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Från verksamhet till mottagare: en fallstudie av sjukvårdens kallelser

Målet med uppsatsen är att studera hur en välfungerande kallelsemall kan se ut samt att studera processen att ta fram en ny kallelse. Metoden som används är textanalys med kritisk diskursanalys som teoretisk ram. Två mallar för kallelse till cellprov har analyserats – en äldre version från region Stockholm Gotland samt en ny nationell cellprovskallelse. Analysen av språkhandlingar, attityder, närh

Light-trapping nanostructures in ultrathin GaAs solar cells : towards a record efficiency

Producing electrical power with photovoltaic solar panels is very attractive as the sun constitutes an inexhaustible source of clean energy. However, in order to make it a better alternative to other energy sources, its drawbacks must be addressed. In particular, scientific research is very active to find technologies that increase the efficiency of the solar cells, or decrease their cost. Reducin


Ribonucleotide reductases (RNR) are key enzymes for transformation of RNA building blocks (NTPs) to DNA building blocks (dNTPs), an essential step in biological systems. RNRs are known to be the first enzymes identified with free radical chemistry and play an important role in having a tight control over dNTP levels, as these DNA building blocks are needed for vital cellular processes such as cell

Guardians of Life: Making Sense of Gender Equality and Women´s Activism Within Ecuador´s Indigenous Movement

Much attention has been paid to Indigenous gender ideologies and Indigenous women´s political participation in Latin America. The construction of gender equality and its implications for Indigenous women’s activism in Ecuador´s Indigenous movement is, however, widely undiscovered terrain. The purpose of this qualitative case study of CONAIE was to address this gap and connect the dots by asking: H

Nyttan med miljöcertifiering av fastigheter

Miljöcertifieringar är en växande marknad i Sverige där intresset och efterfrågan från hyresgäster ökar. Många fastighetsföretag har idag som policy att all nyproduktion och större ombyggnader ska miljöcertifieras. Mycket tyder på att miljöcertifieringar kan bli en framtida praxis i den svenska fastighetsbranschen. Certifieringar har flera ekonomiska fördelar som positivt kan påverka en fastighet

Development of the endurance test program and the assembly fixture for TRITON11™

The engineers at Westinghouse Electric Company have developed a new nuclear fuel design called TRITON11™, which will be used in Boiling Water Reactors (BWR). This project has been to develop a test program and an assembly fixture for TRITON11™. The test program can not be fully presented in this repport due to confidentiality. The test program is for the first scoping test that will be performed o

Land Surface Phenology as an indicator of performance of conservation policies like Natura2000

Considering the growing pressure on various ecosystems all around the world, the development of ecological indicators for assessing the health and condition of the ecosystems has become an integral part of environmental management and policy making efforts. Such indicators do not only simplify the complex ecosystem processes but can also act as a measure of performance of a conservation policy. Th

Migrations Among Educationally Homogamous Couples in The US: 1997-2013

As female labor participation rates, educational attainment, and occupational prestige improve the colocational dilemma of migration increasingly a problem. This paper seeks to determinine the difference in determinents and outcomes of interstate migration across educationally homogamous couples in the United States. The paper uses data from the Panel Survey of Income Dynamics for couples, married

Examination of adaptive comfort models for appropriate assessment of thermal comfort in transitory and semiexternal spaces

Thermal comfort is a topic that for the last century has interested designers and researchers. European and International standards have given guidelines for assessment of thermal comfort in typical indoor environments for long occupancy, however the transitory spaces and semi-external spaces have not been addressed. Available literature was reviewed and summarize to find appropriate methods for a

Grävmaskinens påverkan på produktiviteten vid VA-arbeten

Anläggningsbranschen anses ofta ha en svag produktivitetsutveckling och en låg innovationsgrad jämfört med andra branscher. En nyhet som kommit de senaste åren är att börja använda långgrävare vid VA-arbeten. Traditionellt används ett par vanliga bandgrävmaskiner, men en långgrävare kan ersätta båda dessa maskiner. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilken produktionsmetod som ger högs

Varumärkesbyggande i innovativa småföretag - En fallstudie av tre små, svenska, innovativa B2B-företag

Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för hur små, svenska, innovativa B2B-företag arbetar med sina varumärkebyggande aktiviteter genom att studera tre fallföretag verksamma inom olika branscher. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts med ett ontologiskt och objektivistiskt förhållningssätt. Forskningsansatsen är deduktiv. Analys och slutsats utgår från teorier ur teoribaserade böcker och The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how small, Swedish, innovative B2B companies work with their brand building activities, by studying three companies operative in different industries. A qualitative research with an ontological and objectivistic approach has been conducted. The research approach is deductive. The analysis and conclusion is based on theories from theory

