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Beyond the Usual Suspects: Critically Informed Research.

A number of researchers have attempted to define and encapsulate the essence of ‘critical research’. It has been suggested to encompass interpretation of social phenomena, and seeks for understandings that could support efforts to bring about beneficial change. It has been further suggested that such work is characterised by: concern with substantive social issues (e.g. power, values); foundation

Personlighetspsykologi och religion

Kapitlet introducerar forskningen kring personlighet och religion som den bedrivits från 1950-talet fram till nu. Resultat från studier kring den auktoritära personligheten (Adorno), dogmatism (Rokeach), rigiditet–flexibilitet (Rubenowitz), extrinisikal-intrinsikal religiositet (Allport) och religion som medel, mål och sökande (Batson, Ventis och Schoenrade) presenteras.

Executive summary: End-user survey, autumn 2008

In June 2008, 53 top-tier security directors belonging to a security association responded to an on-line survey. There were several purposes of the survey: first, addressing end-user attitudes towards the digitalisation of security systems; second, understand what behaviour was associated with a role model security capability and, third, to formulate an understanding of the interaction between the

International criminal justice, the Gotovina judgment and the making of refugees

In this contribution, we reflect on the particular function of international criminal law to prevent refugee crises of the type that provided a major trigger for the debate on military and legal interventionism in the 1990s. Based on the dichotomy of formal and substantive justice, we analyze the achievements of International Criminal Tribunals and look into the Gotovina judgment in particular. We

The impact of mass transfer and interfacial expansion rate on droplet size in membrane emulsification processes

In membrane emulsification, especially under conditions where droplets are forming with a narrow droplet size distribution, it is conjectured that the interfacial phenomena are determining the emulsification result. The process parameters of continuous phase flow and dispersed phase flux were analysed from the perspective of how they could be affecting the interfacial tension of the growing drople

From forms to norms: global projects and local practices in the Balkan NGO scene

ven the most localized rule-of-law conflicts are integrally tied to global forces. At the local level, these global discourses and resources are utilized in the local power struggles as they play themselves out in democracy promotion projects. This paper analyses the role of local NGOs in helping to institute the rule of law in the new democracies of Eastern Europe. Global democracy promotion effo

Methane dynamics in northern wetlands: Significance of vascular plants

Popular Abstract in Swedish Metan är en växthusgas med stor potential att påverka klimatet på Jorden. Den vattenmättade miljön i våtmarker erbjuder perfekta livsbetingelser för metanproducerande bakterier och detta medför att naturliga våtmarker är den största enskilda källan till metan i atmosfären, även då man räknar med antropogena utsläpp från, till exempel, förbränning av fossila bränslen. MoThe studies presented in Papers I to VI illustrate several different aspects of the impact of vascular plants on methane emissions from northern natural wetlands. The subject has been approached on different scales, ranging from the study of microbial substrates in the vicinity of a single plant root, to an attempt to extrapolate some of the results to the entire northern hemisphere north of 50°N.