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Sign-Bit based architecture for OFDM acquisition for multiple-standards

This paper presents a hardware mapping of an auto-correlator for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing stage for three radio standards: LTE, DVB-H, and IEEE 802.11n. Hardware cost is minimized by using only the sign bit in the autocorrelation function. The frequency offset estimation procedure is dramatically simplified by reducing the phase of the envelope to pi/2 resolution, which in turn r

Regulation and Function of the Human Leukotriene D4 Receptor CysLT1 in Epithelial Cells and Colon Cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Betændelses reaktionen er kroppens svar på en skade eller en infektion. Betændelses reaktionen gør at immunforsvarets celler kaldes til det skadede område (kan ses som den røde varme hævelse omkring et sår) og at eventuelle sygdomsfremkaldende emner identificeres og bekæmpes. På lidt længere sigt, fjernes ødelagt væv og helingen af såret påbegyndes. Når det skadede områThe pro-inflammatory mediators leukotrienes have shown to be important players in the pathogenesis of diseases like asthma and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Patients suffering from IBD have been found to have an increased risk of developing colon cancer. Since leukotrienes have been shown in increased concentrations in stools of IBD patients we hypothesise that LTD4 can play a role in the deve

Islanding Detection in Power Systems

As the contribution of dispersed or distributed energy resources (DER) to the electric power production increases, the effects on the power system grow more important. As an example a critical situation may arise if protective relays trip a large part of the dispersed generation due to undervoltage at a short-circuit event. On the other hand it is crucial that the protection system acts correctly

Gender in Contemporary Iran

This book examines gender and the dynamics of social change in contemporary Iran, documenting the changes in women's lives and showing how women now have become agents of social change rather than victims. Bringing together the detailed primary research of a number of eminent scholars working in Iran, this collection provides unique perspectives on the past decade in Iranian society and explores t