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Non-Ideal Climate Justice

Based on three recently published books on climate justice, this article reviews the field of climate ethics in light of developments of international climate politics. The central problem addressed is how idealised normative theories can be relevant to the political process of negotiating a just distribution of the costs and benefits of mitigating climate change. I distinguish three possible resp

Neural Coding: Bumps on the Move

By meticulously deconstructing the Drosophila head-direction neural circuit, two recent studies have revealed the mechanism of how the fly's body rotations are translated into a continuously updated internal compass representation.

Unit verification effects on reused components in sequential project releases

Background. The effects of different practices on fault distributions in evolving complex software systems is not fully understood. Software reuse and unit verification are prac- tices used to improve system reliability by minimising the number of late faults. Reused software benefits from already being verified while unit verification aims to find faults early.Aims. We want to study effects of so

Automated Controlled Experimentation on Software by Evolutionary Bandit Optimization

Controlled experiments, also called A/B tests or split tests, are used in software engineering to improve products by evaluating variants with user data. By parameterizing software systems, multivariate experiments can be performed automatically and in large scale, in this way, controlled experimentation is formulated as an optimization problem. Using genetic algorithms for automated experimentati

Physical pain is common and associated with nonmedical prescription opioid use among people who inject drugs

Background: People who inject drugs (PWID) often have poor health and lack access to health care. The aim of this study was to examine whether PWID engage in self-treatment through nonmedical prescription opioid use (NMPOU). We describe the prevalence and features of self-reported physical pain and its association with NMPOU. Methods: PWID (N = 702) in San Francisco, California (age 18+) were recr

Time trends in pediatric fracture incidence in Sweden during the period 1950–2006

Background and purpose — Pediatric fracture incidence may not be stable. We describe recent pediatric fracture epidemiology and etiology and compare this to earlier data. Patients and methods — The city of Malmö (population 271,271 in 2005) in Sweden is served by 1 hospital. Using the hospital diagnosis registry, medical charts, and the radiographic archive, we identified fractures in individuals

Wear mechanisms of uncoated and coated cemented carbide tools in machining lead-free silicon brass

Free-machining brass containing 2–3% of lead is a preferred industrial material as it shows excellent machinability where low cutting forces, short chips and reduced tool wear are attained. However this addition of lead, a highly toxic and hazardous material, leads to health and environmental issues. Alternative lead-free brasses are known for poor chip control and accelerated tool wear. The curre

Remissvar om promemorian "Byte av målvariabel och introduktion av variansband" från Lunds Universitet

Lunds universitet har uppmanats att lämna ett yttrande på rubricerad remiss. Universitet avger härmed följande synpunkter som utarbetats vid Ekonomihögskolan av docent Fredrik NG Andersson och professor emeritus Lars Jonung. Lars Jonung var medlem av Finanspolitiska Rådet och dess ordförande 2012-13.Lunds universitet välkomnar i stort de två förändringar av inflationsmålet som Riksbanken har föres

Child physical abuse – High school students’ mental health and parental relations depending on who perpetrated the abuse

The aim of this study was to contribute to the research of child physical abuse (CPA) by examining if there were any differences in high school students’ mental health (in this study symptoms of depression and anxiety, self-esteem and sense of coherence) and/or, in how they perceive their parents, depending on whether or not they had been subjected to CPA during childhood. In addition, if high sch

Socioeconomic Status and the Risk of Stroke Recurrence : Persisting Gaps Observed in a Nationwide Swedish Study 2001 to 2012

Background and Purpose-This nationwide observational study aimed to investigate how socioeconomic status is associated with risk of stroke recurrence and how possible associations change over time. Methods-This study included 168 295 patients, previously independent in activities of daily living, with a first-ever stroke in the Swedish Stroke Register (Riksstroke) 2001 to 2012. Riksstroke was link

Africa : Why Economists Got it Wrong

Not so long ago, Africa was being described as the ‘Hopeless Continent’. Recently, though, talk has turned to ‘Africa Rising’, with enthusiastic voices exclaiming the potential for economic growth across many of its countries. What, then, is the truth behind Africa’s growth, or lack of it?In this provocative book, Morten Jerven fundamentally reframes the debate, challenging mainstream accounts of

Statistical Tragedy in Africa?

What do we know about economic development in Africa? The answer is that we know much less than we would like to think. This collection assesses the knowledge problem present in statistics on poverty, agriculture, labour, education, health, and economic growth. While diverse in origin, the contributors to this book are unified in two conclusions: the quality and quantity of data needs to be improv

Cervical cancer risk perceptions, sexual risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infections among Bivalent Human Papillomavirus vaccinated and non-vaccinated young women in Uganda - 5 year follow up study

Background: Previous studies were conflicting regarding the associations between HPV vaccination, cervical cancer risk perceptions, high-risk sexual behaviors and STIs. This study compared the HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated young women in Uganda regarding cervical cancer risk perceptions, high-risk sexual behaviors, syphilis and HIV infections 5 years after vaccine implementation. Methods: This

Structural analysis and thermodynamics of the ionotropic glutamate receptor GluA2 modulator BPAM-97

Ionotropic glutamate receptors are tetrameric ligand gated ion channels that mediate in ux and ef ux of metal ions in response to glutamate. Positive allosteric modulators of the ionotropic glutamate receptor 2 (GluA2) are promising lead compounds for drugs against cognitive disorders. These compounds bind within the dimeric interface formed by the receptor ligand binding domains (LBDs) attenuatin