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Management systems for safety in nuclear industries

Requirements on well documented management systems for Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) are relatively new and in different developmental phases. Thus there is a need of knowledge about well-functioning Safety Management Systems (SMSs) also considering other goals and restrictions. Since there ia a lack of mature management systems for NPPs it is important to learn from other NPPs, but also from other

Hur påverkas kommunernas ekonomi av befolkningsförändringar?

I denna studie klargörs vilka ekonomiska effekter befolkningsförändringar får för svenska kommuner. I studien analyseras data från alla landets 290 kom- muner. Studiens övergripande slutsats är att befolkningsförändringar har bety- dande ekonomiska effekter för landets kommuner, sett till nivån per invånare för kostnader, intäkter, resultat samt anläggningstillgångar och skulder. Resultaten v

Development of central catecholaminergic neuronal systems in the lizard Anolis sagrei

Popular Abstract in Swedish Catecholaminerna dopamin, noradrenalin och adrenalin är en grupp transmittorsubstanser som är involverade i olika funktioner i det centrala nervsystemet. De olika catecholaminerna bildas med hjälp av specifika enzymer. Tyrosin hydroxylas (TH) omvandlar L-DOPA till dopamin (DA), som i sin tur omvandlas av enzymet dopamin ß-hydroxylas (DBH) till noradrenalin, som till sisCatecholamines, comprising the neurotransmitters dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA) and adrenaline (A) are synthesized by specific enzymes (tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine ß-hydroxylase (DBH), phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT)) in the central nervous system. The development and distribution of different catecholaminergic systems have been described in both the brain and retina of th

Vårt eget fel : moralisk kausalitet som tankefigur från 00-talets klimatlarm till förmoderna syndastraffsföreställningar

The starting point of this study is the striking similarities between late modern notions of anthropogenic climate change and premodern ideas about divine punishment. In both these cases the occurrence of future disasters have been directly linked to the moral behavior of the endangered. What threatens to befall man is considered to be his own fault. Hence urgent calls have been made for each and

Kunskapsbygge på nätet. En studie av studenter i dialog

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen handlar om studenter som samtalar och samarbetar i små grupper i en nätbaserad kurs. Studien har ett intresse av att beskriva och förstå de dialogiska processer, som uppstår i ett autentiskt nätbaserat samtal, vilket pågår under lång tid. Det handlar bland annat om att studera, hur deltagarna använder sig av de meningserbjudande, i form av deltagarnThis thesis investigates students' dialogue and collaboration when working in small groups in a netbased course. The aim is to describe and shed light on student's dialogue and collaboration in a computer-mediated communication working with a problem oriented task. Thus, the interest lies in student's engagement in the learning situation rather than on the learning outcomes. The research was carr

Arenan och den entreprenöriella staden. Byråkrati, viljan att samverka och gåvans moraliska ekonomi

The Arena and the Entrepreneurial City builds on a microhistory of the collaboration between public and private organizations in the creation of two public sports arenas. Several new arenas have been built in Sweden during the last 15 years and many of them have received a lot of attention because of cost overruns and design flaws. Previous research shows that there are no economic incentives for

Prevention of intimal hyperplasia after balloon angioplasty and / or stent insertion. or How to mend a broken heart - Just say NO.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ökat antal patienter som lider av kärlsjukdomar behandlas idag med interventionella metoder istället för kirurgi. Dessa metoder populärt kallade ballong sprängningar, kombineras numera oftast med inläggande av ett metallnät (stent) som hjälper till med att förstärka kärlväggen, så den inte skall falla ihop efter ballong vidgningen. Oavsett vilken metod som används, kompBackground: Restenosis is the most frequently occurring adverse event after percutaneous intravascular treatment of atherosclerotic lesions, which limits long-term patency of the intervention. Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate if minimizing vascular injury during treatment by insertion of self-expanding stents or modifying the reparative mechanisms by local drug delivery can reduce r

Är SD Sveriges största parti?

Den 20 augusti 2015 hävdade dagstidningen Metro att Sverigedemokraterna var Sveriges största parti. Detta baserade man på att partiet blivit det största i en opinions-undersökning av företaget YouGov. Men hur kan man testa påståendet att en specifik andel är den största? Vi tar vår utgångspunkt i andelarnas speciella parameterrum simplex och dess inbyggda restriktioner. Vi visar hur man kan konstr

On the performance of safety message dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks

One of the most promising and critical application of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) is improvement of the road traffic safety. Currently there is a growing belief that putting an 802.11-like radio into road vehicles could help the drivers to travel more safely. Although research in this field is in preliminary stage, some simple implementations are quite promising; to the best of our knowledg

The registration problem revisited: Optimal solutions from points, lines and planes

In this paper we propose a practical and efficient method for finding the globally optimal solution to the problem of pose estimation of a known object. We present a framework that allows us to use both point-to-point, point-to-line and point-to-plane correspondences in the optimization algorithm. Traditional methods such as the iterative closest point algorithm may get trapped in local minima due

Reflections on the Methodological Issues of the Sociology of Law

The general focus of this paper is on the methodological limitations of the sociology of law in capturing the law’s ‘truth’ as its practitioners experience it. The paper starts with arguing that the law does not have a monolithic ‘truth’. Some aspects of its ‘truth’ are produced through its own recursively sealed operations, while its other aspects are generated with reference to empirically groun

Suffering and Sin: Interpretations of Illness in the Individual Complaint Psalms

The intention of this study is to question the supposed self-evident connection between sickness and sin in the individual complaint psalms. On the basis of a careful analysis of the psalms which contain the three motifs divine absence, divine wrath, and man’s guilt, the author problematizes this aspect of the exegetical literature’s widespread interpretation of the theological dimension of illnes

Molecular Genetic Alterations In Endometrial And Ovarian Cancers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Svensk Sammanfattning Gen-förändringar i endometrie- och ovarial cancer: Endometriecancer (EC, cancer i livmoderslemhinnan) är den vanligaste gynekologiska cancerformen i västvärlden. Tumörutvecklingen kan associeras till en östrogen-inducerad stimulans av endometriets tillväxt i avsaknad av den differentierande effekten av progesteron. Den maligna cancern föregås i visEndometrial cancer is the most common gynecological cancer diagnosed in western countries. Complex atypical hyperplasia (CAH) reflects a state of hyperestrinism and its role as a precursor lesion of this cancer is established. Endometrial cancers arising in association with CAH are reported in women of younger age, with early stage disease, favorable histological types, higher progesterone recepto