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Studies of Nanowire Friction using AFM-based Manipulation

In this thesis we present friction studies on InAs nanowires pushed laterally across surfaces by an AFM tip. The contact length in the direction of movement is of the order of a few tens of nanometers, and is thus comparable to that found in existing point-contact studies, but perpendicular to the motion the wire can be several microns in length. We are therefore able to investigate friction in th

Optical Studies and Applications of Single Quantum Dots

The luminescence from single quantum dots has been studied. Single dot photoluminescence was studied under continuous as well as under pulsed excitation. Time-resolved studies revealed fast relaxations in quantum dots. The time resolved measurements were fitted with a set of rate equations. Blinking in the luminescence was observed on a few quantum dots. The polarization of the emission from singl

Regimented language training : Changes to brain and behaviour following intensive non-native language learning

The influence of foreign-language acquisition on adult brain structure remains mostly unexplored. Whilst several cross-sectional studies have led to further understanding of how language can affect brain structure, only a few longitudinal studies have been conducted. We measured the effects of language acquisition on behaviour and brain structure at the Swedish Armed Forces Language School in two

Is Modernism vs. Postmodernism a Relevant Discussion?

As travellers, we are usually aware that a map is not the territory it represents. However, as researchers, inquiring into practice, are we always aware of the domain within which that practice is situated? Descriptions of practice sometimes suggest that this is not the case. For example, do engineers actually believe that the models they develop and use are reflections of some reality? It is like

The functional anatomy of kappa promoters

Immunoglobulin kappa promoters were collected from mice and man. It was shown that they had homology within but not between subgroups, and the promoters were also conserved between species. The octamer element was found in all promoters, but other sequence elements were conserved within the distinct subgroups. E-boxes were found in most promoters and were usually of the E2A type. A mouse kappa pro

The Effect of Fuel Volatility on Hcci Using Simultaneous Formaldehyde and Oh Plif

Simultaneous formaldehyde and OH PLIF have been applied in a direct-injected HCCI engine. The engine is a 0.5 l single-cylinder optical engine equipped with EGR system. PLIF measurements were performed with the engine run with two different fuels of low and high volatility, respectively. Different ratios of EGR were also examined. The aim of the study was to investigate how fuels with different vo

The 4+1 View Model of Industri–Academia Collaboration

Industry–academia projects exist in complex contexts of var- ious stakeholders, time perspectives, and goals. In order to analyze projects and communicate about them, we have de- fined an “architectural” model for industry–academia collab- oration, inspired by Kruchten’s software architecture model. The model has four views of i) time, ii) space, iii) activ- ity and iv) domain, corresponding to th

Search for extra dimensions at LEP

Searches for extra dimensions have been made at the four LEP experiments, ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL, where different processes have been searched for within both the ADD and Randall-Sundrum scenarios. Since no signs of any signal have been observed the results have been used to set exclusion limits in the corresponding extra dimension models. This talk presents both individual results from the LE

Svensk diskrimineringslag i filosofisk belysning

I denna artikel diskuteras lagstiftning som metod för att motverka diskriminering och den form som svensk diskrimineringslag har med avsikt att utvärdera diskrimineringslagens potential att fungera som det instrument för rättvisa det avses vara. Som illustration tjänar ett rättsfall från Arbetsdomstolen, det så kallade Barnmorskemålet.