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Barnmorskans upplevelse av att ge stöd till kvinnan under förlossningen

Support from a midwife through labour is unique for its ability to empower women to trust their own physical and mental capacities. The purpose of this thesis was to highlight the role of midwives in providing support to mothers during childbirth. In this qualitative study, ten midwives from two clinics were interviewed, and the data was collected via semi-structured, group-focused interviews. The

Upphandlad demokrati : hur bibliotekens demokratiska uppdrag tolkas och görs på privat drivna folkbibliotek

Public libraries in Sweden have a tradition of being run by public sector in each municipality. However, in the last twenty years there have been changes in culture politics and society, which have resulted in some public libraries now being run by the private sector. In addition, there are factors indicating that more public libraries could be privatised in the future. Therefore, a conflict can b

To rent, or not to rent?

New and innovative retail models such as product-service-systems (PSS) seem to offer a promising solution for more sustainable shopping activities. However, the adoption rate of PSS remains to date regretfully low. With the aim to investigate this problem, the present thesis focuses on the rental fashion model of use-oriented PSS and examines emotions that consumers experience in this context, whe

Sequence Correlations in HP Model Proteins

Amino acids that are in close contact in a protein structure tend to co-evolve, which gives rise to sequence correlations. Direct coupling analysis (DCA) is a method for predicting such contacts directly from sequence correlations, without assuming any prior knowledge of structures. To this end, sequence correlations are modeled using an Ising-like ansatz, whose couplings are determined through an

King of the Road or Caught in the Headlights? - A Managerial Perspective on the Role and Execution of Peripheral Vision in the German Car Rental Industry

The failure or flourishing of companies in their core businesses can often be attributed to events and developments rooting outside their focus of attention. Many research streams are concerned with early detection, interpretation and acting upon these weak signals from companies’ peripheries - with Peripheral Vision by Schoemaker & Day (2006) being one of the most systematic approaches. Due t

”Egentligen är alla offer i en hederskultur” : En kvalitativ studie av skolkuratorers syn på begreppet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

The aim of this study was to investigate school counselors perspective and their view of the concept honour-related violence and oppression. We have explored how school counselors perspective are taken into consideration when they define the students who live under honour-related violence and oppression. Furthermore the study also aims to describe the school counselors comprehension on their work

The Spx/YjbH system in Bacillus subtilis

Spx or why bacteria don’t suffer from burnout Bacteria also suffer from stress. In general, any fluctuation in the environment of bacteria can cause stress on them. For instance, too hot or too cold temperature, or changes in the pH. In order to survive, they need mechanisms to cope with it. Most of these mechanisms involve proteins, which can be seen as tools that respond to stress. In the bac

Assessment of hemodynamic parameters using 4D Flow MRI

Heart disease is one of the worldwide leading causes of death, and facilitating the work of physicians in this area is therefore of great importance. Imaging of the heart is one of many fields that is used for diagnosis and analysis of cardiac disease. Within this field, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive technique that allows for acquisition of high quality images. Blood flow th

”Det kanske är så att man slår hårdare när man är yngre” : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas reflektioner kring våld i nära relationer bland äldre

The purpose of this qualitative study is to capture professional employee’s thoughts and reflections concerning domestic violence among elderly people. It is important to highlight the opinions of professionals working with elderly to better understand the phenomena and how to work with it. The data was collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews. The study was based on eight intervie

Trade & Factor Mobility

This study considers the nexus between trade, productivity and misallocation. Drawing on the influential model by Melitz (2003) in which firm heterogeneity is exploited to derive aggregate productivity gains from trade liberalizations, the intermediating role of dismissal regulation in producing these gains are examined. The source of the post-liberalization increase in aggregate productivity is a

"Många väntar bara på att någon ska våga fråga" : En studie om socialarbetares reflektioner kring missbruk och sexualitet

“Many just wait for someone to dare to ask.” – A study about social workers reflections on addiction and sexuality [translated title] The purpose of this study was to examine if and how social workers with experience of treatment interventions reflect about the supposable correlation between addiction and sexuality. Five qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers wh


