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Molecular Genetic Alterations In Endometrial And Ovarian Cancers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Svensk Sammanfattning Gen-förändringar i endometrie- och ovarial cancer: Endometriecancer (EC, cancer i livmoderslemhinnan) är den vanligaste gynekologiska cancerformen i västvärlden. Tumörutvecklingen kan associeras till en östrogen-inducerad stimulans av endometriets tillväxt i avsaknad av den differentierande effekten av progesteron. Den maligna cancern föregås i visEndometrial cancer is the most common gynecological cancer diagnosed in western countries. Complex atypical hyperplasia (CAH) reflects a state of hyperestrinism and its role as a precursor lesion of this cancer is established. Endometrial cancers arising in association with CAH are reported in women of younger age, with early stage disease, favorable histological types, higher progesterone recepto

Improving thermal comfort in an orthopaedic aid: better boston brace for scoliosis patients

Scoliosis is an S-shaped sideways curvature of the spine leading to the shape change of the torso Idiopathic scoliosis is one form of this disease with unknown aetiology. 300 children out of 100 000 need treatment. Treatment duration is till the end of the patient’s growth age (till the ossification of the skeleton) and the brace should be worn 23 hours a day. Problems with brace are: heat, moist,

Improving university teaching through student feedback – A critical investigation

This chapter describes the use of student evaluations in the Swedish context in general, and in one university faculty in particular. The case study illustrates a systematic, well- organised way to collect and collate data from student evaluations on teaching. The case also includes a systematic process to interpret data, where lecturers, students and programme leaders join together. The crucial f

Detailed Heat Release Analyses With Regard To Combustion of RME and Oxygenated Fuels in an HSDI Diesel Engine

Experiments on a modern DI Diesel engine were carried out: The engine was fuelled with standard Diesel fuel, RME and a mixture of 85% standard Diesel fuel, 5% RME and 10% higher alcohols under low load conditions (4 bar IMEP). During these experiments, different external EGR levels were applied while the injection timing was chosen in a way to keep the location of 50% heat release constant. Emissi

A scalable VLIW for smart imaging

This paper presents a VLIW co-processor template for smart imaging. The template is highly scalable and can easily be instantiated for a specific data level parallelism. The co-processor is built to operate on frame segments instead of full frames only. As a result, eight different instances of the co-processor have been generated, each with different amount of parallelism exploited. