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Outcomes of reduced-intensity transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia: an analysis of prognostic factors from the Chronic Leukemia Working Party of the EBMT

This study reports outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) in 186 patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) from the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT). The median age was 50 years, and 64% were in first chronic phase (CP1), CP2 13%, accelerated phase 17%, and blast crises 6%. The median EBMT transplant sco

Convex bodies instead of needles in Buffon's experiment

An arbitrary fixed convex set in ${\bf R}^2$ is considered as are two families of equally spaced parallel lines making angle $\alpha$ with each other. It is assumed that the inter-line distance in each family of parallel lines is greater than the maximum width of the convex set. A congruent copy of the convex set is placed randomly (centroid uniform in one particular parallelogram cell and orienta

Task-based estimation of mechanical job exposure in occupational groups

Objectives This study examined the validity of a common belief in epidemiology with respect to work-related musculoskeletal disorders, that individual mechanical job exposure is better estimated from tasks performed in the job than from the mean exposure of the occupational group. Methods Whole-day recordings of upper trapezius electromyography were obtained from 24 cleaners and 23 office workers.

Mortality risks among heavy-smokers with special reference to women: a long-term follow-up of an urban population

Increased mortality risks associated with smoking are well established among men. There are very few population-based studies comprising a sufficient number of heavily smoking women, measuring the direct effect of smoking on mortality risks. Between 1974 and 1992, 8,499 women and 13,888 men attended a health screening programme including reporting of smoking habits. Individuals were followed for t

Estimating leaf area index in coniferous and deciduous forests in Sweden using landsat optical sensor data

This paper reports on research to estimate leaf area index (LAI) in Swedish forests with satellite sensor data. The study is part of a research programme that aims at generating input data for process-oriented forest carbon models. Field-work was carried out in two areas in Sweden about 530 km apart, in the nemoral and boreo-nemoral forest regions. Various ways of estimating LAI in the field were

Effect of different forms of alkali treatment on specific fermentation inhibitors and on the fermentability of lignocellulose hydrolysates for production of fuel ethanol

Treatment with alkali, particularly overliming, has been widely used as a method for the detoxification of lignocellulose hydrolysates prior to ethanolic fermentation. However, the mechanisms behind the detoxification effect and the influence of the choice of cation have not been well understood. In this study, a dilute acid hydrolysate of spruce and an inhibitor cocktail consisting of six known i

An epidemiologic study of trends in prevalence of rheumatoid factor seropositivity in Pima Indians - Evidence of a decline due to both secular and birth-cohort influences

Objective. Previous population studies have suggested that both rheumatoid factor (RF) production and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may be declining in occurrence, and. both secular and birth-cohort influences have been implicated. Since Pima Indians have a very high incidence of RA and also have shown recent evidence or a decline in RA, this study evaluated the relative contributions of age, secular,

Higher education policy, enrollment, and income inequality

Objective. The objective of this article is to examine whether public expenditure on higher education has an effect on income inequality by increasing enrollment. Methods. Combining data from the World Bank Development Indicators with data from the World Income Inequality Database version 2, we study the relation between government education expenditure and enrollment rates, as well as the relatio

Prevention of Abdominal Adhesions - Present State and What's beyond the Horizon?

Intra-abdominal adhesions are normally found after most surgical procedures. Many of the adhesions are asymptomatic, but in about 5% they will lead to readmission due to adhesion-related disorders, such as small bowel obstruction, pelvic pain and infertility. This review discusses possible ways to prevent abdominal adhesions and provides an update as comes to where we stand today in research regar

Evidence for second-phonon nuclear wobbling

The nucleus Lu-163 has been populated through the reaction La-139(Si-29,5n) with a beam energy of 157 MeV. Three triaxial, strongly deformed (TSD) bands have been observed with very similar rotational properties. The first excited TSD band has earlier been assigned as a one-phonon wobbling excitation built on the lowest-lying (yrast) TSD band. The large B(E2)(out)/B(E2)(in) value obtainable for on

Quantum control of energy flow in light harvesting.

Coherent light sources have been widely used in control schemes that exploit quantum interference effects to direct the outcome of photochemical processes. The adaptive shaping of laser pulses is a particularly powerful tool in this context: experimental output as feedback in an iterative learning loop refines the applied laser field to render it best suited to constraints set by the experimenter.

Prediction and rationalization of the pH dependence of the activity and stability of family 11 xylanases

This paper presents a study of the pH dependence of the activity and stability of a set of family 11 xylanases for which X-ray structures are available, using the PROPKA approach. The xylanases are traditionally divided into basic and acidic xylanases, depending on whether the catalytic acid is hydrogen bonded to an Asn or Asp residue. Using X-ray structures, the predicted pH values of optimal act

Low levels of IgM antibodies against phosphorylcholine-A potential risk marker for ischemic stroke in men

Background: Natural antibodies specific for phosphorylcholine (anti-PC) have been implicated as protective factors in atherosclerosis. We herein determined the relationship between IgM anti-PC and incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Methods: We studied 349 incident cases (200 men) of first events of CVD (coronary heart disease (CHD; n = 203 or ischemic stroke; n = 146) and 693 age- and sex-

Framings of science and ideology: Organic food labelling in the US and Sweden

Organic food labelling debates in Sweden and the USA are examined in order to compare two different policy discourse climates on the basis of interviews, documents, and websites of governmental and non-governmental organisations. Framings in the Swedish debates mainly take place through eco-pragmatic metaframing, aimed at consensus, and based on a mixture of undefined scientific and ideological fr

Effect of contrast ratio on electron beam stability in laser wakefield acceleration experiments

Laser wakefield accelerators offer the possibility of compact electron acceleration. However one of the key outstanding issues with the results reported to date is the electron beam stability. Experiments on two laser systems reveal that the contrast ratio between the ASE pedestal and main pulse is an important factor in determining the quality of the electron beam. With a high contrast ratio (10^

Sulphate reducing bacteria to precipitate mercury after electrokinetic soil remediation

Combined treatment with electroremediation and sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) was tested in laboratory and pilot scale. The contaminated soil came from a chlor-alkali factory and contained about 100 mg/kg Hg. Iodide/iodine complexing agent was used to mobilize mercury. Mercury iodide complexes were moved to the anode solution using an electric field. The anode solution was then mixed with hydrog

The differential response of human dendritic cells to live and killed Neisseria meningitidis

There is currently no effective vaccine for Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) serogroup B. Generation of optimal immune responses to meningococci could be achieved by targeting meningococcal antigens to human dendritic cells (DCs). Recent studies have shown that diverse DC responses and subsequent generation of protective immunity can be observed if the microbes are viable or killed. This is important b

Bi-enzyme alcohol biosensors based on genetically engineered alcohol oxidase and different peroxidases

We report on the development of a bi-layer bi-enzyme biosensor architecture using different peroxidases and alcohol oxidase from Hansenula polymorpha C-105 as biological recognition elements. The sensor architecture comprises a first layer containing either horseradish peroxidase or royal palm tree peroxidase crosslinked with an Osmium complex-modified redox hydrogel. On top, a second layer was fo

Fixed drug eruption induced by indapamide. Cross-reactivity with sulfonamides

Indapamide is a nontiazidic sulfonamide diuretic which has not been previously reported as a cause of fixed drug eruption. We describe a patient who experienced several episodes of fixed drug eruption during treatment with indapamide. The diagnosis was confirmed by positive controlled oral challenge test. The possible existence of cross-reactivity with other sulfonamide derivatives was investigate