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Your search for "*" yielded 531810 hits

Connect the Dots: Managing the Fragmentation of Global Climate Governance

The debate about post-2012 global climate governance has been framed largely by proponents and opponents of the policymaking process established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In light of the proliferation of institutions governing some aspects of climate change, analysts have asked whether a centralized or a polycentric climate governance architecture will

Verification of motion induced thread effect during tomotherapy using gel dosimetry

The purpose of the study was to evaluate how breathing motion during tomotherapy (Accuray, CA, USA) treatment affects the absorbed dose distribution. The experiments were carried out using gel dosimetry and a motion device simulating respiratory-like motion (HexaMotion, ScandiDos, Uppsala, Sweden). Normoxic polyacrylamide gels (nPAG) were irradiated, both during respiratory-like motion and in a st

Do EPA Administrators Recommend Environmental Policies That Citizens Want?

We investigate whether Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator recommendations regarding improvements in environmental quality differ from citizen preferences. This is done by conducting identical choice experiments on both citizens and administrators at the EPA. The administrators were asked to choose the alternatives they would recommend as a policy, while the citizens were a

Global data set of biogenic VOC emissions calculated by the MEGAN model over the last 30 years

The Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGANv2.1) together with the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) meteorological fields were used to create a global emission data set of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) available on a monthly basis for the time period of 1980-2010. This data set, developed under the Monitoring Atmospheric Compo

Stratified structural and epistemic aspects of the care manager's discretion : A theoretical approach to social work related to older people's potential relocation to a residential home

Det övergripande syftet med artikeln är att med hjälp av en teoretisk utgångspunkt beskriva, analysera och försöka förstå varför biståndshandläggarna i sin dagliga yrkesutövning normaliserar en restriktiv hållning när äldre personer överväger en flytt till ett särskilt boende. Medan tidigare forskning i stor utsträckning har uppmärksammat på vilket sätt biståndshandläggarna tillämpar en restriktivBy applying a theoretical point of departure, the overarching aim of this article is to describe, analyze, and try to understand why care managers in their everyday occupational practice normalize the restrictive approach when older people consider relocation to a residential home. While earlier research to a large extent has drawn attention to how the care managers carry out the restrictive appro

Models of Workplace Incivility: The Relationships to Instigated Incivility and Negative Outcomes

The aim of the study was to investigate workplace incivility as a social process, examining its components and relationships to both instigated incivility and negative outcomes in the form of well-being, job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and sleeping problems. The different components of incivility that were examined were experienced and witnessed incivility from coworkers as well as supervis

The Satisfaction with Daily Occupations (SDO-13) Scale: Psychometric Properties among Clients in Primary Care in Sweden.

This article describes the results to expand and develop the use of the Satisfaction with Daily Occupations (SDO-13) Scale. Data were collected in primary care before (I) and after intervention (II) among clients with stress-related disorders and musculoskeletal pain. The Cronbach's alpha values of the SDO-13 Scale were 0.80 and 0.88. Convergent validity was assessed against global occupational sa

In-Plane Magnetic Anisotropy and Temperature Dependence of Switching Field in (Ga, Mn)As Ferromagnetic Semiconductors

We explore the magnetic anisotropy of GaMnAs ferromagnetic semiconductor by Planar Hall Effect (PHE) measurements. Using low magnitude of applied magnetic field (i.e., when the magnitude H is smaller than both cubic Hc and uniaxial Hu anisotropy field), we have observed various shapes of applied magnetic field direction dependence of Planar Hall Resistance (PHR). In particular, in two regions of t

Modeling Charge Preparation And Combustion In Diesel Fuel, Ethanol, And Dual-Fuel PCCI Engines

In this work, multi-dimensional computational fluid dynamics modeling predictions are compared for three different methods of achieving high-efficiency, low NOT, and soot premixed charge compression ignition (PCCI) combustion. The first method is early injection, highly dilute (i.e., low oxygen concentration), diesel fuel PCCI operation. In this method, the oxygen concentration is reduced to exten

B cell lymphoma and myeloma in murine Gaucher's disease

Multiple myeloma and B cell lymphoma are leading causes of death in Gaucher's disease but the nature of the stimulus driving the often noted clonal expansion of immunoglobulin-secreting B cells and cognate lymphoid malignancy is unknown. We investigated the long-term development of B cell malignancies in an authentic model of non-neuronopathic Gaucher's disease in mice: selective deficiency of -gl

Nanosecond Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging for Single-Shot Imaging of Dense Sprays

Recently, a novel laser imaging technique, structured laser illumination planar imaging (SLIPI), has demonstrated great potential for suppressing multiply scattered light in spray imaging. SLIP! uses a laser sheet whose intensity is modulated in the spatial domain. Directly scattered photons keep this structural information; whereas, photons that experienced several scattering events lose this inf

The differentiated effect of NO and NO2 in promoting methane oxidation

It has long been recognised that nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) can promote the oxidation of methane and other hydrocarbons under various fuel-lean and fuel-rich conditions and a range of temperatures and pressures conditions. However, despite the ease with which NO and NO2 interconvert under the oxidation conditions, the reactions responsible for initiating the oxidation process for

A PTIP-PA1 subcomplex promotes transcription for IgH class switching independently from the associated MLL3/MLL4 methyltransferase complex.

Class switch recombination (CSR) diversifies antibodies for productive immune responses while maintaining stability of the B-cell genome. Transcription at the immunoglobulin heavy chain (Igh) locus targets CSR-associated DNA damage and is promoted by the BRCT domain-containing PTIP (Pax transactivation domain-interacting protein). Although PTIP is a unique component of the mixed-lineage leukemia 3

Varisnp, A Benchmark Database For Variations from dbSNP.

For development and evaluation of methods for predicting the effects of variations, benchmark datasets are needed. Some previously developed datasets are available for this purpose, but newer and larger benchmark sets for benign variants have largely been missing. VariSNP datasets are selected from dbSNP. These subsets were filtered against disease-related variants in the ClinVar, UniProtKB/Swiss-

Recovering from a Decade: A Systematic Mapping of Information Retrieval Approaches to Software Traceability

Engineers in large-scale software development have to manage large amounts of information, spread across many artifacts. Several researchers have proposed expressing retrieval of trace links among artifacts, i.e. trace recovery, as an Information Retrieval (IR) problem. The objective of this study is to produce a map of work on IR-based trace recovery, with a particular focus on previous evaluatio

Organizational discourse analysis - well done or too rare? A reply to our critics

In this article we respond to Bargiela-Chiappini, Iedema and Mumby.We notice that there is considerable agreement concerning the state of the art of organizational discourse analysis, while also discussing the disagreements. We expand on some of the ontological issues inherent in our argument, further discuss the character of reductionism in organizational discourse analysis, the trappings of a pr