Their efforts with regional bicycle planning are investigated, looking at factors such as cooperation, resp

Användningsområden för regn- och dagvatten

Sweden uses pure drinking water for all household areas such as flushing toilets, watering the lawn and so on. This can be seen as a waste and stormwater can therefore be used instead to save resources. When rainwater is going to be used, different possibilities exist. A rainwater tank can be used to collect water from roofs and store it in a sealed tank. A stormwater pond can be used which collec

Värdering av tillväxtföretag: Skillnaden mellan teori och praktiskt utförande

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad som avgör hur tillväxtföretag värderas. Det inkluderar att jämföra om dessa företag värderas på samma sätt i teorin som i praktiken och undersöka vilka bakomliggande faktorer som spelar in. Den teoretiska referensramen inkluderar teori om värderingsmodellerna realoptioner, diskonterat kassaflöde och multipelvärdering. Den inkluderar även teorier om de bako

Modeling albedo in the dry snow zone of the Greenland ice sheet

Hirham5, a weather model developed at DMI, does not have a very good approximation for the snow albedo. To make the model better a snow albedo code, based on Dickenssen’s equation for snow albedo, was implemented in the model where the albedo depended on more variables than just the temperature. This change is important since the radiation contributes more to the melt than the temperature. The sur

Vinna eller försvinna - Kampen om konsumenters förtroende på en omreglerad marknad

Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen om konsumenters förtroende för en tjänsteverksamhet till följd av en omreglering. För att kunna besvara detta syfte kommer följande två frågeställningar besvaras; > Vad påverkar konsumenters förtroende för en apoteksverksamhet? > Och hur uttrycks detta hos konsumenter? Metod: Uppsatsen tillämpar en genomgående kvalitativ ansats där en abduktiv m

Subjective Image Quality Evaluation Using the Softcopy Quality Ruler Method

Image quality is in essence based on subjective experience, and the involvement of human subjects is therefore necessary in one way or the other in order to make reliable assessments of it. This topic is of interest for Axis Communications AB -- the market leader in surveillance cameras. In this thesis, the softcopy quality ruler method described in ISO 20462 is evaluated through a study of one s

Personality and information use in fish: bolder crucian carps learn faster

Popular science summary: Bolder the brighter – personality affects learning performance in crucian carp Just as humans, many animals have a personality. For example some individuals are more prone to take risks – they are bold, while others prefer to play it safe – being shy. Bold animals increase their risk of being attacked by a predator but may also receive higher gains by being first to a foAbstract Gathering information about the environment is crucial to living organisms as it makes up the foundation upon which decisions are made. In a diverse environment a huge amount of information sources arise. An individual can choose to follow other’s decision (social information use) or to gather its’ own information. Which sources are used and how well they are perceived vary between indi

Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates, A comparison between forecasting horizons and Bayesian vs. Frequentist approaches

Forecasting foreign exchange rates and financial asset prices in general is a hard task. The best model has often been shown to be a simple random walk, which implies that the price movements are unpredictable. In this thesis models that have been somewhat successful in the past are developed and investigated for different forecasting horizons. The aim is to find models that significantly dominate

Vi kallar dom white trash: En ny svensk underklass

This paper discusses what the transfer of white trash from the US to Sweden means; how did it happen, why did it happen and what are the swedish interpretation of the concept? The concept of white trash include both pride and dirt; it frames an anomaly composed of bad taste and a dangerous body. But it is also a subject of creating identities and making fun. The journey to Sweden should be seen in

Samhället och barnaga: en rättsociologisk fallstudie om det samhälleliga genomslaget av förbudet mot aga av barn

Whether a law implementation can be said to have had an social impact is largely dependent on if the law in question effected the minds of the people it was tasked to govern. Previous research of successful implementation of laws identify the importance of certain conditions to be present if a law is to be termed “successful”. A law implementation that has been recognized as having had a marked ef