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Trycksår inom intensivvården

Trycksår är vanligt förekommande bland äldre och multisjuka patienter. Den högre prevalensen av trycksår finns inom intensivvården. Det är begränsning i rörelseförmåga, orsakad av patientens multisjuka tillstånd och högteknologisk miljö på intensivvårdsavdelningen samt känselbortfall och sänkt medvetandegrad till följd av sedativa läkemedel som bidrar till utveclingen av trycksår. Det är av stor v

Rehabiliteringsutbildning för arbetsledare

Som ett led i uppbyggnaden av ett effektivare rehabiliteringsarbete fick samtliga, ca 40, arbetsledare på det undersökta företaget genomgå en utbildning i rehabilitering. Syftet med arbetet var att utvärdera i vilken utsträckning rehabiliteringsutbildningen förbättrade deras kunskaper samt förändrade deras attityder att genomföra rehabiliteringsåtgärder. En enkätundersökning med mestadels bundna s

Solceller på idrottshallar : en lönsamhetsstudie med Knislinge sporthall som utgångspunkt

This report aims to examine the economic conditions of photovoltaic systems in sports halls. It also intends to examine if it is economically viable to use the excess production from the solar electricity to heat up a hot water storage tank instead of selling it into the grid. This will be answered by studying Knislinge sports hall. Two different configurations of the solar system were investigat

På väg mot en hollistisk syn på lärande: en studie av populära svenska arbetsgivares uppfattningar av och arbete med lärande i arbetslivet

Syftet med denna studie är att analysera populära svenska arbetsgivares syn på fenomenet lärande i arbetslivet. Respondenterna för studien har varit företag på Universums lista över Sveriges mest populära arbetsgivare. Studien har tagit avstamp i en fenomenografisk metodansats med semi strukturerade intervjuer för datainsamling som har riktats mot anställda inom företagen som har insikt i företage

Värdering av ekosystemtjänster i det Skånska jordbrukslandskapet - Ur lantbrukatens perspektiv

Ecosystem services are becoming increasingly important in today’s society, since they provide us with vital resources such as food and fuel. Even though this importance is evident, ecosystem services are often taken for granted. Because of this it is essential to shed light on the importance of ecosystem services. One way to do this is to valuate these services in monetary terms. The purpose of t

Product design and development of a movable and removable plate

This project was performed in collaboration with ArjoHuntleigh’s Innovation Centre in Malmö, Sweden, from January 2014 to June 2014. The objective of the thesis was to design and develop a movable or removable plate/shelf. The Project has been carried out by using the methodology described in the book “Product development and Design” by Ulrich and Eppinger. The methodology has been modified to fi

Information Platform to Improve Research Utility of Clinical Study Data

The value of the results in every clinical study depends on the quality of the captured data and the analysis process. The goal is to discover and prove a scientific matter, to do this the data has to be valid, easy to access and understandable. To capture data is often a complex, time consuming process that could go on for multiple years, it's a process done for all studies. Imagine the possi

The presumption of parental liability and the need for full judicial review - An analysis of based on the recent case of Alliance One v European Commission.

The presumption of parental liability is an important tool for the Commission, enabling it to hold parent companies jointly and severally liable with their subsidiaries. Parent companies claim however, that they cannot rebut the presumption and are thus rendered strictly liable for their subsidiaries’ conduct. Due to the fact that parent companies repeatedly failed rebutting the presumption with e

The Anatomy of the Chua circuit

The Chua circuit, known to exhibit chaotic behaviour, has been constructed and studied. The goal was to investigate the experimental underpinning of the theory. The component relationship of the resistors, capacitors, inductors and operational amplifiers have been measured and established within their domain of validity. The system equations themselves cannot be directly validated through a tradit

Social Capital and Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme: Understanding Informal Sector Participation

Pursuing Universal Health Care in a developing economy like Ghana is a bold, laudable idea. Given the immutable benefits of Social Health Insurance in this pursuit, the long-term performance of Community-Based Health Insurance (CBHI) Schemes in developing countries remains a conundrum when viewed from the predominant economic and health system frameworks. In the context of a weak state with a larg

Fairtrade - Konsumentens betalningsvilja för Fairtrade-certifierade varor på den svenska marknaden

More and more consumers are demanding products that are considered fair and ethical. The Swedish market for these products is growing every year. The requirements of Fairtrade labeled goods often means a higher price in stores than the corresponding conventional products. The quest of this essay is to investigate the willingness-to-pay for goods that are considered ethical and fair, with Fairtrade

The Effect of Synthetic Estrogen on Foraging and Predator Avoidance in the Common Roach (Rutilus rutilus)

Synthetic estrogens that originate mainly from oral contraceptive pills reach our waters through sewage effluent and potentially affect organisms in the natural environment. This study focused on the effects of the synthetic estrogen 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) on the foraging and predator avoidance behaviors of the planktivorous fish roach (Rutilus rutilus), a common fish in Swedish lakes and

”The most beautiful, man or woman, I’ve ever seen” -En queerteoretisk analys av Jeanette Wintersons roman, Written on the body

Uppsatsen undersöker och analyserar Jeanette Wintersons roman Written on the Body utifrån queerteori. Winterson ifrågasätter och analysar i denna roman begreppen genus, sexualitet och deras förhållande till identitet och denna uppsats undersöker detta närmre genom en analys av romanen. Uppsatsens syfte är att redogöra och analysera romanens berättare, vars könstillhörighet är okänd, utifrån queert

Den (o)värdige bidragstagaren - Diskussioner om socialbidrag på ett internetforum

The aim of this essay was to study how posters on the internet forum Flashback discuss social assistance and social assistance recipients. Research show that there is a tendency in today’s society to interpret the reasons for receiving social assistance as having individualistic causes. This is in spite of the fact that studies show that the individuals’ ability to provide for oneself often have s

Den andra personen. Om Italo Calvino och experimentell berättarteknik

This paper examines the use of second person narration in the short story ”A King Listens” by Italo Calvino. The main goal is to highlight and answer the following questions: (1) How does the second person narration work in this case? (2) Why would a writer choose this particular type of narration? (3) Who is the narrator in Calvino’s short story? Narratology is utilized as a toolbox for this anal

Den svenska vampyrens resa från bok till film: Låt den rätte komma in

This essay is going to bring up the terms of adaptation, mainly from book to film and the genre of vampire movies. With the book Låt den rätte komma in and the movie with the same name, I have made an analyzes based on founding out why Tomas Alfredson, the director of the movie cut out some important details from the book while making the movies script together with John Ajvide Lindquist, the auth

Energy study of bucket positioning systems on wheel loaders - Loader linkages

Som ett steg i utvecklingen av nästa generations hjullastare görs studier av olika delsystem för att se var energiförbrukningen ligger. Denna masteruppsats har som mål att ta reda på energiförbrukningen för fyra länkage med olika konstruktion. Den kommer även att undersöka hur energiförbrukningen förändras när en elektro-hydraulisk kompensering introduceras för att hålla lasten parallell samt vad As a stage in the development of the next generation of wheel loaders, all systems are evaluated in order to minimize the energy consumption. This master thesis aims to investigate the energy consumption for four linkages with different design. It will also investigate how the energy consumption changes when an electro-hydraulic compensation is added in order to keep the load parallel and what the

Dynamic gear shifting of an automated manual transmission

To be able to change gears in a transmission it is necessary to remove the torque when disengaging and engaging gears in order not to damage the teeth of the cogs. If the driving torque from the engine to the wheels is interrupted for a longer period of time it can be perceived as very uncomfortable for both the driver and passengers in the vehicle. A gear change can be divided into three main sta