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Att förena juridik, politik och social kunskap
Rye starch
Managing African Migrant Workers : A Comparative and Critical Analysis of State Management of Migrant Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Case of Nigeria and South Africa
The question that links all aspects of this thesis is how democratic nations implement international human rights law to protect their foreign migrant workers from unequal treatment. First, I examine international legal principles that are primarily focused on the principle of non-discrimination in international law. I describe and critically analyse previous publications, postulations, universal
DIY-Pedagogik: Subkulturella handlingsramar som verktyg i arbetet med unga.
Test Infrastructure Design and Test Scheduling Optimization
An archaeological fashion show: how archaeologists dress and how they are portrayed in the media
The Swahili City State Culture
Differing demands on interior space in naval environments
Exploding in the Air: Beyond the Carbon Trail of Neoliberal Globalisation
Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea - aspects of hospital epidemiology and treatment
Popular Abstract in Swedish Clostridium difficile-associerad diarré - aspekter på sjukhusepidemiologi och behandling Sjukhusutbrott av diarré med Clostridium difficile upplev's i Sverige och internationellt som ett betydande problem. C. difficile är en bakterie som normalt kan förekomma i tarmen. Under antibiotikabehandling förstör's den mikrobiologiska balansen i tarmen och C. difficile bakterieClostridium difficile is a spore-forming bacterium that causes antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and is responsible for hospital outbreaks of diarrhoea. In the first study, 173 consecutive isolates of C. difficile collected from 147 patients at Malmö University Hospital during 1995 were typed by AP-PCR to determine whether cross-transmission could explain the increased incidence of Clostridium diffi
CFD in design and development of heat exchangers
This paper gives a brief summary of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) methods and turbulence modeling for applications in the design, research and development of heat exchangers. Some examples are shown to demonstrate how CFD methods can be used as engineering tools. Nevertheless, limitations and shortcomings as well as need for further research are highlighted. Copyright
Patriot i gränsland: Einar Hansen - entreprenör och mecenat
A conjugate heat transfer model for heat load prediction in combustion devices
Different phenomena such as complex flow field and heat release by combustion are involved in the heat transfer process in combustion chambers. This paper concerns prediction of heat load and wail temperature in a gas turbine combustor by taking different phenomena into account. Two dimensional axi-symmetric models were used to model the flow field and combustion in a premised combustor with two d
X-Ray Analysis: Elemental Trace Analysis at the 10-12 g Level
Using protons in the MeV region as excitation source and a high resolution Si(Li)-detector, X-ray analysis is capable of detecting many elements at the 10−12 g level simultaneously.
Vitreoscilla Haemoglobin - Peroxidase Activity and Metabolic Aspects
Popular Abstract in Swedish Funktionen hos hemoglobin från ryggradslösa organismer är mer varierande än motsvarande för ryggradsdjur, vilket möjligen speglar de mer mångfasetterade behoven inom den förra gruppen. Hemoglobin har strukturella likheter med andra hemproteiner/enzymer och uppvisar även överlappande enzymaktiviteter, med funktioner utöver transport och lagring av syre. Under syrefattigThe function of non-vertebrate haemoglobins (Hbs) appears more diverse than that of vertebrate Hbs, possibly reflecting the various demands to be met among their hosts. Sharing structural features with other haem proteins/enzymes, Hbs display a qualitative overlap in activities with functions extending beyond oxygen transport/storage. When subjected to oxygen deficient conditions, the obligate ae
Anomalous experiences in perspective.
The grass is greener in the Sahel : the view from Lund
Surface Studies of Model Systems relevant for Pd and Ag Catalysts
Popular Abstract in Swedish Katalys är en nyckelteknik inom kemisk industri och spelar en förvånansvärt viktig roll i vårt moderna samhälle. Många av de produkter och kemikalier som används i vårt dagliga liv produceras faktiskt med hjälp av katalysatorer. En annan mycket viktig tillämpning är att avlägsna giftiga ämnen från fordonsavgaser. Det mest fantastiska är att en katalysator snabbar på ochThis PhD thesis reports on investigations of the atomic scale structure of model catalysts relevant for the catalytic oxidation of CO and methane over Pd, and NOx reduction over silver-alumina, important reactions in automotive catalysts. By using complementary experimental techniques such as X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, High Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Surface X-ray Diffractio