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Elektronisk publicering doktorsavhandlingar, obefogad oro?

A project on electronic publishing of doctoral dissertations in fulltext started in 1998 at the Lund University Library. Dissertations that consist of a number of articles that have already been published in or submitted to scholarly journals posed a potentional problem with regard to copyright questions. In order to solve this problem, the commersial publishers were approached with a request for

Association between adducin-1 G460W variant and blood pressure in Swedes is dependent on interaction with body mass index and gender.

Background: The W allele of the G460W polymorphism in the adducin-1 gene has been occasionally associated with increased blood pressure (BP). The aim of this study was to test whether the G460W variant is associated with BP levels and BP progression rate and whether G460W associations with BP are affected by sex, body mass index (BMI), or age. Methods: The G460W polymorphism was genotyped in the p

Gene expression profiling of arthritis using a QTL chip reveals a complex gene regulation of the Cia5 region in mice.

One of the major quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with arthritis in crosses between B10.RIII and RIIIS/J mice is the Cia5 on chromosome 3. Early in the congenic mapping process it was clear that the locus was complex, consisting of several subloci with small effects. Therefore, we developed two novel strategies to dissect a QTL: the partial advanced intercross (PAI) strategy, with which w

Lieb mode in a quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate of atoms

We calculate the dispersion relation associated with a solitary wave in a quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate of atoms confined in a harmonic, cylindrical trap in the limit of weak and strong interactions. In both cases, the dispersion relation is linear for long-wavelength excitations and terminates at the point where the group velocity vanishes. We also calculate the dispersion relati

Pricing of some exotic options with NIG-Levy input

We study the problem of pricing barrier options and Russian options driven by exponential NIG Levy processes by simulation. Simulating at a discrete grid creates a systematic bias because the minimum and maximum in between grid points is neglected. The proposed solution is to simulate the large jumps only and use a Brownian approximation for the rest combined with explicit formulas for Brownian mi

Pikeperch Sander lucioperca trapped between niches: foraging performance and prey selection in a piscivore on a planktivore diet

The foraging behaviour of planktivorous pikeperch Sander lucioperca during their first growing season was analysed. Field data showed that S. lucioperca feed on extremely rare prey at the end of the summer, suggesting the presence of a bottleneck. In experiments, foraging ability of planktivorous S. lucioperca was determined when fish were feeding on different prey types (Daphnia magna or Chaoboru

Watching DNA condensation induced by poly(amido amine) dendrimers with time-resolved cryo-TEM.

The condensation of DNA by poly(amido amine) dendrimers of generation 1, 2, and 4 has been followed by time-resolved cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM). The recorded images show that significant morphological rearrangement occurs for DNA condensed with the lower generation dendrimers leading to the formation of toroidal aggregates. Higher charge density dendrimers, on the other

Orexin loss in Huntington's disease.

Huntington's disease (HD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded CAG repeat in the gene encoding huntingtin, a protein of unknown function. Mutant huntingtin forms intracellular aggregates and is associated with neuronal death in select brain regions. The most studied mouse model (R6/2) of HD replicates many features of the disease, but has been reported to exhibit only

Three-dimensional analysis of compaction of metal powder

Three-dimensional compaction simulations of geometries with circular and quadratic cross-sections are reported using dilatant viscoplastic material models representing a ductile steel powder. The simulations are compared with experiments using in situ measurements of the wall-tractions within the die. Two different porous viscoplastic material models have been used: the combined Fleck-Kuhn-MeMeeki

Performance of Internet Access Solutions in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Although an autonomous mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is useful in many scenarios, a MANET connected to the Internet is more desirable. This interconnection is achieved by using gateways, which act as bridges between a MANET and the Internet. Before a mobile node can communicate with an Internet host it needs to find a route to a gateway. Thus, a gateway discovery mechanism is required. In this pap

A model for the drug release from a polymer matrix tablet - effects of swelling and dissolution

A model for simulating the drug release from a swelling and dissolving polymer tablet is presented and verified to data. The model is based on a mechanistic approach, and it can therefore be employed to study the sensitivity of true physical constants, for instance the drug diffusion coefficient or the drug solubility. The model generates the drug and polymer release profiles and the front positio

Fatigue life prediction for a vessel sailing the North Atlantic route

A method for calculating the wave load induced fatigue damage accumulated by a vessel sailing along the North Atlantic route (NAr) is presented. This method is based on the Palmgren-Miner additive rule and the rainflow cycle (RFC) count. For simplicity, the load the vessel experiences is assumed to be proportional to the encountered significant wave height process, H-s. The asymptotically normal c

Two-component Bose gases under rotation

We examine the formation of vortices in a one- and two-component gas of bosonic atoms in a harmonic trap that is set rotating. Both the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii approach, and the numerical diagonalization method are employed. For a two-component Bose gas, we show that beside the well-known coreless vortices of single quantization, the interatomic interactions between the two species may lead to

Association between thyroid hormone levels and monoaminergic neurotransmission during surgery

Background: Human studies assessing thyroid hormone metabolism in relation to brain monoaminergic activity in vivo are scarce. The few studies that do exist suggest significant associations between thyroid function and monoaminergic activity, but the cause-and-effect relationships are far from elucidated. Methods: We simultaneously collected cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples from 35 pati