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Perceived fairness of airlines' revenue management from young adults perspective

Perceived fairness of airlines’ revenue management practices from young adults perspective The objective of this research paper is to familiarize the reader with airline revenue management (RM) practices and assess the perceived fairness. A mixed method approach was implemented, as both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. Initially, focus groups were executed in order to develop in

Optimizing Genetic Training Parameters for Neural Networks in Survival Analysis

Artificiella neuronnät är en mer och mer populär del av maskininlärning. Nätverken byggs upp av sammankopplade noder, där varje nod är en simpel matematisk modell av en neuron. Neuronnät kan användas för att lösa olika problem, t.ex. överlevnadsanalys inom medicin. Ett exempel på överlevnadsanalys är uppskattning av tiden innan ett återfall av cancer efter en tumör har tagits bort, baserat på t.eArtificial neural networks have been used to solve different problems, one being survival analysis of medical data. For survival analysis, the main interest is often how samples become sorted by their outputs, which makes survival analysis a rank based problem. A rank based error function lacks a gradient, which makes gradient descent based training difficult. A genetic training algorithm, based o

“There is no one that isn’t born and raised on a farm that can afford to go into dairy production”: Swedish dairy farmers on profitability, power and sustainability

This thesis contributes to the discussion on food production and sustainability by studying how political economy is experienced by Swedish dairy farmers. Many Swedish dairy farmers have reported that they struggle with poor profitability, and the number of dairy farms is decreasing quickly. However, the size of the remaining farms has increased simultaneously. The study focuses on the changes in

What Goes Around Comes Around - A Quantitative Study of Swedish Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Sustainable Consumption Models

Aim and Purpose: The aim with this thesis was to provide answers to the two research questions: “Which of the four consumption models (“Circular economy”, “Shared economy”, “Environmentally friendly”, and “Conventional”) do Swedish consumers prefer, in relation to different product markets and product categories?” and“Are there any distinctive demographic segments among consumers preferring a spec

Slitage på mark och vegetation i fjällmiljö - en fallstudie om markskador i Södra Årefjällen

Markslitage i fjällmiljö Ett ökat intresse för fjällturism leder till markslitage i fällen. Fjällmiljön har en lång återhämtningstid och därför måste åtgärder sättas in i god tid för att kunna bibehålla en storslagen fjällmiljö. Genom att studera området Södra Årefjällen, genom framställning i media och genom en dokumentsökning, har en kartläggning gjorts på hur olika aktiviteter påverkar markmiljThe alpine nature is sensitive and takes a long time to recover if damaged. The ground can be damaged by trampling, motor vehicles and bicycling amongst other things. This study focuses on the alpine area of Södra Årefjällen, which is located in mid-Sweden. The aim with the study was to see which activities that has the most impact on land and vegetation, what can be done to repair it and how visi

Brand Trust Through Informal Communication: Let’s Taco ‘Bout It

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the effect of informal communication strategies on brand trust from a consumer perspective. Additionally, it aims to further conceptualize brand communication strategies on social media. Methodology: This inductive study applied a qualitative research strategy to obtain an in-depth understanding of consumers’ feeling of brand trust on soci

Lund Sydvästra. Mitigating the housing crisis in Sweden’s “City of ideas”

Today, Sweden is experiencing a significant pressure on the housing market. Most of the municipalities are facing a housing shortage, and the problem is especially acute in metropolitan regions. Currently, Sweden has one of the highest levels of urbanization in the EU and, taking into consideration the rising population, the lack of housing has become a national issue. Lund is a university town a

Making sense of adaptability initiatives in the teeth of rigidity

This case study explores how members of a large complex organization make sense of its efforts to be more adaptable. Using ideas from institutional theory, we problematize efforts toward adaptability and identify adaptability as an area where organizations engage in some degree of hypocrisy, meaning that they talk about being flexible to stay competitive in a fast-paced environment, but often act

Risk-Based Portfolio Allocation Strategies with a Focus on Sustainable Stocks in Sweden

This paper aims at analyzing the performance of six portfolio weight allocation strategies. The traditional Market Capitalization (CW), the Equal Weight (EW) and the Inverse Volatility Weighting (IVW) are heuristic based techniques and the Minimum Variance (MV), Maximum Diversification (MD) and Risk Efficient Weighting (REW) are risk-based. They are applied to a sample of Swedish stocks for an eva


För mig är naturen, vatten och skog förknippat med tid för att samla tankarna och koppla av. Platser jag besöker för vandring, bad eller bara en lugn stund. De kan fungera som en tillflyktsort likt vad ett fritidshus eller ett besök på en kurort är för vissa, och det är utifrån detta mitt arbete har tagit sin början. Jag startade mitt examensarbete med målet att skapa en nutida kurort. Men alltef

