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Your search for "*" yielded 531152 hits

Modeling and Optimization of an Integrated Column Sequence with In-Line Dilution for Continuous Chromatography of Proteins

Integrerade kolonnsekvenser är ett effektivt system för användning av kromatografi processer, inom läkemedelsindustrin, där olika processer kopplas i serie. Detta medför dock ett problem, och i detta arbete ska ett alternativ undersökas som kan vara en lösning. I läkemedelsindustrin under tillverkningen utav proteiner, innehåller oftast lösningen från reaktorn flera olika proteiner och dessa måstIn the pharmaceutical industry when proteins are being formed, the solution often consists of different kinds of proteins and these have to be separated to a high degree. A common process for this is chromatography. In this work a system of chromatography columns were coupled in series to separate a mixture of three proteins. The system consisted of three chromatography columns with mixers in betw

Tillväxteffekter för andra generationens granskog efter tidigare genomförd kalkning

Syftet med den här studien är att studera tillväxten under perioden 1992 fram till våren 2016 för andra generationens granskog efter tidigare genomförd kalkning. Skogen och skogsproduktionen är och har länge varit en stor och viktig del i Sveriges utveckling och ekonomi. Att studera tillväxten av skog är därför av stort intresse för många aktörer inom svenska skogsindustrin. I slutet av 1960-taletThis study aims to investigate the growth of a spruce forest, where the soil has been treated with lime before planting. The study period reaches from 1992, when the spruces were planted until 2016. In Sweden, the forest industry plays an important role of the country´s development and economic conditions. A study of forest growth is therefore of large interest for many actors within the Swedish f

Vilandeförklaring av lantmäteriförrättning - Underutnyttjat verktyg som kan effektivisera exploateringsprocessen?

En fastighet är fast egendom definierad som jord vilken avgränsas antingen horisontellt eller både horisontellt och vertikalt. Vid förändring i fastighetsindelningen utförs en lantmäteriförrättning där fastighetsbildningslagen tillämpas. Om det finns ett hinder mot ny- eller ombildning av fastigheten där sökt åtgärd därför inte är möjlig kan en lantmäteriförrättning vilandeförklaras, om åtgärden sThe cadastral procedure is, in Sweden, led by a cadastral authority. If there is an obstacle to applied new division into property units, the cadastral authority can declare the cadastral procedure dormant until the obstacle is obviated if the new division into property is later expected to be allowed. This master thesis aims to clarify how dormant declaration is used today and how the implementat

[Mat]Rätten att vara : en semiotisk analys av två av Coops reklamfilmer i kampanjen "Ekoeffekten"

Den här studien undersöker stereotyper och framställningar i Coops kampanjfilmer “Ekoeffekten” och “Möt familjen Palmberg” från 2015. Huvudfrågan i frågeställningen lyder “Hur representeras och framställs matkonsumtion i relation till livsstil och klass i Coops reklamfilmer i kampanjen “Ekoeffekten”?”. Filmerna lanserades under kampanjnamnet “Ekoeffekten”. Studien genomförs genom en semiotisk bild

Nano-synergies in conventional flame retardants

I det här examensarbetet har effekterna av att tillsätta nanopartiklar till konventionella flamskyddsmedel studerats. Huvuddelen av arbetet har utförts på Saab Barracuda AB (Barracuda), Gamleby, och delar av arbetet har utförts på Totalförsvarets forskningsintitut (FOI) och Exova, båda i Linköping, samt Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH), Lund. Arbetet fokuserar på att utreda om tillsatsen av specifikaIn this master thesis the effects of adding nanoparticles to conventional flame retardants has been examined. The main part of the work has been carried out at Saab Barracuda AB (Barracuda) in Gamleby, and part of the work has been carried out at the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) and Exova, both in Linköping, as well as The Faculty of Engineering in Lund. The work focuses on whether the ad

The Mindfulness Spectrum - Illuminating the Impacts and Reasons for Incorporating MBSR in a Healthcare Organization

The purpose of this study was to gain a greater understanding on how healthcare workers, particularly caregivers of elderly and dementia patients, are impacted by a Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training and to explore the reasons a manager has for incorporating these types of trainings. Within the scope of this qualitative study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with nine careg

Barriers of organic food purchase : Segmentation of young consumers

The growing trend in organic consumption has lead us to develop a research about barriers that influences young consumer’s beliefs and attitudes toward organic food. The study is based on results of a survey conducted in a supermarket from Malmo on a sample of 270 occasional and non-organic young consumers aged 18-36 years. The data collected was analyzed with SPSS 23.0 by carrying out hierarchica

Media, Nationalism and the Welfare System

This study aims to investigate and explain the portrayal of refugees in Swedish media, and to use the media as a way of understanding society at large. The analysis is based on newspaper articles written during times when nationalist parties have been in parliament in Sweden, the periods being 1990 to 1995 and 2010 to 2015. By looking at how the media portrays and reports on refugees through the t

