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Regional utveckling - tillväxt och demokrati i förändring

Utifrån ett tjugotal intervjuer med tjänstemän, politiker och näringslivsrepresentanter tecknar författaren en bild av den regionala utvecklingen i Kalmar och Skåne. Rapportens syfte är att identifiera debatten och resonemangen kring försöksregionerna, på nationell, regional och i viss mån kommunal nivå. Två teser drivs. För det första undersöks om det finns ett demokratiskt underskott samt tjänst

The Structure-Function Relationship and Evolution of Deoxyribonucleoside Kinases

Popular Abstract in English Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) are the building blocks of DNA and the balanced cellular dNTP pools are of extreme importance to maintain the genomic stability and overall function of the cell. Primarily, two different pathways exist in most of the organisms that are responsible for providing dNTPs. One is called the de novo pathway where dNTPs are formed fromThe synthesis of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs), building blocks of DNA, can be achieved by two different pathways in the cell. One is called de novo synthesis and the other is known as salvage pathway. The de novo pathway involves synthesis of dNTPs by utilizing basic molecules like sugars, amino acids, CO2, NH3, etc., while in the other pathway, dNTPs are formed by salvaging intra- or

The mandibular third molar. Dentists' judgement in the removal of asymptomatic molars

The aim was to study dentists' judgement on the removal of and on the development of pathology associated with asymptomatic mandibular third molars. Thirty general dental practitioners (GDPs) and 10 oral surgeons were asked to judge 36 molars with equal distribution of three cues: patient's age, angular position and degree of impaction of the molar. Rating on a VAS was found to be an appropriate m

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To investigate the molecular deficiency in MMR genes associated to Lynch syndrome.

Clinical Manifestations and Epidemiology of the New Genetic Variant of Chlamydia trachomatis.

BACKGROUND:: In 2006, a new genetic variant of Chlamydia trachomatis (nvCT) was discovered in Sweden. Clinical manifestations of this infection were studied in a high-risk population. METHODS:: During 2007, a prospective case-control study on sexual lifestyle and urogenital infections was performed at the Centre for Sexual Health (CSH), affiliated to Malmo University Hospital. A total of 629 C. tr

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The Gothic Maze focuses on the vigorous building activity among the 2,692 parish churches in medieval Denmark in the time up to the Reformation: Was this an expression of economic prosperity, increased piety, or a church in crises? Can the development be described as a transition from Romanesque to Gothic? How did the churches change? What was the economic background? Who were the benefactors? Wha

Effects of Curcuma longa (turmeric) on postprandial plasma glucose and insulin in healthy subjects.

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Previous animal studies have shown that Curcuma (C.) longa lowers plasma glucose. C. longa may thus be a promising ingredient in functional foods aimed at preventing type 2 diabetes. The purpose of the study is to study the effect of C. longa on postprandial plasma glucose, insulin levels and glycemic index (GI) in healthy subjects. METHODS: Fourteen healthy subjects were ass

Recension av "Årstafruns dolda dagböcker".

En bok om Årstafrun, Märta Helena Reenstiernas dagböcker 1793-1839. Årstafruns relationer till maken, ryttmästare Christian Henrik von Schnell och de åtta barnen är i fokus. Boken är tematiskt uppbyggd kring hela dagboksamterialet, och anknyter även till händelser i tidens samhälle i ett större perspektiv.