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Citrus intake and risk of skin cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort (EPIC)
Citrus intake has been suggested to increase the risk of skin cancer. Although this relation is highly plausible biologically, epidemiologic evidence is lacking. We aimed to examine the potential association between citrus intake and skin cancer risk. EPIC is an ongoing multi-center prospective cohort initiated in 1992 and involving ~ 520,000 participants who have been followed-up in 23 centers fr
A survey of zircon microtextures in the Rochchouart impactites – POSTER
The 'Dark Ages' - a misused metaphor for a post-antibiotic future
Personlig assistent : kompis, startmotor eller någons armar och ben?
Geographic clustering in evolutionary economic geography
Evolutionary economic geography (EEG) explains the spatial evolution of firms, industries, networks, cities and regions from elementary processes of the entry, growth, decline and exit of firms, and their locational behaviour. In an evolutionary approach to economic geography, one typically reasons from the historical processes that have led to particular spatial patterns such as uneven levels of
Negotiating stances across speaker turns in everyday conversation
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Les solutions fondées sur la nature ont le potentiel d’apporter des bénéfices multiples dans la série de défis de durabilité auxquels sont confrontées les villes. Ces solutions peuvent contribuer à limiter les impacts du changement climatique, à enrichir la biodiversité et à améliorer la qualité de l’environnement, tout en participant aux activités économiques et au bien-être social. Lisez et amél
'A detached peninsula' : infancy in the work of Thomas de Quincey
Ovarian cancer. Biomarkers, surgical outcome and survival.
Ovarian cancer is the eighth most common female cancer worldwide and the most lethal of the gynaecologic malignancies. Around 700 women are diagnosed in Sweden per year. Due to vague symptoms most of the patients are diagnosed with late-stage epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) and prognosis is poor, with a five-year survival of 49%. However, for early-stage EOC the prognosis is excellent. Biomarkers
Probing multi-step electroweak phase transition with multi-peaked primordial gravitational waves spectra
Multi-peaked spectra of the primordial gravitational waves are considered as a phenomenologically relevant source of information about the dynamics of sequential phase transitions in the early Universe. In particular, such signatures trace back to specific patterns of the first-order electroweak phase transition in the early Universe occurring in multiple steps. Such phenomena appear to be rather
A new instrument for survey monitoring of airborne xenon-133
Methods are reviewed for measuring xenon-133 contamination of the air in medical clinics. The principles of a new, simple, and low cost monitor are outlined. Results from experimental tests in laboratories and medical clinics were encouraging, indicating that the monitor is a valuable tool for survey measurements of 133Xe contamination in nuclear medicine departments.
Unequal Extractions : Reconceptualizing the Chinese Miner in Ghana
Over the past decade, Chinese migration to Africa has increased rapidly alongside the expansion of Chinese economic engagement with the continent. The entrance of new forms of Chinese industry, aid, commerce and resource exploration has been transformative, prompting debates over whether China in Africa is better described as neo-colonialism or a new form of beneficial developmentalism. One of the
Consistent negative response of US crops to high temperatures in observations and crop models
High temperatures are detrimental to crop yields and could lead to global warming-driven reductions in agricultural productivity. To assess future threats, the majority of studies used process-based crop models, but their ability to represent effects of high temperature has been questioned. Here we show that an ensemble of nine crop models reproduces the observed average temperature responses of U
A Lagrangian model of air-mass photochemistry and mixing using a trajectory ensemble : The Cambridge Tropospheric Trajectory model of Chemistry And Transport (CiTTyCAT) version 4.2
A Lagrangian model of photochemistry and mixing is described (CiTTyCAT,stemming from the Cambridge Tropospheric Trajectory model of Chemistry AndTransport), which is suitable for transport and chemistry studies throughoutthe troposphere. Over the last five years, the model has been developed inparallel at several different institutions and here those developments havebeen incorporated into one "co
The influence of small-scale variations in isoprene concentrations on atmospheric chemistry over a tropical rainforest
Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) such as isoprene constitute a large proportion of the global atmospheric oxidant sink. Their reactions in the atmosphere contribute to processes such as ozone production and secondary organic aerosol formation. However, over the tropical rainforest, where 50 % of the global emissions of BVOCs are believed to occur, atmospheric chemistry models have been
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Retrospective study of maternal and neonatal outcomes after induction compared to spontaneous start of labour in women with one previous birth in uncomplicated pregnancies ≥ 41+3
To study the association between induction and outcome among two-parous women in uncomplicated pregnancies ≥ 41+3, stratified by first labour delivery mode and conditions present at first delivery. The Swedish Medical Birth Register was used to identify 58,964 uncomplicated singleton pregnancies among women with one previous birth between 1998 and 2014. Women with any registered pregnancy complica