Design, Build and Test of planar antennae

Planar antennae have become very popular owing to their relative ease of manufacture and unobtrusive nature (they are conformal to surfaces) especially with regard to certain devices such as smart phones, watches and fitness gadgets. Although the fractional bandwidth of planar antennae is small, the actual bandwidth in absolute terms is high owing to the higher centre frequencies used and proves u

Development of a wear index and its methodology related to mineral processing - Part I

This Master Thesis was performed for Sandvik SRP in collaboration with the Institution for Industrial Production Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. Tool wear is one of the main cost drivers in the mining industry. By being able to characterize what kind of rock involved, you can choose a more beneficial tool material to minimize the wear and thereby reduce the maintenance costs. The purpos

A Quantitative Evaluation and Proposition of Cache Policies in Mobile GPUs

Caches today are an important part of mitigating the performance gap between processors and memory which has increased during the last 50 years. Cache policies are vital for the performance of caches and their mission is to select the data which should be contained in the cache and are therefore important for the performance of processors. Graphics processors are very memory bandwidth intensive an

Hantera semi-offentliga diskussioner : En intervjustudie om journalisters arbete med artikelkommentarer på svenska lokala dagstidningars nyhetssajter

Problem: I teorin kan idén om artikelkommentarsfält på nyhetssajter framstå som ett ideal - ett lättillgängligt forum och en gemensam plattform för diskussion och debatt om samhällsfrågor. I praktiken är det inte alltid så idealiskt. Hot om våld och rasistiska uttalanden är sådant som går att hitta i kommentarstrådarna. Hur hänger de här två bilderna av teori och praktik ihop? Metod och material

From Another Point of View The Cultural Dimension of Open Innovation Collaboration between Business and Academia

This study aims to enrich the understanding of the cultural dimension of open innovation (OI) collaboration between business and academia by focusing on challenges and how professionals build trust with universities to overcome them. It examines collaborative OI activities between IBM and universities in the Nordic region. We see the need to study this issue as the cultural aspect is an underexplo

Purification and Characterization of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproducts (RAGE)

Vid t.ex. höga blodsockervärden kan socker binda in till proteiner och bilda försockrade proteiner s.k. advanced glycation endproducts (AGE). AGE proteiner anses vara en viktig faktor i åldrande och i nedbrytande sjukdomar som diabetes och Alzheimers sjukdom. Ligander är molekyler som binder till specifika receptorer på cellytan och därigenom skickar signaler in i cellen. Receptorn för AGE proteinIn this study a method for small scale purification of the protein RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation endproducts) was developed and soluble RAGE was purified from bovine and mice tissue. In healthy animals RAGE is expressed in measurable levels only in lungs and therefore lungs have been used. The tissue was homogenized and thereafter RAGE was purified using Concanavaline A (Con A)-Sepharose,

A comparative study of stochastic and deterministic simulation methods for transport-diffusion systems

The growth of tissues and organs in plants is governed by the morphogen auxin coupled with the membrane protein PIN, which together generate patterns that guide development. Systems of this kind have been studied extensively in experiments and computational system biology models. This thesis builds on that work by introducing a stochastic version of these models to examine differences between stoc

Incentives and challenges for adopting AM technology in the plastic industry

Problem definition Additive manufacturing is a technology that has received a lot of attention and many are wondering how it will affect them plastic industry in the future. Additive manufacturing is mostly used for prototyping today but there is reason to believe that the technology has potential to overtake other application areas for plastic or used as a complementary method to existing manufac

Socialtjänstens dubbla uppdrag : Socialsekreterares perspektiv på socialt arbete med unga lagöverträdare

The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the child welfare officers’ understanding of their work with the young offenders and how they explain and handle their double assignment (help vs. control). Three main questions in this study are following: 1. Which goals, motives and methods do child welfare officers have in their work with the young offenders? 2. What makes a child a young

Being (dis)obedient: An analysis of the climate justice movement's use of civil disobedience at COP21 in the light of the French state of emergency

Within the climate justice movement there is a clear tendency in the last years towards actions of civil disobedience. The Red Lines protest in Paris during COP21 was meant to be one of the main events of the movement in 2015. However, the Paris attacks on November 13 and the subsequent state of emergency drastically changed the conditions for political protests. This thesis provides an analysis o

Development of a combined In-Cell ELISA and flow cytometry method for quantification of uptake of PEGylated nanoparticles by Raw264.7 and HepG2 cells

Cancer is one of today’s most common causes of human mortality. For long, chemotherapeutics has been a conventional treatment of the disease, but due to its low precision and high frequency of side effects, this treatment has been highly debated. Nanosized particles, so called nanoparticles (NPs), have emerged as a promising tool for cancer treatment, due to their ability of selectively reaching t