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Infant and Child Mortality in Ethiopia

This paper examined and identifies the important determinants of infant and child mortality in Ethiopia. The 2000 and 2005 Demographic and Health Surveys (EDHS) data were used. Logistic regression method were used to determine the impact of bio-demographic (proximate) and socioeconomic determinants on infant and child mortality. The infant and child mortality reduced during the period 2000 and 200

The Relationship between Domestic Investment and Outward Foreign Direct Investment: Evidences from China

Since the strategy of “Going Global” to be implemented, the Chinese OFDI has been increased rapidly. For a long time, governments in developed countries as well as some scholars hold the different attitudes that OFDI will crowd out Chinese domestic 5 investment. In this study, we empirically analyze this relationship between OFDI and domestic investment in China based on the data from 1986 to 2010

Charitable foundations and Corporate Communication: A study of how and why charitable foundations communicate and what challenges they face

Our purpose is to increase the understanding of how and why charitable foundations communicate and what challenges they face in their communication efforts. We aim to develop two communication models that takes into account the special circumstances that surrounds communication of charitable foundations. Our ambition is that the models will contribute to both the managerial and the academic unders

Svinnet som försvann - en fallstudie av CSR på ICA Malmborgs Tuna

Syftet med examensarbetet är att beskriva och analysera hur ICA Tuna i Lund aktivt arbetar med att reducera matsvinn genom projektet Resurskocken. Genom en fallstudie av Resurskocken vill vi visa hur denna livsmedelsbutik på ett konkret sätt realiserar företagsansvar, CSR, och förenar det med lönsamhet. Ytterligare syftar detta examensarbete till att inspirera och stimulera branschens ansvarstagan

Necessity to License Copyrighted Works: Perspective of Different Creative Economies

Under the current international framework of copyright, rights are automatically granted to all creators of eligible works regardless of their will. Elimination of formalities, formerly a necessary condition for grant of copyright, deprived creators of choice as to whether obtain rights with accompanying obligation for others or not. Copyright legislation has primarily been established for satisfa

The European Energy Policy

At the turn of the century a new situation on the international energy market emerged and the European Union is now facing a growing number of energy challenges. Climate change, import dependency, growing global competition for energy supplies and increasing risks of energy supply disruptions has made energy security the dominant element of European energy policy. The demand for a common European

Misstag som inte är fel. En studie av icke överensstämmande språkversioner inom EU-rätten

Denna uppsats handlar om felaktigheter i översättningarna av olika texter i EU-rätten. I uppsatsen beskrivs EU:s interna system för översättning, bakgrunden till att EU har så många officiella språk och vilka riktlinjer och regler som finns för översättning. Efter detta beskrivs fyra olika felkategorier för översättningsmissar. Exempel från varje kategori presenteras och diskuteras utifrån ett ekvThis essay concerns errors in translation of legal texts within the European Union and how these errors affect community law and in turn the different Member States within the Union. The essay describes translation within the Union and continues on to specify four different categories of errors which occur in union translation. Examples from each category are presented and discussed from an equiva

Contrasting perspectives in a hospital merger: The case of the SUS eye clinic

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for if, and how, different views on efficiency and effectiveness characterized the organisation of the eye clinic in the SUS hospital merger. What presumptions operative efficiencies affected hospital management’s merger decision? What were the expected benefits and what kind of organisational structure would help to achieve these

Mot en dialog i kompetensförsörjningen – en kvalitativ studie av Malmö Stads projekt "Kompetensförsörjning förskola"

Mot bakgrund av barnomsorgens förändrliga förutsättningar med grund i bland annat ändrad lagstiftning och en markant ökning av barn i åldrarna 1-5, utarbetade Malmö Stad projektet ”Kompetensförsörjning Förskola” i syfte att motarbeta aktuella och framtida personal- och kompetensbehov. Utifrån detta framkom intresset att berika Malmö Stads projekt med såväl teori som empiri för att bland annat avgö

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Jakobsbergs centrum

This report is a fire evaluation of Jakobsbergs Shopping Center. The aim is to analyze and evaluate person safety and evacuation in regard of fire in the stores mainly at ground level of the building. Jakobsbergs Centrum consists mainly of a shopping center and apartments. However this report is limited to the area with the shopping center that consists of about fifty stores. During a visit, likel

