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Your search for "*" yielded 533122 hits

Designen hjälper dialogen: En kvalitativ studie om vikten av att bygga en robust AI i stället för att utbilda användare av chatbotar

Teknologins framgång och utvecklingen av AI har lett till ett större intresse av enklare implementationer av AI, så som textbaserade konversationella agenter eller chatbotar. Trots den lovande tekniska grunden och det växande intresset verkar det finnas en negativ inställning till chatbotar, vilket är utgången för detta arbete. Genom att intervjua personer som arbetar med utvecklingen av chatbotar

Establishing and exploring a dual-layered proteome and phosphoproteome atlas for preclinical models of ovarian cancer cell lines

Utforskning av äggstockscancers proteiner med ett nytt proteinbibliotek Just nu finns det ingen forskning som kartlagt vilka fosforylerade proteiner som finns hos äggstockscancer-celler. Dessa proteiner är intressanta eftersom de kan berätta för oss vilka signaleringar som går fel i cellerna. Detta kan användas för att hitta nya proteiner som antingen kan attackeras för att bekämpa cancern, ellerOvarian cancer is one of the deadliest cancer forms in women and is a disease in need of improved biomarkers for detection and drug targets alike. Such molecules can be discovered by studying the proteome of the cells. Phosphoproteomic studies have become increasingly more popular as it has a high potential for mapping cell signaling and to find new signaling molecules for drug targeting. Currentl

Falafel på favaböna : En studie på olika ingrediensers effekt på volym och textur

Köttkonsumtionen ökar hela tiden och bidrar till en negativ klimatpåverkan. Detta på grund av de växthusgaser som köttindustrin medför. Att äta en mer växtbaserad kost kan ha en effektfull inverkan på minskandet av dessa växthusgaser. Sverige är ett av de länder som är sämst på att äta baljväxter, då vi mer eller mindre enbart äter ärtsoppa och bruna bönor med fläsk, när det kommer till baljväxterMeat consumption keeps increasing, which in time, contributes to a negative climate impact due to the greenhouse gases that the meat industry causes. Eating a more plant-based diet can have a direct impact on the reduction of these greenhouse gases. Sweden is one of the countries were its people stick to a minimum number of legumes in their diet, as they only eat it in everyday meals like pea so

Navigating Neurodiversity

In the last few decades, the neurodiversity movement has fought for the wider acceptance and destigmatization of previously pathologized neurological conditions, such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyspraxia, dyslexia, dyscalculia, and Tourette syndrome. Increased recognition of the unique skills possessed by neurodivergent individuals, combined with the pressure to take on s

Challenges in Sustainability Vision Communication: Towards a framework for challenges in internal sustainability vision communication

Sustainability is increasingly a matter of key strategic importance for organisations across all sectors as stakeholders from all directions are demanding it as the "new normal". Consequently, organisations worldwide are incorporating sustainability into their business operations. A shared sustainability vision among internal stakeholders can provide the necessary guidance to develop via

Kontrastmedels och förebyggande hydrerings påverkan på njurfunktionen

Inledning: Inom röntgenverksamheten utförs undersökningar med kontrastmedel för klinisk diagnostik. Kontrastmedelinducerad njurskada förekommer vid administrering av kontrastmedel. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva kontrastmedels påverkan på njurfunktionen och om hydrering kan minska eventuell negativ påverkan. Metod: Denna studies design är en icke-systematisk litteraturstudie. Artiklar

FinTechs – A Way to Renovate the Financial Service Industry? A Study of Strategic Cooperation Methods and Motives between Traditional Banks and FinTechs

FinTechs - new technological developments devised to ameliorate the delivery and usage of financial services - are disrupting the financial services industry. The business model of traditional banks thus confronts the challenge of adapting to the dynamic circumstances and digital transformation shaped by new market entrants and higher customer expectations. However, the persistence of traditional


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze how corporate culture affects budgeting at the public sector company Norrvatten and the private sector company Länsförsäkringar Methodology: A qualitative method of strategy including interviews. Theoretical Perspectives: Relationship of Environment and Strategy to Corporate Culture, Conclusions: In the case of Länsförsäkringar, the function of

Kostnadsjämförelse mellan betong och korslimmat träsystem

Syftet med studien är att identifiera kostnader, tidsaspekter och skillnader mellan byggnadsmetoderna för flerbostadshus i betong- eller KL-trästomme. Studien syftar även till att utveckla kunskaperna kring flerbostadshus i KL-träs kostnader och att utreda ifall KL-trä kan bli en kostnadseffektiv byggmetod. Examensarbetet utgör en kvalitativ studie. De tre metoderna som används i examensarbetet The purpose of this master´s thesis is to identify costs, time perspective and other differences between the building methods for apartment building made of CLT and concrete frameworks. This master´s thesis also aims to increase the general knowledge of apartment buildings made of CLT-frameworks costs and to investigate if CLT-frameworks can be a cost-efficient building method. This master´s thes

Philippine strategic behavior from 2011 to 2021 in light of developments in the South China Sea

In the past decades, China's rise has set off a shift from the unipolar era, rendering the South China Sea (SCS) a theatre for revived great power rivalry. In this environment, the behavior of secondary states navigating the heavy seas of the SCS dispute has drawn significant academic attention to the study of small and middle-power strategy. This thesis focused on the strategic response emplo

