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Methods for quantitative analysis of myocardial perfusion SPECT : validated with magnetic resonance imaging, phantom studies and expert readers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling presenterar nya metoder för att analysera bilder på hjärtat för att utesluta eller bekräfta kranskärlssjukdom. Hjärtat har en livsviktig uppgift, att pumpa runt blodet för att förse alla kroppens organ med energi och syre. Vid förträngningar i kärlen som försörjer hjärtmuskeln med blod (kranskärlen) uppkommer ett tillstånd som kallas ischemisk hjärtsjukIn this thesis, methods for automated analysis of myocardial perfusion single photon emission computer tomography (myocardial perfusion SPECT, MPS) images have been successfully developed and evaluated. MPS images show the perfusion of the myocardium and are used for diagnosing patients with suspected ischemic heart disease. The disease is characterized by reduced perfusion to a region of the myoc

The syndication of venture capital investments in Europe: evidence from five European countries

Financial theory, resource-based theory and deal flow generation are used to explain synd ication practices among venture capitalists in Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Sweden and the UK. Similar motives drive syndication in the five countries: the desire to share risk and increase portfolio diversification is more important than the desire to access additional intangible resources or deal flow.

Causal Truthmaking

This paper provides an outline of a theory of causal truthmaking according to which contingent truths are made true by causal facts and dispositional mechanisms.

Protecting and transferring biotech inventions

The 2002/2003 joint masters students’ efforts deal with the general protection of inventions covering such issues as the concepts of industrial application, novelty and inventive step. The students are also i.a. taking a closer look at university inventions and biotechnology aspects such as the cloning of humans, patentability of stem cells, germ line intervention and animal suffering. The discuss

Borrowing the Bat's Ear for Automation - Ultrasonic Measurements in an Industrial Environment

This work focuses on measurement principles based on ultrasound for applications in industrial automation. The measurements made are of geometric nature. The methods used are when possible based on experience and/or inspiration from the study of bats. A platform for ultrasonic measurements, that allows a VME-based host computer to transmit and receive signals, with a considerable flexibility has b

Wheat Flour Dough-Rheological and Structural Aspects

The thesis presents a rheological study on wheat flour dough, in relation to the structural influence of the different dough constituents, added components and mixing time. Rheological investigations have been focused on measurements at small deformations, including dynamic oscillation and stress relaxation, although complementing measurements have been performed in large deformation viscosity exp

Feministiska interventioner : berättelser om och från en annan värld

Feministiska teorier ger idag relevanta perspektiv på de flesta vetenskapliga discipliner. Samtidigt har det genusvetenskapliga fältets förståelse av kön och könsrelationer vidareutvecklas och expanderats under de senaste dryga tjugo åren. Grupper som historiskt sett har exkluderas från den vetenskapliga definitionen av det ”verkliga” intervenerar nu i en genusvetenskap som utgår från att det är o

Crystallographic studies on porphyrin metallation by ferrochelatase.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteiner är livsnödvändiga och finns i alla celler. De flesta proteinerna katalysear kemiska reaktioner och kallas då enzymer. Enzymer och proteiner (äggviteämnen) är uppbyggda av aminosyror ihopkopplade till kedjor som kan vara olika långa. Det finns 20 stycken olika aminosyror. Man kan göra en liknelse med ett pärlhalsband tillverkat av 20 olika pärlor, varje pärla mFerrochelatase catalyses the terminal step in heme biosynthesis by inserting a ferrous ion into protoporphyrin IX. The reaction mechanism has in this thesis been studied by mainly crystallographic methods. The structure of ferrochelatase from Bacillus subtilis co-crystallized with N-methyl mesoporphyrin allowed for the first time a characterization of the active site of the enzyme. The structure

Gas transport in wood assessed by laser spectroscopy

The Gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy (GASMAS) technique provides new opportunities to nondestructively study gas in highly scattering natural and man-made porous materials. In this paper, we report applications of the GASMAS method on wood samples using diode-laser-based spectroscopy on molecular oxygen. And the integrated oxygen absorption for wood of different densities and the an

Mobile Dreams

Texten handlar om de planer på att bygga om den så kallade Öresundspaviljongen vid brofästet utanför Malmö till ett exklusivt hotell som stadens kommunpolitiker umgicks med under ett par år i början av 2000-talet. Texten beskriver ett tidigt stadium i ett hotells historia; de visioner och planer som föregår det fysiska hotellet och förhoppningsvis lever kvar i byggnaden efter det att geografiska,