Democratic legitimacy beyond the nation state

In this thesis the democratic legitimacy of transnational governance arrangements is examined normatively. The ambition is to take on a pragmatic viewpoint and the democracy perspective outlined with this in mind provides us with three aspects that should be considered in order to obtain democratic legitimacy. On the normative side of democratic legitimacy we have the principle of self-determinati

Kan militär och biståndsorganisationer samarbeta? - En studie av svensk policyimplementering i Afghanistan

This paper deals with the existing Swedish Civil-Military Co-Operation capacity (CIMIC) in the Swedish Armed Forces in Afghanistan. We intend to clarify how advanced this capacity is, and try to highlight any changes that may lead to increased interoperability and effectiveness of the capacity in the future. The analysis is based on three different organizational theories, which together create an

Brandtknisk riskvärdering av Varuhuset Femman

This report has been developed as a part of the course Fire Safety Evaluation given at the Department of Fire Safety Engineering and Systems Safety at LTH. The primary purpose of the report is to evaluate human safety and evacuation regarding the shopping centre Femman in Gothenburg, Sweden. Two main fire scenarios have been studied, and through computer simulations and hand calculations it has be

The Role of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court-A Case Study of Situation in Darfur

The International Criminal Court has been operating for almost ten years since the Rome Statute enter into force in 2002. As a young international criminal court, the Prosecutor is a crucial figure among international legal professionals in the Court. His selection of situations to investigate and cases to prosecute will have a long-term global impact on international criminal justice. This thesis

Four recent cases on VAT and importation; some reflections on the future

This thesis deals with VAT on importation, how it works, when and where the chargeable event occurs, who pays and what rate. The question of preventing double taxation or non-taxation in light of implementing VAT on import will also be discussed. The problem with VAT on importation in relation to centralized customs clearance and areas which need to be improved as mentioned in the Green Paper

Konkurrera med bröd- Att äta eller ätas?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att fördjupa förståelsen kring hur strategiskt konkurrensarbete påverkar konkurrenssituationen på den svenska brödmarknaden. Vi avser att titta på traditionella konkurrens- och tillväxtstrategier i allmänhet och Blue Ocean-strategin i synnerhet. Vårt syfte är även att klargöra huruvida Blue Ocean-strategin kan fungera som metod på den svenska påsbrödsmarknaden eller ej. Den

Dimensionering av bärverk i stål enligt Eurokod - En jämförelse med BKR på grundnivå

Nya gemensamma EU-normer för byggande, Eurokoder, har utvecklats och skall i praxis börja användas i Sverige senast den 2:e maj 2011 då den nya Plan- och Bygglagen (PBL) träder i kraft. Till Eurokoden hör en nationell bilaga där varje nation tillåts att göra vissa nationella val. Detta arbete redogör för hur allmänna dimensioneringsprinciper och beräkning av laster och dimensionering av enkla stål

Vad är ekonomiskt bistånd? – En teoretisk ingång till praktiken

What is Financial Assistance? Quantitative studies made on Swedish social workers (Stranz 2007 et al) handling means-tested benefits have shown that decisions taken by social workers are often hard to predict. Hence, means-tested benefits seem to be characterised by a lack of consistent application of rules. Contextual factors for the social worker administering the benefits (such as gender, age

Keigo, japanskt artighetsspråk : en språkhistorisk resa mellan Meiji och Heisei

Honorifics or keigo has been a part of the Japanese language for ages. In the past time it was a tool for judging and categorizing citizens after value. The closer you worked for the government the higher position was handed out to you. Today Keigo is about showing respect to one another and to present a humble front. In this essay the functions of Keigo are presented as well as its historical asp

Älskar, älskar inte. En kvalitativ studie om sökandet efter kärlek på nätet

Den här uppsatsen handlar om nätdejting och de sätt på vilka människor framställer sig själva på dejtingsidor. Syftet är att besvara frågor som rör nätdejtingen utifrån ett konsumtionsperspektiv och dess roll för människors identitetsskapande. Vi vill även belysa de sätt som kvinnor och män presenterar sig själva och kommunicerar med varandra på dejtingsidor. En dejtingsida kan ses som ett ekonomi