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"Ofta lägger man krut på helt fel saker" - En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares syn på barns delaktighet i socialtjänstens barnavårdsutredningar.

Children’s participation could seem to be an obvious ingredient in social services child protection investigations. Children’s rights to make their voice and opinion heard and to affect the decisions that involve them is stated in law, conventions and other regulations. Despite this, a lot of previous studies show that children’s rights often are forgotten or non-prioritized in social services. Th

En förhandlad anmälningsskyldighet - en studie om talet kring anmälningsskyldigheten inom förskolan

The aim of this study was to analyze how preschool principals talk about their obligation to report child maltreatment to social services. Five principals, from five different local areas, were interviewed in the study. Two of the preschools were situated in underprivileged areas, and the others in economically and socially fairly well situated areas. Discourse analysis was applied in the examinat

"Be the Change?" - Exploring the Environmental Mitigation Potential of Lifestyle Changes in Europe Using a Multi-Regional Input-Output Model

Är det möjligt för konsumenter att vara förändringen man vill se i samhället, och därmed bidra till en hållbarare framtid? Med hjälp av en modell baserad på Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) analys undersöks den miljömässiga potentialen av olika livsstilar i EU. Europeiska hushålls fotavtryck för koldioxid, toxicitet, vatten och land beräknas för olika konsumtionsmönster. Modellen som används innIs it possible for the EU consumer to ‘Be the Change’ and set society on a more sustainable pathway by a change of lifestyle? Using a Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) model this research investigates the environmental impact reduction potential of different lifestyles in the EU, for footprints of carbon, toxicity, water, and land. 12 lifestyles are found that offer significant reduction potentia

Development of Board Rack for Bicycles

This report will describe the development of a board rack which is designed for bicycles created for Thule Ab. The market needs environment friendly ways of transporting your gear to your destination with ease of use without compromising the esthetical point of view or safety of the user. There are competing products on the market which are bulky and esthetically unappealing, the aim with the deve

A Comparison Study on Modernization in the Meiji Restoration and the Self-Strengthening Movement

This essay explores modernization in Asia through the lens of the Meiji Restoration in Japan and the Self-Strengthening Movement in China during the nineteenth century. Japan and China, although with similar cultural, economic and social background and under similar contemporary contexts, took separate paths in modernization and therefore experienced very different outcomes. This comparative study

SenQB - Sentence Query Builder - Design, implementation and evaluation of a visual query builder

This thesis presents SenQB - Sentence Query Builder - a visual query builder that is based on a graphical representation of how a database query would be posed in natural language as a sentence. The SenQB design is the result of usability evaluation conducted with non technical users as a main target group. Three mockups are usability tested and one of them, SenQB, is implemented as a proof of con

Wastewater from a biodiesel plant: characterization of streams and suggestions for treatment options

AVLOPPSVATTEN FRÅN EN BIODIESELANLÄGGNING: VAD INNEHÅLLER DET OCH HUR BEHANDLAR MAN DET? Avloppsvatten från biodieselproduktion innehåller höga halter av organiskt material. Det betyder att vattnet måste behandlas för att få släppas ut. Innehållet i avloppsvattnet från en biodieselanläggning i Blekinge och förslag till behandling diskuteras i detta arbete. Biodiesel är ett viktigt alternaBiodiesel is an important alternative to ordinary diesel when limiting the effects on the climate. However, the production path of biodiesel produces a wastewater with a high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and it needs to be cleaned. The aim of this study was to characterise biodiesel wastewater as well as to suggest treatment options. The biodiesel wastewater studied came from a biodiesel plant i

Energy Harvesting Device

This thesis evaluates the concept of Energy Harvesting as a power source for a serial measurement board used by ABB robots. A background study of possible energy harvesters is included, where the main focus is put on the overall function and what parameters determine the maximum generated power and efficiencies. Furthermore, a design of a physical proof of concept for solar as an Energy Harvestin

Förslag till reducering av framtida interna vattenflöde vid Svedala avloppsreningsverk genom ombyggnad av vassbäddar

År 2004 anlade Svedala avloppsreningsverk tio vassbäddar. P.g.a. komplikationer behövde dock bäddarna tas ur bruk efter några års användning. Åtta bäddar står nu outnyttjade, medan två tagits i bruk på prov. Kommunen är intresserad av att undersöka möjligheten att konvertera resterande vassbäddar till utjämningsmagasin, för att reducera interna flöden och begränsa att bräddningar sker. ReningsprocIn 2004 Svedala wastewater treatment plant constructed ten reed beds. The beds had, however, to be taken out of commission after just a few years, due to complications. Eight beds now stand empty, while two are up and running for a limited trial period. The municipality is interested in the possibility of converting the remaining eight beds into detention basins to reduce internal flows and to red

Mediediskursen om Ryssland: En innehållsanalys av tidningsartiklar för att belysa deras inramning, dagordning och selektiv exponering

