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Public versus private one-stop-shops for energy renovations of residential buildings in the EU

The current rate of residential building renovations in Europe is inadequate and attributable to the lack of integrated solutions in the market supported by appropriate business models. One-stop-shop (OSS) offers an innovative business approach, and it is acknowledged by the European Commission, in the Directive 2018/844/EU, as a transparent advisory and facilitating tool for the establishment of

Passion och prekariat - en kvalitativ intervjustudie om det prekära arbetslivet för svenska frilansmusiker

De prekära arbetsförhållandena som upplevs av frilansmusiker i Sverige påverkar många olika aspekter av deras liv. För att skydda dessa arbetstagare från exploatering och osäkerhet samt öka jämställdheten på arbetsmarknaden finns arbetsrättsliga regler formulerade i svensk lagstiftning och i det branschspecifika kollektivavtalet. I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie undersöks frilansmusikers uppleve

Management and outcomes of firearm-related vascular injuries

Background: Violence due to firearms is a major global public health issue and vascular injuries from firearms are particularly lethal. The aim of this study was to analyse population-based epidemiology of firearm-related vascular injuries. Methods: This was a retrospective nationwide epidemiological study including all patients with firearm injuries from the national Swedish Trauma Registry (SweT

"I am What I am. My Own Special Creation" : A qualitative interview study on queer ageing and eldercare.

The objective of this Master’s thesis is to expand scholarship on ageing and eldercare through the lens of queer gerontology; to develop said scholarship on the queering of eldercare through the experiences of LGBTQ+ seniors and LGBTQ+ certified eldercare practitioners. Through four interviews with LGBTQ+ seniors and abovementioned practitioners, the core findings of the thesis put to question the

Women's perceptions of factors needed to encourage a culture of public breastfeeding : a cross-sectional study in Sweden, Ireland and Australia

BACKGROUND: Breastfeeding in the public sphere is known to be experienced as a problem for many women. It has been shown to arouse negative feelings among the public, depending on the attitude of those in the immediate surroundings. This contributes to the fact that many women hesitate to breastfeed in public and prepare themselves for potential adverse comments.METHODS: An online survey was used

"Ett folk och flera folk" : en studie av hur Jugoslavien har konceptualiserats i svensk reselitteratur 1896–1916 & 1954–1980.

Since the 1950's, mass tourism has become a considerable part of modern western culture. Examining where, why and how people have traveled can tell us a lot about people's habits and cultural frames of reference. Yet, the area of tourism history is fairly uncharted, with travelogs being one of the more prevalent objects of interest for academic research. Research focused on travel guides a

Understanding the convergent experiences of home-based eldercare workers in different welfare regimes: A multiple case study of Sweden and Türkiye

Since the 1970s, neoliberal policies worldwide have been affecting the organization of care in welfare regimes and the working conditions of care workers. Although it takes different forms in different welfare regimes, studies show that it is a global phenomenon in which care workers endure poor working conditions such as low wages, heavy workload, and sexual harassment. Using the Social Reproduct

Birth of dairy 4.0 : Opportunities and challenges in adoption of fourth industrial revolution technologies in the production of milk and its derivatives

Embracing innovation and emerging technologies is becoming increasingly important to address the current global challenges facing many food industry sectors, including the dairy industry. Growing literature shows that the adoption of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution (named Industry 4.0) has promising potential to bring about breakthroughs and new insights and unlock advancement opp

Anticipating Glacier Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs): an impact-based forecasting framework for managing GLOF risks in Nepal.

Glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs) are an increasingly documented threat across the Himalayan region, wherein Nepal is situated. GLOFs involve a rapid discharge of water from a lake situated at the side, front, within, beneath, or on the surface of a glacier. Forecasting the impacts associated with such events could facilitate the development of proactive risk management approaches. Impact-based

Using an emissions barrier for controlling PAH in indoor air

An emissions barrier was installed in a building where a wall had been treated with a tar-containing material as an impregnation agent and moisture barrier. There was a strong disturbing smell inside the building. Several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were identified in the indoor air amounting to a total of 1726 ng PAH/m3. The amounts decreased to 139 ng/m3 after the barrier had been ins

Current and Emerging Pharmacological Targets and Treatments of Urinary Incontinence and Related Disorders

Overactive bladder syndrome with and without urinary incontinence and related conditions, signs, and disorders such as detrusor overactivity, neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, underactive bladder, stress urinary incontinence, and nocturia are common in the general population and have amajor impact on the quality of life of the affected patients and their partners. Based on the deliberati

Synthesis and Characterization of a Thermoresponsive Copolymer with an LCST-UCST-like Behavior and Exhibiting Crystallization

In this work, the diblock copolymer methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(ϵ-caprolactone) (MPEG-b-PCL) was synthesized with a block composition that allows this polymer in aqueous media to possess both an upper critical solution temperature (UCST) and a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) over a limited temperature interval. The value of the UCST, associated with crystallization of the P