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En pedagogisk ledares röst kring lärande och kompetensutveckling

Sammanfattning: Lärandet och kompetensutveckling är viktiga aspekter i arbetslivet, men det tycks finnas ett glapp mellan teori och praktik vad gäller upplevelsen utav lärande och kompetensutveckling. Denna studie exemplifierar hur lärande och kompetensutveckling kan ske i praktiken och överensstämma med teorin genom en pedagogisk ledare; Roberto Citterio som är chef på Pedagogisk Inspiration i Ma

Hållbarhetsredovisning - En studie av svenska läkemedelsföretags hållbarhetsredovisningar

Vårt syfte är att beskriva hållbarhetsredovisning upprättad av läkemedelsföretag noterade på svenska börsen och förklara varför denna ser ut som den gör. Detta har gjorts genom en dokumentstudie av fyra läkemedelsföretags hållbarhetsredovisning samt kompletterande intervjuer. Studiens referensram utgörs av en institutionalia där standarder och riktlinjer inom hållbarhetsredovisning redogörs för.

A model of stock price movements

The goal of the thesis is to model stock prices as a stochastic process which exhibits reversion towards an equilibrium point, where the equilibrium point is set by fundamental data points of the company. The stochastic model is compared to the standard approach of using Geometric Brownian motion to simulate stock prices. The autocorrelations of a group of stocks are investigated. This has lead

Integration of powdered activated carbon in tertiary disc filtration of wastewater

Mikroföroreningar är små molekyler som är restprodukter från t.ex. läkemedel, hormoner, kosmetika samt mikroplaster. Då majoriteten av dessa inte renas i våra av- loppsreningsverk har mikroföroreningarna börjat ackumuleras i vattendrag och dess negativa inverkan på vattenlevande djur har börjat uppmärksammas. En av metoderna för att ta hand om och avskilja mikroföroreningarna i reningsprocessen äThis thesis investigates the feasibility of integrating Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) in to chemical treatment in combination with disc filtration of tertiary wastewater. Jar and tube tests have been performed, where the suspension was filtered through a 10 μm disc filter from Hydrotech Veolia Water Technologies. The effluent has been analyzed for total phosphorus (TP), total suspended solids (T

Modularization of mechanics for airfield solutions

In ADB Safegate's airfield lighting product portfolio, two sizes of LED inset luminaires consist of similar internal components with different design. This project has investigated the possibilities to find generic design solutions for the internal components to fit both product sizes. By using modularized components the company will decrease the indirect costs of the product, for instance cos

Energy storage in grid optimization

Today energy supply is moving towards more renewable, which brings challenges to the power grid. Intermittent power is difficult to predict and cannot be regulated in the same way as conventional power. If the grid is not dimensioned to handle the power peaks, the intermittent power can cause overload on the grid. Overload causes larger losses, can damage electrical components in the grid and/or a

Versatile Test Rig

This report is about further development of a test rig called the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Test Rig, called the DMRC Test Rig. A method for testing pneumatic valves,used in the systems for train brakes and called brake valves, was developed.The main objective was to automatize the testing of all existing and future developed pneumatic brake valves, made by the company Faiveley Transport, using

Beyond economic growth: The new Integrated National Care System in Uruguay, a step to where?

Uruguay is facing a care crisis due to low birth rates, the increase in life expectancy and the inclusion of women in the labor market. Between 2010 and 2012 the official discussions about the creation of a new Integrated National System of Care social policy reform were carried out. In this research, the relationships between the market, the society and the state present in those initial delibera

Comparisons between different multi-criteria decision analysis techniques for disease susceptibility mapping

Geographic information system multi-criteria decision analysis (GIS-MCDA) procedure can combine criterion maps together and associated the criterion weights to acquire an overall value for each spatial location in the research area. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), Ordered Weighted averaging (OWA) are three generic algo

Time Synchronization in Short Range Wireless Networks

Energy efficient wireless devices is a trend that has been on the rise the last few years. Energy efficiency properties may fill a function in wireless sensor networks where the devices could run on coin-cell batteries and still last for years. To make sense of the sensor data collected, there is a requirement of accurate time synchronization in the network. This report focuses on investigating if

