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Your search for "*" yielded 531867 hits

Influence of enzyme loading and physical parameters on the enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-pretreated softwood

Softwood is an interesting raw material for the production of fuel ethanol as a result of its high content of hexoses, and it has attracted attention especially in the Northern hemisphere. However, the enzymatic hydrolysis of softwood is not sufficiently efficient for the complete conversion of cellulose to glucose. Since an improvement in the glucose yield is of great importance for the overall e

Generation of neutralizing antibodies and divergence of SIVmac239 in cynomolgus macaques following short-term early antiretroviral therapy.

Neutralizing antibodies (NAb) able to react to heterologous viruses are generated during natural HIV-1 infection in some individuals. Further knowledge is required in order to understand the factors contributing to induction of cross-reactive NAb responses. Here a well-established model of experimental pathogenic infection in cynomolgus macaques, which reproduces long-lasting HIV-1 infection, was

Changes in encoding of path of motion after acquisition of a second language

Languages vary typologically in their lexicalization of Path of motion (Talmy 1991). Furthermore, lexicalization patterns are argued to affect syntactic packaging at the level of the clause (e.g. Slobin 1996b) and tend to transfer from a first (L1) to a second language (L2) in second language acquisition (e.g. Cadierno 2004). From this crosslinguistic and developmental evidence, typological prefer

Glucose concentration in seromas after plastic surgery: A pilot study.

Abstract Previously, glucose concentration has been presumed to be similar in seroma, lymph, and plasma. However, there are few studies actually measuring glucose concentration in seroma. The aim of this pilot study was to determine if the glucose concentration in seroma is similar to that in plasma, as it has previously been presumed. Biochemical analysis of seroma was performed on 11 patients th

A case-control study of rheumatoid arthritis identifies an associated single nucleotide polymorphism in the NCF4 gene, supporting a role for the NADPH-oxidase complex in autoimmunity

ABSTRACT: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease with a heritability of 60%. Genetic contributions to RA are made by multiple genes, but only a few gene associations have yet been confirmed. By studying animal models, reduced capacity of the NADPH-oxidase (NOX) complex, caused by a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in one of its components (the NCF1 gene), has been found to

Isolation and characterization of progenitor-like cells from human renal proximal tubules.

The tubules of the kidney display a remarkable capacity for self-renewal on damage. Whether this regeneration is mediated by dedifferentiating surviving cells or, as recently suggested, by stem cells has not been unequivocally settled. Herein, we demonstrate that aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity may be used for isolation of cells with progenitor characteristics from adult human renal cortica

Insulin promoter DNA methylation correlates negatively with insulin gene expression and positively with HbA(1c) levels in human pancreatic islets.

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Although recent studies propose that epigenetic factors influence insulin expression, the regulation of the insulin gene in type 2 diabetic islets is still not fully understood. Here, we examined DNA methylation of the insulin gene promoter in pancreatic islets from patients with type 2 diabetes and non-diabetic human donors and related it to insulin expression, HbA(1c) levels, BM

Plasma concentrations of Gas6 and soluble Axl correlate with disease and predict mortality in patients with critical limb ischemia.

INTRODUCTION: Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is a severe peripheral arterial disease, characterized by rest pain, ulcers and gangrene in the legs. Gas6 is a vitamin K-dependent protein, which binds and activates the tyrosine kinase receptor Axl. Gas6-mediated Axl-signaling influences endothelial activation, neointima formation and immune regulation. Axl can be cleaved and soluble Axl (sAxl) is detec

Depressive symptoms and deliberate self-harm in a community sample of adolescents: a prospective study.

The associations between depressive symptoms and deliberate self-harm were studied by means of a 2-wave longitudinal design in a community sample of 1052 young adolescents, with longitudinal data for 83.6% of the sample. Evidence was found for a bidirectional relationship in girls, with depressive symptoms being a risk factor for increased self-harm one year later and self-harm a risk factor for i

Hydrogen peroxide induces mRNA for tumour necrosis factor alpha in human endothelial cells

Reactive oxygen intermediates are important mediators of inflammation. We investigated if hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induces tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) expression in cultured human cells from umbilical vein endothelium (HUVEC), aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC), peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), or the cell line Mono Mac 6. Cultures were stimulated with 200 micromol/L H2O2 for 1

Deciphering developmental stages of adult myelopoiesis.

The ability to subfractionate minor cellular subsets by multiparameter flow cytometry and to evaluate such cells for functional properties has been used to ascertain lineal relationships and detail developmental hierarchies in the hematopoietic system for more than 20 years. However, steady advances in technology combined with the use of novel cell surface markers continues to redefine the develop

Socioeconomic position and secondary preventive therapy after an AMI.

PURPOSE: To investigate the association between socioeconomic position and use of lipid-lowering drugs and ACE-inhibitors after an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) when simultaneously considering participation in the national quality register RIKS-HIA (Register of Information and Knowledge about Swedish Heart Intensive care Admissions), age, sex and previous hospitalizations of the patients. METH

Automatic Reduction Procedures for Chemical Mechanisms in Reactive Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish En av dagens största utmaningar är de stadigt ökande utsläppen av förorenande avgaser och drivhusgaser. Den största delen av dessa föroreningar kommer från förbränningsanläggningar och fordon. För att kunna minska utsläppen måste man förstå förbränningsprocesserna, och hur man kan kontrollera förbränningen. Utmaningen är att förbränningprocesser är mycket komplexa. Det To deal with complex physical and chemical processes in reactive systems, such as combustion processes, it is necessary to find methods that simplify modelling in such a way that it becomes both more comprehensible and practically useful. In the work reported here a method for automatically reducing chemical reaction mechanisms has been developed for use in computer simulations of various combusti

Methods for the determination in the nanomole range of lipids in liver fine-needle aspiration biopsies

Triglycerides and phospholipids 0.5-2mg (wet weight) of human liver material obtained by the fine-needle aspiration biopsy technique can be estimated after chloroform:methanol extraction by the determination of lipid phosphorus and glyceride glycerol. The methods are based on the colorimetric determination of inorganic phosphate after oxidation of the phospholipids and the enzymatic fluorometric d