Hur kan vi förstå och tolka massmedias rapportering i artiklar om Ryssland. Hur kan vi förstå och tolka medias rapportering? Spekulerar de eller rapportera de fakta? Dessa frågor är i centrum på grund av den senaste tidens debatt i media om falska nyheter och desinformation. I denna uppsats görs en innehållsanalys av tidningsartiklar som är knutna till ämnet Ryssland, under tiden 29 oktober 2016 t

I Sjeherazades öga: En postkolonial studie av blick och narrativ i illustrationerna i Tusen och en natt 1958-63

This study examines the relationship between textual and visual narratives as well as the gaze upon the Orient as Other by analysing a Swedish, illustrated edition of the Arabian Nights from 1958-63. This research draws upon a multitude of theoretical perspectives on the gaze from the field of visual culture, combined with Edward Said’s critical notion of orientalism. The material is studied in t

Den förlorade nationen - fantasi och njutning i Sverigedemokraternas diskurs

This thesis seeks to examine the construction of national identity in the nationalist party the Sweden Democrats. By drawing on a theoretical framework informed by discourse theory and psychoanalysis this thesis highlights aspects of national construction which has been neglected by other studies in this field. By supplementing the more common discourse theory with Lacanian psychoanalysis, it is a

Fi:s politiska strategier-Vilka politiska strategier har Fi i Malmös kommunfullmäktige?

Denna uppsats är en undersökning som syftar till att utreda Fi:s politiska strategier när de möter kritiken från de etablerade partierna i Malmös kommunfullmäktige. I uppsatsen förklaras kort om Feministiskt Initiativets (Fi) politiska partiprogram i Malmö stad under det senaste året. Utifrån tidigare/empiriska forskningar, kring kvinnoorganisationer, kommer denna undersökning att visa hur Fi:s po

Examensarbete - Framtagande av handlingsplan för geodatabas

Signal is a very important part of the railway. If you place a signal or a different object which is also important in the wrong place, can mean increased safety risks. To ease the work of the consultants in the creation of operational site drawings, the aim is to develop an action plan for the creation of a database, which in turn will be used to create a tool that can be used to automate the pro

När innehållet är Word-of-Mouth-smart: En innehållsanalys av svenska B2B-företags mest uppskattade Facebook-inlägg

Denna uppsats analyserar innehållet och den underliggande meningen bakom B2B-företag mest uppskattade Facebook-inlägg. Teorin ger läsaren en beskrivning av den forskning som har gjorts på varumärken och content marketing, följt av teorier om relationsmarknadsföring, varumärkeslöften, varumärkesidentitet och brand communities. I studien används en abduktiv ansats. Genom att använda en kvalitativ meThis thesis analyzes the content and the underlying meaning of B2B companies' most appreciated Facebook posts. The theory gives the reader a description of the research made on brands and content marketing, followed by theories of relationship marketing, brand promises, brand identity and brand communities. The study utilizes an abductive approach. By using a qualitative methodology, a semioti

When censoring anti-immigration attitudes backfires - The impact of reactance and censorship on political attitudes

Anti-immigration movements are currently enjoying electoral success around the world, despite attempts by incumbent parties to mitigate their influence on voters. This seeming paradox is the main focus of this paper, aiming to investigate whether attempts censor and ostracize antiimmigration attitudes actually mitigate their influence or not. Two studies were conducted: Study 1 investigated whethe

Skatterättslig neutralitet mellan olika fastighetstransaktioner – en jämförelse

I denna uppsats kommer det skatterättsliga neutralitetsperspektivet hos fastighetstransaktioner att diskuteras och särskilt fokus kommer att ligga på stämpelskatten. De fastighetstransaktioner som tas upp är överlåtelse, bolagsförvärv och fastighetsbildning. Det moderna svenska skattesystemet bygger på nationalekonomiska teorier och de senaste 30 åren har fokus legat på att få ett effektivt skattIn this essay, the tax neutrality perspective of property transactions will be discussed and a special focus will be put on stamp duty. The real estate transactions which are covered in the essay are transfers, acquisitions and “fastighetsbildning”. The modern Swedish tax system is based on economic theories and in the last 30 years the focus has been put on getting an efficient tax system, wher

False Alarm Filtering within Camera Surveillance using an External Object Classification Service

Axis cameras can detect motion and track object, but lacks object classification. This often gives rise to false alarms, which are triggered by non-human activity. The cameras cannot tell the difference between a tree blowing in the wind, which is a non-human activity, and a person breaking an entry, which is a human activity. This becomes a problem as false alarms can be resource consuming for op

Disciplining Tionghoa : Critical Discourse Analysis of News Media During Indonesia's New Order

Indonesia has a history of hundreds of years revolving around the racism against its 3% Chinese ethnic minority—who are also known as Tionghoa. This circumstance engenders the racial-social order that has been shaping the attitudes and behaviours of the Chinese, both individually and collectively, in social, cultural, and political realms. The Chinese have become self-controlled and self-regulated