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Biosynthesis of the blood-group-B-specific trisaccharide in a rhesus monkey

A Rhesus monkey, serologically grouped as B, has been shown to excrete low-molecular-weight carbohydrate material in urine closely related to that found in human urine. Galactose feeding resulted in the excretion of a trisaccharide which was shown to be identical to the trisaccharide isolated from the urine of group B humans under the same conditions. Experiments in which [14C]galactose was admini

Brain plasticity and stroke rehabilitation. The Willis lecture

Neuronal connections and cortical maps are continuously remodeled by our experience. Knowledge of the potential capabilityof the brain to compensate for lesions is a prerequisite for optimal stroke rehabilitation strategies. Experimental focal cortical lesions induce changes in adjacent cortex and in the contralateral hemisphere. Neuroimaging studies in stroke patients indicate altered poststroke

Comparison of dose calculation algorithms in slab phantoms with cortical bone equivalent heterogeneities

To evaluate the dose values predicted by several calculation algorithms in two treatment planning systems, Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and measurements by means of various detectors were performed in heterogeneous layer phantoms with water- and bone-equivalent materials. Percentage depth doses (PDDs) were measured with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs), metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect tr

Structure of wobbling excitations in Lu-163

Using a many-particles plus rotor model, wobbling excitations built on top of a triaxial superdeformed band in Lu-163 are investigated. By extracting all parameters for the rotor from a mean field calculation a good correspondence with calculations based on the random-phase approximation is achieved.

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Lund University has no policies on electronic publishing or self-archiving. Neither does the university require any kind of annual standardized or centralized publication lists from faculties or departments. Electronic publishing and self-archiving is a very decentralized affair where departments or divisions make their own decisions. To increase the use of LU:research, the central university arch

The macrophage migration inhibitory factor MIF is a phenylpyruvate tautomerase

A macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), originally described as a product of activated lymphocytes, has been defined as a 12 kDa protein, expressed in a wide variety of tissues. Here MIF is identified as a phenylpyruvate tautomerase (EC having p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate and phenylpyruvate as its natural substrates. The definition of MIF as an enzyme may yield insight into the mechani

Photochemistry of diiodomethane in solution studied by femtosecond and nanosecond laser photolysis. Formation and dark reactions of the CH2I-I isomer photoproduct and its role in cyclopropanation of olefins

Femtosecond and nanosecond photolysis of CH2I2 in acetonitrile at an excitation wavelength of 266-nm yield the ground-state CH2I-I isomer product in similar to70% quantum yield. High isomer formation quantum yields (> 70%) were measured also in n-hexane, dichloromethane, methanol, and ethanol using nanosecond photolysis. The CH2I-I product is formed biphasically within similar to15 ps after excita

Det manliga klimakteriet: om försöket att lansera ett medicinskt begrepp

Är du en surgubbe?” frågar kvällstidningen Aftonbladet i en artikelrubrik. I så fall kan du ha hamnat i det manliga klimakteriet. Allt oftare talas det idag om ett manligt klimakterium. Ämnet väcker allmänhetens uppmärksamhet. Därigenom vinner föreställningen om att män i medelåldern drabbas av besvär och förlorar sin ’manlighet’ i en nedbrytande klimakterieprocess utbredning i samhället. Tanken p

A fibronectin-binding protein from Streptococcus equi binds collagen and modulates cell-mediated collagen gel contraction

The N-terminal fragment (FNZN) of the fibronectin-binding protein FNZ from Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemieus was investigated as to effects on murine cell interactions with extracellular matrix proteins, FNZN bound to immobilized fibronectin (FN) and native, but not denatured, collagen type I. FNZN had no effect on primary adhesion of cells from the murine myoblastic C2C12 cell line to i

Ny strategi vid typ 2-diabetes prövas i kliniska studier. Glukagonlik peptid 1 (GLP-1) påverkar sjukdomens grundorsaker

GLP-1 (glukagonlik peptid 1) är ett inkretinhormon som frisätts vid varje måltid. GLP-1 stimulerar insulinsekretionen, hämmar glukagonsekretionen, förlångsammar ventrikeltömningen och ger mättnadskänsla. Sammantaget har GLP-1 en glukossänkande effekt. GLP-1 sänker blodglukos och HbA1c när det ges till patienter med typ 2-diabetes. Risken för hypoglykemi är mycket liten. GLP-1 bryts snabbt och effeA novel therapy for type 2 diabetes is based on the gut hormone, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 is released from the gut during a meal intake and stimulates insulin secretion. The hormone also inhibits glucagon secretion, delays gastric emptying and induces satiety. It has been shown to reduce circulating glucose both under fasting conditions and after meal intake in subjects with type 2 d

Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from adult dyspeptic patients in Tikur Anbassa University Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Presently, there is no published information on the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of H. pylori strains in Ethiopia to guide the choice of drug for therapy. Therefore, it is becoming clinically relevant to test the in vitro susceptibility of H. pylori clinical isolates prior to treating patients. Susceptibility testing was performed on 50 clinical H. pylori isolates obtained from adult dyspe

Nattsänkning av temperatur i flerbostadshus

Rapporten redovisar en undersökning av energibesparing vid sänkning av temperaturen nattetid i flerbostadshus. Mätningarna visar att en 4-procentig energibesparing har uppnåtts mot en enligt beräkningar förväntad 11-procentig besparing. Utvärdering i 30 hus på fem orter och ingående i internationellt forskningssamarbete genom IEA.