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Rapid filamentary accretion as the origin of extended thin discs

Galactic outflows driven by stellar feedback are crucial for explaining the inefficiency of star formation in galaxies. Although strong feedback can promote the formation of galactic discs by limiting star formation at early times and removing low angular momentum (AM) gas, it is not understood how the same feedback can result in diverse objects such as elliptical galaxies or razor thin spiral gal

Spectroscopic characterization of electronic structures of ultra-thin single crystal La0.7Sr0.3MnO3

We have successfully fabricated high quality single crystalline La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) film in the freestanding form that can be transferred onto silicon wafer and copper mesh support. Using soft x-ray absorption (XAS) and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) spectroscopy in transmission and reflection geometries, we demonstrate that the x-ray emission from Mn 3s-2p core-to-core transition (3

Capital Freedom, Financial Development and Provincial Economic Growth in China

For more than three decades, China has managed to combine rapid economic growth with a strictly regulated financial sector. The discrepancy between economic and financial development has raised the question of whether China might be an exception to the so‐called finance–growth nexus. This study examines the relationship between finance and growth at the provincial level in China using a new set of

Experiences of Supplemental Instruction at Two Scandinavian Universities

The topic of this article is experiences regarding Supplemental Instruction (SI) at two Scandinavian Universities. The purpose is to describe the basis for and implementation of SI programmes at the two universities, and to compare their similarities and differences. Our research questions were as follow: What were the reasons and background for implementing SI? How was the SI programme founded, p

Decreased Risk of Parkinson's Disease After Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis : A Nested Case-Control Study with Matched Cases and Controls

BACKGROUND: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and the genetic risk landscape of autoimmune disorders and Parkinson's disease overlap. Additionally, anti-inflammatory medications used to treat RA might influence PD risk.OBJECTIVE: To use a population-based approach to determine if there is an association between pre-occurring rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and later-life risk of Parkinson's disease (PD).METHODS

The micrometeorite flux to Earth during the earliest Paleogene reconstructed in the Bottaccione section (Umbrian Apennines), Italy

Based on sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial spinel grains in the Bottaccione limestone section in Italy, we reconstructed the micrometeorite flux to Earth during the early Paleocene. From a total of 843 kg of limestone, 86 extraterrestrial spinel grains (12 grains > 63 μm, and 74 in the 32–63 μm fraction) have been recovered. Our results indicate that the micrometeorite flux was not elevated duri