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Your search for "*" yielded 528271 hits

Recommendations for premature ovarian insufficiency surveillance for female survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer : A report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group in collaboration with the PanCareSurFup consortium

Purpose: Female survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult (CAYA) cancer who were treated with alkylating agents and/or radiation, with potential exposure of the ovaries, have an increased risk of premature ovarian insufficiency (POI). Clinical practice guidelines can facilitate these survivors' access to optimal treatment of late effects that may improve health and quality of survival; h

Mapping critical loads for nitrogen based on biodiversity using ForSAFE-VEG: introducing the basic principles

This chapter describes the basic principles inside the VEG extension to the ForSAFE model system. It allows changes in ground vegetation to be calculated, an important part of biodiversity. In the VEG model, the basis for modelling ground vegetation dynamics is a competition strength model based on soil chemistry promoting and retarding factors, nutrients, water and light. The strength is used in

Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 315 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE), 1990-2015 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015

BACKGROUND: Healthy life expectancy (HALE) and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) provide summary measures of health across geographies and time that can inform assessments of epidemiological patterns and health system performance, help to prioritise investments in research and development, and monitor progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We aimed to provide updated HALE a

Microproteinuria Predicts Organ Failure in Patients Presenting with Acute Pancreatitis

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The disease course of acute pancreatitis (AP) ranges from mild and self-limiting to severe inflammation, associated with significant morbidity and mortality. At present, there are no universally accepted and reliable predictors for severity. Microproteinuria has been associated with the presence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome as well as trauma, although its associa

Gammalt folk, hederligt folk eller bara folk – blir ordet folk ett pronomen?

The Swedish word folk (‘people’) is normally considered an ordinary noun. Some sources, however, state that folk is turning into a generic pronoun. This article investigates this assumption. Occurrences of folk in a corpus made up of 45 plays from the period 1730–1997 are analyzed with respect to both syntactic and semantic characteristics, and it is shown that folk is indeed more and more often u

Factor Structure and Construct Validity of the Worker Role Self-Assessment (WRS) When Used for People With Psychiatric Disabilities in Sweden

A self-report instrument assessing work-related factors among people with psychiatric disabilities would be useful when trying to match possible employment or prevocational opportunities with people’s desires and capacities. The aim of this study was to explore the factor structure, internal consistency, and construct and criterion validity of the Worker Role Self-Assessment (WRS) in this group as

The influence of lifestyle habits on quality of life in patients with established rheumatoid arthritis - A constant balancing between ideality and reality

Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory, and systemic disease with symptoms that limit activities and affect quality of life. RA is associated with an increased risk of developing comorbidities, some of which are also known to be associated with lifestyle habits such as physical activity, diet, smoking, and alcohol. There has been an augmented focus on the implementation

Versform & ikonicitet : Med exempel från svensk modernistisk lyrik

Thisthesis revisits and explores the relationship between verse and meaning bymeans of the notion of iconicity, i.e.,as signs primarily based on similarity. The aim of the thesis is to show howverse and its interaction with words and sentences create meaning and can be anintegrated part in the interpretation or understanding of the poem as a whole.Verse is discussed in relation to four other liter

The magic of money and the illusion of biofuels : Toward an interdisciplinary understanding of technology

For several centuries, the dominant worldview in industrial societies has held that various problems --such as those recently identified as relating to sustainability-- can be solved through technological progress. Technological progress has been conceived as the fruits of engineering science, new knowledge, and innovation. While knowledge of the principles of physics is certainly a necessary cond

Nuances and Uncertainties Regarding Hypnotic Inductions: : Toward a Theoretically Informed Praxis

Although most definitions of hypnosis consider inductions as the initial stage in a hypnosis protocol, knowledge of inductions remains poor and uninformed by recent developments in theory and research. It is frequently argued that inductions play a critical role in hypnotic responding or, by contrast, are largely interchangeable and unimportant. Drawing on the literature on suggestibility, spontan

Parental feeding rate in relation to begging behavior in asynchronously hatched broods of the great tit Parus major: An experimental study.

Four experiments manipulated the stimulus situation encountered by great tits on their feeding visits to the brood in order to explore its effect on feeding rate. Three broods containing 8, 8, and 10 nestlings were studied. A higher feeding rate was observed under the following conditions: (1) after a period of food deprivation, as compared with normal conditions and satiation through artifical fe

A brain potential signalling linguistic pre-activation? : an analysis of the pre-activation negativity (PrAN)

Introduction: It has previously been found that strongly predicted words can be pre-activated in constraining contexts (e.g. DeLong, Urbach & Kutas, 2005). Furthermore, it has been suggested that an anticipated continuation from one syllable to another can be pre-activated before it is present in the input (Roll, Söderström, Mannfolk, Shtyrov, Johansson, van Westen & Horne, 2015). We descr

Energy/reliability trade-offs in fault-tolerant event-triggered distributed embedded systems

This paper presents an approach to the synthesis of low-power fault-tolerant hard real-time applications mapped on distributed heterogeneous embedded systems. Our synthesis approach decides the mapping of tasks to processing elements, as well as the voltage and frequency levels for executing each task, such that transient faults are tolerated, the timing constraints of the application are satisfie

Human Trafficking and Slavery Reconsidered : Conceptual Limits and States' Positive Obligations in European Law

By reconsidering the international law definitions of human trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced labour, the book demonstrates that in embracing the human trafficking legal framework the international community side-lined the human rights commitments against slavery, servitude and forced labour that in many respects provide better protection for abused migrants. This development urgently req