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On the distribution of relevant radio channel figures in different propagation environments for performance evaluation of WCDMA systems

A statistical distribution for the number of CDMA RAKE fingers, N T, to be assigned in order to track a given percent of the total received power has been derived. The obtained distribution reveals a strong dependence of NT on the system bandwidth, the median RMS delay spread, its standard deviation and other environment specific parameters. Also, a statistical distribution for the fading width fw

CD Production Fights School Failure: Sociality through Music

In Malmö Sweden, the percentage of school "dropouts" from year nine is 20%; this situation creates a challenge on many levels. In a multicultural city like Malmö, it poses questions about how segregation co-varies with school problems, and what political measures can be undertaken to address this. It also asks for pedagogic creativity - how do you motivate students who detest mainstream school and

A comparison of two metacompilation approaches to implementing a complex domain-specific language

Abstract in UndeterminedOperational semantics and attribute grammars are examples of formalisms that can be used for generating compilers. We are interested in finding similarities and differences in how these approaches are applied to complex languages, and for generating compilers of such maturity that they have users in industry.As a specific case, we present a comparative analysis of two compi

Towards ultrafast imaging with extreme ultraviolet light sources

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling rapporterar om karakterisering och tillmpningar av extrem ultraviolett (XUV) strålning som genererats av övertonsgenerering samt i en frielektronlaser. Övertonsgenerering är en process som uppstår när en kraftfull kortvarig laserpuls fokuseras i ett gasmedium. De laserpulser som används är bara några femtosekunder (10−15s) långa och har en våglängd i This thesis reports experimental studies performed with two advanced coherent XUV sources with ultrashort pulse duration, high-order harmonic generation and seeded-free electron laser. High-order harmonic generation (HHG) is the generation of overtones of a fundamental laser pulse in a medium, e.g. noble gases. The emitted radiation has a high degree of transverse coherence, and pulse lengths in t

MRI with MR Angiography in Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund: Sedan Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen upptäckte röntgenstrålar 1896 utvecklades den diagnostiska röntgentekniken snabbt. Under första hälften av 1900-talet var användningen av joniserande strålning i form av röntgenstrålar den enda princip med vilken den allt mer tekniskt avancerade röntgendiagnostiken bedrevs. För att åskådliggöra blodkärl använder sig konventionell rThe aim of this study was to evaluate MRI with contrast enhanced MR angiography (MRI/CE MRA) as imaging method before and after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). A 1.5 T scanner was used for all examinations. In this prospective study 26 consecutive patients were included. Follow-up was performed between February 1995 and May 2002 (median follow-up; 36 months, range 8-84 mon

Management systems for safety in nuclear industries

Requirements on well documented management systems for Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) are relatively new and in different developmental phases. Thus there is a need of knowledge about well-functioning Safety Management Systems (SMSs) also considering other goals and restrictions. Since there ia a lack of mature management systems for NPPs it is important to learn from other NPPs, but also from other