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When glasses slip : Data quality of mobile eye trackers during natural behavior
Facilitating online trust with Blockchains
Designing Regulatory Frameworks for Access to Genetic Resources: A Multi-Stakeholder Multi-Criteria Approach
In this paper we conduct a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) from a multiple stakeholder point of view for the design of access and benefit sharing (ABS) agreements concerning genetic resources, in particular regarding the access component of such agreements. We start by analyzing the objectives defined by international law (viz. the Convention on Biodiversity and the Nagoya Protocol) that every party
Novel diagnostics and treatment of acute lung injury and transplantation - Preclinical and clinical implementation
Acute lung injury (ALI) and its most severe form, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) limit the utilization of donor lungs for transplantation but is also a common cause of death in the intensive care unit. There is a general lack of diagnostic tools by which to assess lung function in ARDS but, in addition, the treatments offered are limited. In the present thesis, the aim was to explored
Development of a noise related track maintenance tool
The purpose of this work-package within the Quiet-track, FP7, is to develop a noise related track maintenance tool, in the form of an on-board measurement system. As a first step, lab scale tests using a pin-on-disc tribometer were used in order to distinguish how noise changes when the wear mechanism in a sliding contact shifts from normal wear to severe and catastrophic wear. Once the potential
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A “patient-industry complex”? Investigating the financial dependency of UK patient organisations on drug company funding
We examined the minimum extent of dependency of UK patient organisations on pharmaceutical industry funding using drug company disclosure reports and patient organisation financial accounts from 2012 to 2016. We used linear regression to explain the overall share of industry funding (‘general dependency’) and top donor funding (‘company-specific dependency’) in organisations’ income. Predictors in
Aging cognition : From neuromodulation to representation
Basic cognitive functions, such as the abilities to activate, represent, maintain, focus and process information, decline with age. A paradigm shift towards cross-level conceptions is needed in order to obtain an integrative understanding of cognitive aging phenomena that cuts across neural, information-processing, and behavioral levels. We review empirical data at these different levels, and comp
Integrating GlassesViewer and GazeCode : an open-source data analysis alternative for mobile eye-tracking
Styrformer för effektiv läkemedelsanvändning
The qualitative modeling and compression of the request sequences in ARQ protocols
Compression of the repeat request data in ARQ protocols was studied. Focus was on the problem of compressing the output of the block box (ARQ algorithm) with unknown input signal (error sequence). Towards finding a practical solution, it was found that the main statistical properties of error sequences and xn are more less the same.
TOR/SkatteNytts digitala endagskonferens – Metodologiska frågor vid skatterättslig forskning
Åldersgränser i socialtjänsten : Diskriminering eller en fråga om värdighet
Is it age discrimination to provide a place at a nursery home or to provide home-care services for persons above a certain age or is it general social welfare in the same sense as old-age pensions are? There is a trend in Sweden towards such age-limits, sometimes enacted by municipalities and sometimes such age-limits evolves in case law. This development is described and discussed in a discrimina
Undersökningar av ljusabsorption orsakad av dopämnen i galliumfosfid
On optical properties and luminescence of some large bandgap III-V compounds
Granger Causality Testing in High-Dimensional VARs: A Post-Double-Selection Procedure
We develop an LM test for Granger causality in high-dimensional (HD) vector autoregressive (VAR) models based on penalized least squares estimations. To obtain a test retaining the appropriate size after the variable selection done by the lasso, we propose a post-double-selection procedure to partial out effects of nuisance variables and establish its uniform asymptotic validity. We conduct an ext
Correlating trainee attributes to performance in 3D CAD training
Purpose - The purpose of this exploratory study is to identify trainee attributes relevant for development of skills in 3D computer-aided design (CAD). Design/methodology/approach - Participants were trained to perform cognitive tasks of comparable complexity over time. Performance data were collected on the time needed to construct test models, and the number of features used to construct them. A