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Are the Sweden Democrats really Sweden’s largest party? A maximum likelihood ratio test on the simplex

In August 2015 a Swedish newspaper claimed that the Sweden Democrats were the largest political party in Sweden based on the results of single poll. We ask ourselves if this is a correct conclusion, considering the fact that the three largest parties in the poll were of roughly the same size. We analyse the parameter space and identify the subspace where the Sweden Democrats are the largest party.

What's in a schema? Bodily mimesis and the grounding of language

The chapter defines mimetic schemas as dynamic, concrete and preverbal representations, involving the body image, which are accessible to consciousness, and pre-reflectively shared in a community. Mimetic schemas derive from a uniquely human capacity for bodily mimesis (Donald 1991; Zlatev, Persson and Gardenfors 2005) and are argued to play a key role in language acquisition, language evolution a

A Distinction in Value - Intrinsic and For Its Own Sake

The paper argues that the final value of an object, i.e., its value for its own sake, need not be intrinsic. It need not supervene on the object’s internal properties. Extrinsic final value, which accrues to things (or persons) in virtue of their relational features, cannot be traced back to the intrinsic value of states that involve these things together with their relations. On the opposite, suc

Samhällskostnader för yersinios och shigellos i Sverige

Yersinios och shigellos är två bakterieburna och livsmedelsrelaterade sjukdomar som medför betydande kostnader i termer av direkta kostnader (kostnader för vård, medicin, rehabilitering etc.), indirekta kostnader (produktionsbortfall till följd av sjukfrånvaro) och immateriella kostnader (obehag, illamående och dylika immateriella aspekter som kan kopplas till sjukdomen). Det är väsentligt att upp

Hållfasthetslära för arbete i den mänskliga sektorn

Utbildning i hållfasthetslära är självklar för den som bygger konstruktioner som ska hålla i åratal. Lika självklart borde det vara med hållfasthetslära för människor som ska hålla i åratal. Att människor saknar kunskap om mänsklig hållfasthet visas tydligt i antalet långtidssjukskrivningar för utmattningssyndrom. Människor som saknar en god självkänsla bygger sitt hus på en instabil grund. När de


This book chapter is a short presentation of different understandings of the concept of conversion, research on conversion, and the complexity of using this concept to describe religious mobility today. This applies not least to conversion where religions other than Christianity are involved. Conversion is also discussed in relation to secularisation and individualisation of religion.

Cellulose hydrolysis by Trichoderma reesei cellulases: Studies on adsorption, sugar production and synergism of cellobiohydrolase I, II and endoglucanase II

Three major cellulases, cellobiohydrolase I and II (CBH I and II) and endoglucanase II (EG II) of Trichoderma reesei have been purified by ion-exchange chromatography in an FPLC system. Microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel) was hydrolysed by the single enzymes and by equimolar mixtures of CBH I-CBH II and CBH I-EG II. Enzyme adsorption was followed indirectly by selectively quantifying the enzymes i

Influence of solid solutions on the properties of some apatite-type calcium salts relevant to the production of phosphate and silicate cements

The effects of non-stoichiometry and isomorphic substitutions on the properties of some apatite-type compounds were investigated. These investigations were performed both in the fields of Portland cement chemistry and apatitic calcium phosphate-based biocements. Apatite compounds were synthesized by solid state methods and by hydrolysis of the reactant α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP). The materials