Att motivera barn och unga till klimatsmarta beteenden: En utvärdering av energibesparingsprojektet ”Energijakten” med utgångspunkt från Self-determination theory

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det kommunala projektet "Energijakten" har motiverat grundskoleelever att agera mer energibesparande. Studien undersökte även elevers upplevelse av skolans pedagogiska stöd till energibesparande beteenden. Self-determination theory användes som teoretisk utgångspunkt för studien. En kvasiexperimentell design användes genom att jämföra en skolaThe purpose of this study was to investigate whether the municipal project ”Energijakten” have motivated elementary school students to act more energy conserving. The study also explored the students’ experience of the educational support regarding energy saving behaviors. Self-determination theory was used as a theoretical framework for assessing motivation and educational support. A quasi-experi

Creation & Assessment of a Video Quality Ruler

Image quality has always been a matter of great importance for anyone working with or consuming images and videos. Images and videos are, in general, for human consumption. Thus, image quality is essentially a subjective attribute of an image. Though there exist both objective and subjective approaches to assessing image quality, objective results may not correlate well with subjective resultImage quality has always been a matter of great importance for anyone working with or consuming images and videos. There exist both objective and subjective approaches to assessing image quality. Example metrics of the former include PSNR and SSIM, both of which mathematically compare pixels of the original image with the equivalent pixels of the distorted or changed image. Objective methods are f

Grattis! Du har en ny matchning

Congratulations! You have a new match - a qualitative study about the meaning of clothes on Tinder is a bachelor thesis about how people can communicate via clothes on the dating application Tinder. This thesis analyses how clothes communicate and give a glimpse of the identity of the person in the images. Through Erving Goffman and his theory on roles in everyday situations the thesis analyses th

Symbolic Simplification Framework in a Modelica Compiler

The aim of the study is to develop a framework for symbolic simplification algorithms in the compiler. It should make the procedure of adding new algorithms to the compiler easier. Instead of the fixed order currently used in the compiler, algorithms will perform their simplifications to the model equations iteratively. This opens up the possibility for more simplifications being mad

Från sluten till öppen innovationsprocess -En fallstudie av Stora Ensos innovationsprojekt i Hyltebruk

Examensarbetets titel: Från sluten till öppen innovationsprocess - En fallstudie av Stora Ensos öppna innovationsprojekt i Hyltebruk Seminariedatum: 2016-06-03 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete i Strategic Management, kandidatnivå̊, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Sara Albihn, Sofi Bondeson, Clara Melander Handledare: Niklas Hallberg Nyckelord: Öppen innovation, selektivt avslöjande, problemrelaterad Title: From a closed to an open innovation process - A Case Study of Stora Enso's innovation project in Hyltebruk Seminar date: 2016-06-03 Course: FEKH19, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS Authors: Sara Albihn, Sofi Bondeson, Clara Melander Advisor: Niklas Hallberg Key words: Open innovation, selective r

Critical thinking in English as a foreign language instruction : an interview-based study of five upper secondary school teachers in Sweden

This study examines five English teachers’ attitudes towards critical thinking (CT) and methods of assessment in English as a foreign language (EFL) in Sweden’s upper secondary school. Through the use of interviews and policy document analysis, it is uncovered how the teachers interpret critical thinking, how they report on supporting students’ abilities and how they report on assessing critical t

The X-Factor

Denna uppsats syftar till att tillhandahålla förståelse kring de bestämmande faktorer som påverkar användandet av factoring och de upplevda attityderna gentemot factoring. Uppsatsen kommer även tillhandahålla en samtida syn på factoring som finansieringsmetod och försöka förklara användandet med hjälp av finansiella teorier. Uppsatsen använder en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi med en kombination aThis thesis aims to provide an understanding regarding the determinants of the usage of factoring and the perceived attitudes towards factoring. It will also provide a contemporary view of factoring as a financing solution and try to explain the usage in the context of financial theories. The thesis uses a quantitative research strategy combined with a mixture of a deductive and inductive approach

The 't Hooft model as a testing ground for Quantum Chromodynamics

Allt vi ser är uppbyggt av små partiklar som vi kallar atomer. Men atomerna är inte fundamentala, de består av ännu mindre partiklar och faktiskt, är de mesta av dem tomrum. En atom har liknande struktur som vårt solsystem, det finns en mycket tung kärna i mitten (solen) och lättare elektroner som kretsar runt den (planeterna). Mellan kärnan och elektronerna finns mestadels tomrum, precis som i våWe study a 1+1 dimensional Yang-Mills model in the light-cone gauge (the ’t Hooft model). The colour group is SU (N ) and we study the limit N → ∞, the limit is taken such that g²N is kept constant. In this limit the only contributing diagrams are planar diagrams without gluon-gluon interactions. Using this, it is shown that there are no free quarks in this model. The bound state wave equation is