Analys av försäljningsdata från Google Adwords med EM-algoritmen

Syftet med uppsatsen är att finna en modell som väl beskriver fördelningen för orderdata från Google Adwords och att finna ett lämpligt sätt att skatta det förväntade värdet för en order. Vi gör detta på uppdrag av marknadsföringsbyrån Precis Digital. Från dem erhåller vi data för en av deras kunder. Till att börja med anpassar vi ett antal olika sannolikhetsfördelningar med Maximum-Likelihood-metThe purpose of this paper is to find a model that describes the distribution of Google Adwords order data and to find an appropriate method to estimate the expected value for an order. We do this on behalf of the marketing agency Precis Digital. We receive data for one of their customers. To begin with we fit some widely used probability distributions using the Maximum-Likelihood method and invest

Områdetsutveckling i Kalmar - Ny vision för Kalmarsundsparken

The coastal city of Kalmar is known as an attractive summer destination, both locally and internationally. The coast has long been included as one of the municipality’s priority goals. In its city development vision, the municipality strives to utilize the coast and take it into consideration in urban planning. On the other hand, Kalmar has a historic character, which is visible through its urban

Titanium alloys Mechanical properties and microstructure transformation

Titans struktur Förhållandet mellan materialets struktur och dess egenskaper. När man känner till egenskaperna hos ett material så kan optimala tillverkningsprocesser framställas baserat på denna kunskap. För produkter tillverkade av titan kan detta vara extra viktigt då produkterna ofta används i kritiska tillämpningar i t.ex. rymdraketer eller flygplan. I flygplansmotorer används titanlegeringaAbstract The aim of the project is to determine the mechanical properties and the microstructure with a to b transformation of the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. The experiments made were tensile tests at temperatures 20, 400 and 800C and SEM images before and after inductive methods. Ti-6Al-4V is one of the most used types of alloy mainly because it has good qualities in strength, corrosion resistance

Licensing Activation Solution

This thesis is developed with collaboration and on behalf of Tetra Pak AB. The assignment was to create an internal system to manage site information and a license server to validate licenses. These systems are uniquely tailored for Tetra Pak’s requirements and the software they want to license. The internal system manages data that the sales division enters and creates text files from that site c

Practical Aspects of Reduced Complexity LDPC Decoding using Forced Convergence

This thesis is an extension to the previous work done at Department of EIT in investigating the complexity reduction of LDPC decoding using the stochastic approximation method to improve the energy efficiency of energy-limited applica- tions, such as in mobile phones. The research carried out in this thesis investigates the complexity and conver- gence results of adaptive performance control algorit

The Benefits from an Accessible Web: a Case Study

En explosiv ökning av interaktiva webbttjänster gör att webb-tillgänglighet är ett hett ämne. Det syftar på att alla, oavsett funktionsnedsättningar, ska komma åt webb-innehåll. Företag med hundratals applikationer kan genom förbättrad till- gänglighet e ektivisera arbetsprocesser, spara resurser och rekrytera er.There is an explosive growth in on-line information and interactive services provided on the Web. Web accessibility refers to designing these websites so that all people, no matter disabilities, can access Web content. Recently in Sweden, laws and regulations have been imposed, requiring private corporations to ensure an accessible digital work environment. Scania is a major Swedish automotive ind

Possibilities and critical aspects of customer value creation through technological innovation in the checkout area of physical retail stores

Purpose: Exploring the possibilities and critical aspects of mobile self-checkout to enhance value creation and customer satisfaction for physical retailer Research question: How can value be (co-)created between a big box retailer and its customers through a mobile self-checkout solution? Theoretical considerations: After the evaluation of the current literature in value (co-)creation, customer

“Ismaʿilis Do Not Look Muslim” : The Ismaʿili Community and Constructions of Islam and Modernity in Germany

This thesis examines Ismaʿili individuals’ “lived religion” through personal views on religious values combined with daily practices in German society. Since a Eurocentric view on Islam often fails to recognize the complexities of Muslim communities while emphasizing the Muslim faith as incompatible with “modernity”, the current study of the Ismaʿili branch serves as an example of Muslim practices