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Asymptotically Regular LDPC Codes with Linear Distance Growth and Thresholds Close to Capacity
Families of asymptotically regular LDPC block code ensembles can be formed by terminating (J, K)-regular protograph-based LDPC convolutional codes. By varying the termination length, we obtain a large selection of LDPC block code ensembles with varying code rates and substantially better iterative decoding thresholds than those of (J, K)-regular LDPC block code ensembles, despite the fact that the
Chemical abundances for 11 bulge stars from high-resolution, near-IR spectra
Demokrati och utrikespolitik
Abstract is not available
Att tolka bilder. Bildtolkningens teori och praktik med exempel på tolkningar av bilder från 1850 till i dag
Den underförstådda etniciteten. Om trygghetsarbete i Landskrona centrum.
A Multiple-View Batch Plant Information Model
This paper presents a combined control and information model. Existing concepts from the information system area are modified to suit batch applications. The model has been applied to a simulated scenario consisting of a multi-purpose multi-path batch cell. The goal of the information model is to establish a framework for information systems that supports integrated batch plant operation.
Täcknamn: Coq Rouge (1989)
Applicability of a cognitive model and treatment to worry in children and adolescents
Studies have found that the cognitive model of worry developed by Dugas, Gagnon, Ladouceur and Freeston (1998) involving Intolerance of Uncertainly (IU), Cognitive Avoidance (CA), Positive Beliefs about Worry (PB), and Negative Problem Orientation (NPO) accounts for approximately 40-50% of the variance in worry frequency in adults. A recent trial of the treatment based on this model (Dugas, Brillo
Katastrofens ögonvittnen. Om samtidigheter i Fredmans epistel N:o 34, "Ach, hvad för en usel koja!"
Kommentar till Rådets förordning (EEG) nr 2658/87 av den 23 juli 1987 om tulltaxe- och statistiknomenklaturen och om Gemensamma tulltaxan
Condition based maintenance of gas turbines using simulation data and artificial neural network: A demonstration of feasibility
Gas turbine maintenance is crucial due to high cost for the replacement of its components and associated loss of power during shutdown period. Conventional scheduled maintenance, based on equivalent operating hours, is not the best alternative as it can require unnecessary shut downs. Condition based maintenance is an attractive alternative as it decreases unnecessary shut downs and has other adva
Livets erövring
Den nordiska lagstiftningen på välfärdsområdet
Routes of HRT administration. When to use oral or transdermal administration
Kvaliteter och särdrag i nordvästskånsk bebyggelse
Organizational Change in the Swedish Health Care Sector
Ungdomars engagemang i kulturföreningar och socialt kapital
Ungdomars engagemang i föreningsverksamhet och organisering förutsägs ofta á priori vara något bra. Mer sällan problematiseras frågan, t.ex. genom att ställa frågan vem som organiserar sig. Denna artikel utgår från litteraturen om socialt kapital och har bl.a. tagit intryck av Bourdieus modell för socialt kapital. I en ekonomisk modell med inspiration från Bourdieu kommer värdet av en individs so
Multispectral and lifetime imaging for the detection of skin tumors
On the Thresholds of Generalized LDPC Convolutional Codes Based on Protographs
A threshold analysis of terminated generalized LDPC convolutional codes (GLDPC CCs) is presented for the binary erasure channel. Different ensembles of protograph-based GLDPC CCs are considered, including braided block codes (BBCs). It is shown that the terminated PG-GLDPC CCs have better thresholds than their block code counterparts. Surprisingly, our numerical analysis suggests that for large te