Arctic amplification and their relation to regional warming

Arctic amplification (AA) is defined as the enhanced warming of the surface temperatures in the Arctic region relative to the globe or Northern Hemisphere (NH) in response to external forcings. It is a prominent feature of the climate system. Various metrics have been used in studies to quantify AA, and this introduces a challenge when comparing studies due the differences in AA magnitudes. This s

Framtidens hållbara kontor

Syftet med denna rapport är att ta reda på vad kontorets framtida roll kommer att innebära för individen och organisationen. Nya behov växer däremot fram i takt med att omvärlden förändras, därför kommer även rapporten att syfta till hur dagens kontor kan anpassas genom ett cirkulärt perspektiv, i takt med att behoven förändras. Genom en identifiering av framtidens behov och en kartläggning över hThe purpose of this report is to find out what the future role of the office will mean for the individual and the organization. New needs, on the contrary, emerge as the world around us changes, therefore the report will also focus on how today's offices can be adapted through a circular perspective, as needs changes. By identifying the needs of the future and assess how adaptable today's

Joining Forces with a Digital Twin: A study exploring the potential of a Digital Twin of an Organization in mitigating the impact of cognitive biases in strategic decision-making

Title: Joining Forces with a Digital Twin: A study exploring the potential of a Digital Twin of an Organization in mitigating the impact of cognitive biases in strategic decision-making Seminar Date: June 3rd, 2022 Authors: Qendresa Balaj and Dennis Weber Supervisor: Pauline Mattsson Course: BUSN09, Degree Project in Strategic Management Keywords: Strategic Decision-making, Innovation Managem

Study of The Relationship Between El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) And Extreme Heat in Taiwan

El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) drives global weather and can be forecasted with a 6-12 months lead time. It’s also widely believed that there’s a relationship between phases of ENSO and extreme weather events such as extreme heat or precipitation. This thesis focuses on the relationship between Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) in Nino region 3.4 and monthly temperature data in Taiwan, from 1980 to

The Popeye Paradox: Understanding Barriers to Plant-Based Consumption Maintained by Masculine Identities A Phenomenological Study on Dutch Vegan Bodybuilders

Purpose: A Contribution to the understanding of plant-based consumption by researching how bodybuilders navigate identity issues associated with a plant-based diet. Theoretical Perspective: We take on a consumer culture theory perspective by researching identity theory, stigma, lifestyle transitioning, and legitimization strategies of the subculture. Methodology/Empirical Data Collection: Induc

Just Sustainability Transitions in the Blue Economy: Towards Blue Justice in Small-Scale Artisanal Fisheries in the Pacific of Costa Rica

The blue economy emerged as sustainable, inclusive and equitable alternative to traditional oceans economy. However, the current paradigm of oceans as development spaces has led to an acceleration of competing uses of marine resources causing ecosystem deterioration and human rights abuses that disproportionately affect vulnerable small-scale fisheries. Blue justice movements seek to reconcile env

Optimization of a one-part geopolymerization method for lab-scale, using waste glass wool as a precursor

Tänk om vi kunde minska utsläppen av koldioxid och samtidigt hitta en återvinningsprocess för ett material som vanligtvis anses oåtervinningsbart. Detta examensarbete gör just detta. Hittar den bästa processen för att producera ett cementlikt material från kasserad glasull Materialitet kallas geopolymerer. Geopolymerer ar vanligtvis en blandning av lera med ett högt kisel innehåll och en basisk vGeopolymers are amorphous inorganic polymeric structures. They are used as binding agents and can be compared to cementitious materials such as ordinary Portland cement. This thesis aims to produce geopolymers from waste glass wool. Today glass wool is found in isolation, both thermal and sound insulation, and it is not being recycled. Most of the glass wool waste ends in landfills. Studies have b

Digitalisering i fastighetsföretag - En kvalitativ fallstudie på fastighetsdigitalisering ur ett ägarperspektiv

Följande studie är en fallstudie på fastighetsdigitalisering ur ett ägarperspektiv. Studien är genomförd för att uppfylla två områden. Del ett är att klargöra den klimatkris som vi står inför och fastighetsbranschens andel i den krisen. Del två är att redovisa hur fastighetsdigitalisering utvecklas, används och hur den kan hjälpa till att optimera fastigheter och fastighetsföretag. Studiens syfteThe following study is a case study on real estate digitization from a real estate owners’ perspective. The motivation for the study is two-fold: first the ongoing climate crisis, and second, the ongoing digitalization development in real estate and real estate business. The purpose of the study is to explore the digitalization of Swedish real estate companies with a focus on the ownership persp

Describing Finite Codimensional Polynomial Subalgebras Using Partial Derivatives

In this text we continue the work of describing subalgebras of K[x] of finite codimension that was started in Describing subalgebras of K[x] using derivatives. In the referenced paper, the authors present how univariate subalgebras can be described by conditions based on evaluations in certain scalars, and proceed to develop a large theoretical framework to understand the nature of such conditions.

"We have so much power and still, we feel completely powerless almost all the time:"

The aim of this thesis is to study how social workers experience and understand the laws they are regulated by, and if they perceive that the laws give them the right conditions to fulfil their purpose(s). Social Services have the important task of protecting society’s vulnerable groups, one of them being children, which entails huge power over other people’s lives, which is why social workers are