This project addresses the problems the traditional loom has in our modern so- ciety resulting in a product that provides a new and modernized way of looking at the loom. A lighter, easier and more intuitive version that one could use even without having previous experience with weaving. Most of us have an encountered a loom in our lives, but very few have a relationship to it. As weaving is one

Reducing Ambiguity in the Fuzzy Front End for Internal Corporate Ventures

Innovation är ett vidkänt koncept som har fått ökad betydelse i dagens organisationer. Uppmärksamhet har framförallt riktats till de initiala faserna av innovationsprocessen, kallade Fuzzy Front End (FFE). Att hantera FFE effektivt har blivit nödvändigt i utvecklingen av nya innovativa produkter, eftersom det kan minska cykeltider och kostnader relaterat till produktutvecklingen. Det är dock svårtInnovation is a widely known concept which has received increased importance in today's organizations. Attention has especially been directed to the initial phases of the innovation process, commonly referred to as the Fuzzy Front End (FFE). Managing the FFE effectively, has become essential in the development of innovative products, since it can reduce cycle times and costs related to product

Does extraversion correlate with style of epistemological justification?

Vi har alla trosuppfattningar, och vi rättfärdigar dessa trosuppfattningar för oss själva och till andra när de ifrågasätts. Den struktur som dessa övertygelser är byggda på är en logisk grund, som i sig består av olika typer av epistemologiska rättfärdiganden. I den här studien undersöktes om nivån av extraversion är associerat med på vilket sätt vi gör epistemologiska rättfärdiganden. Hypotesen We all have beliefs, and we justify these beliefs to ourselves and to others when questioned. The structure that these beliefs are built upon is a rationale, that itself, consists of different types of epistemological justifications. In this study I examined if the level of extraversion an individual expresses correlated with different styles of epistemological justification. The hypothesis was th

Mine's a Whiskey

Alcoholic beverage marketing communication has been observed to be highly, and stereotypically gendered. However, there is a common misconception that men and women are fundamentally different in their alcoholic beverage preferences and behaviours, therefore questioning the appropriateness of segregating products based on gender. Not only has this binary approach to gender been proven to create si

So Fresh and So Green. An Exploratory Study of Consumers Perceptions of Green Brand Extensions.

Green products are on the rise. Consumers, especially among the Millennial generation, are demanding sustainable products which led to a green consumer trend that puts major pressure on companies to go green. Nowadays, product choices are not only made on a functional and emotional basis but also in regards to how a company meets its social and environmental responsibility. Thus, companies start t

Estimating Median Visiting Times using Re-identification

Besökstider skulle kunna användas för smartare kassabemanning för att minimera kötider vilket leder till en mer positiv butiksupplevelse för kunden. Det har visat sig att för en mindre butik vara möjligt att uppskatta besökstider med god tillförlitlighet. Ytterligare användningsområden för besökstider är att jämföra hur länge personer vistas i olika områden. Besökstider är en möjlighet för butiksäUsing customer visiting times stores can analyse customer behaviour and gain insights to help improve the store experience. This thesis investigates the possibility of using person re-identification to create a system that can estimate the median visiting time. Neural networks were used to analyse images of persons from two different views. Images depicting the same person were matched together an

Ett yrke, en gåva eller ett brott? : En kvantitativ studie om socionomstudenters attityd till surrogatmödraskap

Introduction: The aim of this study is to investigate social work students’ attitude towards surrogacy. Based on the concepts of altruism and the theory of mere exposure effect the analysis aims to contribute to a discussion of knowledge, ethical dilemmas and attitudes linked to possible future legislation of surrogacy in Sweden. The lack of guidelines and legislation for surrogacy makes it diffic

Dynamics of Aggregate Political Trust in the European Union; The role of national institutions and evaluations of economic benefits

Political trust in the EU has declined substantially in recent year and the growing divide between the Eurozone and the other member countries are at the heart of the scholarly debate. As a result, there is a growing body of literature on the determinants of political trust and public opinions in the EU. Existing research propose and test several explanations for the foundations of political trust

En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers professionella erfarenheter och funktion i suicidprevention

The purpose of the study is to examine how school counselors work professionally with suicide prevention and what experience they have in helping suicidal high school students. Qualitative method were used to obtain the results. The sample has been made through a purposive sampling of school counselors in northwest Skåne. The result of the study showed that all school counselors have professional