The Place of Women in Public Space : A Case Study of Street Harassment in Bangladesh

Sexual harassment on the streets is a prevalent issue worldwide and most of it takes place in the cities. The issue has been addressed by various international agencies and governments. However, the problem still persists and affects the daily lives of people, especially women and girls. It affects their daily commuting patterns and it has impact on their decisions about whether to be present in p

Oxygen Metabolism in Lactobacillus reuteri. DSM 17938 and PTA 4659

A previous study found that oxygen can promote the growth of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 and PTA 4659 (Koendjbiharie, 2015). However, the presence of oxygen is a cause of H2O2 accumulation, which can result in impaired growth. The first part of this project was to investigate survivability of cells when treated with H2O2. The results revealed that the higher the concentration of H2O2, the lowe

Strategisk och varumärkesbyggande propaganda – en nyansering av begreppet

The purpose of this study is to nuance how the communication discipline propaganda should be interpreted, thus contributing with knowledge of its application, characteristics and cultural significance in contemporary and strategic advertising campaigns. This essay is a case study based on the Swedish Armed Force's advertising campaign "We let Sweden be in peace". The study has a soci

Consumer Welfare and EU Merger Control - How Does it Tip the Scales?

Att upprätthålla välfärden för konsumenter inom EU är en av grundprinciperna för EU:s konkurrensrättsliga regelverk och praxis, något som leder till att alla konkurrensrättsliga bedömningar som genomförs av Kommissionen bör genomsyras av ett tänk som ser till det bästa för upprätthållandet av just denna välfärd. Denna inställning till skydd för konsumenter är särskilt framträdande inom EU:s regelvThe consumer welfare standard is one of the fundamental principles of EU competition law and practice. This means that all competitive assessments conducted by the Commission should have the welfare of consumers in mind to make sure that it is not harmed. This approach to protecting consumer welfare is especially prominent within the EU framework for corporate concentrations, where it is an intrin

Berättelser som bryter barriärer? En kvalitativ studie om kulturell mångfald i interkulturell reklam utifrån ett narrativt perspektiv

Studien syftar till att utvinna fördjupade kunskaper om hur kulturell mångfald representeras och hanteras i interkulturell reklam och därigenom bidra till forskningens förståelse för hur reklam kan bli mer inkluderande. Den tidigare forskningen fokuserar främst på internationaliseringen av reklam genom översättning och förståelse för andra språk. Det finns således en brist på forskning inom kultur

Undressing Sustainability Communication: An exploratory study of sustainable fashion brands’ online messages

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to provide an understanding of how successful sustainable fashion brands communicate online, since communicating sustainability efforts effectively has been identified as essential to contribute towards closing the attitude-behaviour gap. Therefore, the company perspective is taken, exploring message content and composition on corporate websites and Facebook.

Brand Conviction and Brand Desirability in the Aviation Industry

The Awareness-Interest-Conviction-Desire-Action (“AICDA”) model was studied by various marketing scholars in the past 80 years. However, the relationship between brand conviction and brand desirability in the aviation industry has not yet been proved empirically. Through the conduction of a preliminary questionnaire survey in Lund, Sweden (N = 288) and a main questionnaire survey in Hong Kong (N =

What Do the Best Strategic Thinkers Do?

Purpose The purpose of this study is to better understand the concept of strategic thinking. There is a lack of scientific knowledge and consensus in the area of strategic thinking. This is, however, important since organisations are exposed to environments with high levels of uncertainty and complexity these days. To remain competitive in such volatile environments, the need for employees and man

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Vasamuseet i Stockholm

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the fire safety at Vasamuseet on Djurgården in Stockholm. The museum has twelve floors and consists of the ship hall including large and small exhibitions, a restaurant, a gift shop, and areas for staff. In this report, the focus is the ship hall expanding from the 2nd floor to the 7th floor. The economic and environmental loss are not taken into account

"Jag har kommit in i vissa facebookgränder, men inte alla" : privat och offentligt i en arbetsplatskontext

Studien undersöker hur några kollegor på en arbetsplats ser på gränsen mellan privat och offentligt på och utanför Facebook. Skiljer sig deras uppfattningar om vad som är privat och offentligt när de förhåller sig till arbetsplatsen och arbetskollegorna jämfört med andra kontexter som de ingår i? Teoretisk utgångspunkt är Goffmans begrepp front stage/back stage samt senare teorier om interaktion m