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P1PK: the blood group system that changed its name and expanded.

The antigens in the P1PK blood group system are carried on glycosphingolipids. The system currently includes three different antigens, P1, Pk, and NOR. The P1 antigen was disovered in 1927 by Landsteiner and Levine, and Pk and NOR were described in 1951 and 1982, respectively. As in the ABO system, naturally occurring antibodies of the immunoglobulin (Ig) M or IgG class, against the missing carboh

Optimal control of peridinin excited-state dynamics

Optimal control is applied to study the excited-state relaxation of the carbonyl-carotenoid peridinin in solution. Phase-shaping of the excitation pulses is employed to influence the photoinduced reaction dynamics of peridinin. The outcome of various control experiments using different experimentally imposed fitness parameters is discussed. Furthermore, the effects of pump-wavelength and different

The role of academic developers in transforming Bologna regulations to a national and institutional context

Academic developers (ADs) often participate in the implementation of programs or reforms within higher education. Sometimes they agree with these and sometimes they disagree. This paper discusses possible agentic positions during an authentic policy implementation, i.e. the National Qualification Framework within a Norwegian university. Through reflexive interpretation, and by applying concepts f

Study of the Average Charge States of 188Pb and 252,254No Ions at the Gas-filled Separator TASCA

The average charge states of Pb-188 and No-252,No-254 ions in dilute helium gas were measured at the gas-filled recoil separator TASCA. Hydrogen gas was also used as a filling gas for measurements of the average charge state of No-254. Helium and hydrogen gases at pressures from 0.2 mbar to 2.0 mbar were used. A strong dependence of the average charge state on the pressure of the filling gases was

Industrins utveckling mot netto-nollutsläpp 2050

Sverige har en vision om ”netto-noll” utsläpp av växthusgaser till 2050 och är på god väg att nå utsatta delmål för utsläppsreduktioner till 2020. Klimatfrågan är dock långsiktig och det under klimatkonventionen antagna 2-gradersmålet innebär utsläppsåtaganden som sträcker sig till år 2050 och bortom. En långsiktigt effektiv klimatpolitik ska därför utvärderas både efter vilka långsiktiga utveck

Finding Risk Groups by Optimizing Artificial Neural Networks on the Area under the Survival Curve Using Genetic Algorithms

We investigate a new method to place patients into risk groups in censored survival data. Properties such as median survival time, and end survival rate, are implicitly improved by optimizing the area under the survival curve. Artificial neural networks (ANN) are trained to either maximize or minimize this area using a genetic algorithm, and combined into an ensemble to predict one of low, interme

Behavior of Extreme Dependence between Stock Markets when the Regime Shifts

We propose a methodology based on multivariate extreme value theory, to analyze the dependence between markets during the financial crisis. We argue that extreme dependence based on block maximum is a more appropriate measure to study dependence between stock markets, when a regime shifts, than other alternatives. With this methodology, we are able to detect the increase in the extreme dependences

Strömgren Survey for Asteroseismology and Galactic Archaeology: Let the SAGA Begin.

Asteroseismology has the capability of precisely determining stellar properties that would otherwise be inaccessible, such as radii, masses, and thus ages of stars. When coupling this information with classical determinations of stellar parameters, such as metallicities, effective temperatures, and angular diameters, powerful new diagnostics for Galactic studies can be obtained. The ongoing Stromg

Värdskapets betydelse i upplevelsebaserade butiker

This article is a way to try to concretize the so-called new economy based on a couple of concrete expressions. The concepts of cultural heritage and consumption are used to describe and analyse some specific service operations in a couple of Swedish retailers. In both are the products manufactured, in one case, stone-baked sourdough bread and in the other handmade chocolates with reference to tra

Pathophysiological Mechanisms and Diagnostic Markers in Alzheimer’s Disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alzheimers sjukdom är den vanligaste orsaken till uppkomsten av demens. Detta tillstånd innebär att delar av hjärnan skrumpnar på ett karakteristiskt vis, när nervceller går under. Den drabbade brukar först märka svårigheter med korttidsminnet, för att senare drabbas av språksvårigheter, räknesvårigheter, svårigheter med rumslig uppfattning och svårigheter att veta hur Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common cause of dementia, is a growing concern. As the life expectancy increases across the globe, the number of affected people is estimated to reach 100 million by 2050. Efforts to develop effective treatments for humans have mostly been based on the assumption that a faulty homeostasis of beta amyloid (Aβ) is the triggering or the driving factor behind this co

Drug Release and Skin Permeation from Lipid Liquid Crystalline Phases

We have studied drug release and skin permeation from several different liquid crystalline lipid formulations that may be used to control the respective release rates. We have studied the release and permeation through human skin of a water-soluble and amphiphilic drug, propranolol hydrochloride, from several formulations prepared with monoolein and phytantriol as permeation enhancers and controll

Managing soil natural capital: An effective strategy for mitigating future agricultural risks?

Uncontrollable events such as adverse weather and volatile prices present considerable risks for arable farmers. Soil natural capital, which views the capacity of soil biodiversity to generate ecosystem services as a component of farm capital, could be important for the stability and resilience of arable production systems. We investigate therefore whether managing soil natural capital could be an

Genetics- and Immune-Related Factors in the Pathogenesis of Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma/Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia

There are emerging data to support a role for genetic and immune-related factors in the pathogenesis of lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. In this article, we review our recently published, large, population-based studies using data from Sweden and from United States veterans and propose mechanisms and pathways underlying our observations. We also discuss future directions

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Purpose – The rate of turnover of hospital managers has been high in Sweden. Hospitals are regarded to be difficult to manage, which is connected with different discourses and action logics such as politics, medicine, care and management creating complex conditions for hospital management. The purpose of this paper is to analyse hospital managers' management conditions in conjunction with hospital

Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors in the Development of Obesity

Lifestyle behaviors and genetic variation have clear and distinguishable effects on obesity risk; however, the pattern of disease occurrence within and between populations that differ in their genetic and environmental underpinnings suggests obesity is caused in part by the interaction between adverse lifestyle behaviors and the genetic risk profile of an individual. This thesis aims to investigat