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Miljöekonomisk värdering av skogsbränsleuttag med näringskompensation
Decision Sciences
Consideration of supply chain environmental impacts during packaging development: theory versus practice
Purpose: The purpose is to provide insight into how companies in practice work during packaging development to reduce negative environmental impacts along supply chains and to compare their practical approaches with the theoretical concepts presented in the literature. Design/methodology/approach: The research approach is explorative and based on nine cases (26 semi-structured interviews) in the f
Irregular Migration in Global Migration Governance
Building People and Organizational Excellence
Determination of uncertainty of different CFD codes by means of comparison with experimental fire scenarios
This article will summarise the evaluation of four CFD software codes (CFX, FDS4, SMAFS and SOFIE). Evaluation was performed by means of comparing the simulation data with experimental scenarios. The scenarios were chosen to represent scenarios frequently assessed using fire safety design based on performance. The greatest difficulty during validation of CFD-codes is to find well documented releva
En trogen anhängare: Sverige och IMF 1960-1992
Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone? On the Reception History of Hebrews 8:13
This article develops ideas presented in a volume to be published by T&T Clark/Continuum, i.e., it traces the extraordinary reception history of Hebrews 8:13, from its original apocalyptical setting to how it is currently used in apologetical contexts.
Monitoring and mapping of waders breeding in northernmost Sweden
Den omöjliga kedjan: Människan och mångfaldens mönster.
Computer software structures integrating AI/KBS systems in process control : a postprint volume from the IFAC workshop, Lund, Sweden, 10-12 August 1994
Textens ansikte i seklernas spegel [med Efterskrift 2007]
A reprint, with an added postscript of 2007, of a seminal lecture given in 1998 on the importance to observe changing graphic codes in the printing history of texts, especially in editorial practice. See further its first publication.
Sociologi genom litteratur
Kyrkan mot vetenskapen: 150-års jubileum av en legendarisk debatt
Windowcraft - Part One
Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Flow past a Backward-Facing Step
Direkt Profil : un système d’évaluation de textes d’élèves de français langue étrangère fondé sur les itinéraires d'acquisition
Abstract in FrenchRésumé : Direkt Profil est un analyseur automatique de textes écrits en français comme langue étrangère. Son but est de produire une évaluation du stade de langue des élèves sous la forme d’un profil d’apprenant. Direkt Profil réalise une analyse des phrases fondée sur desitinéraires d’acquisition, i.e. des phénomènes syntaxiques locaux liés à un développement dans l’apprentissag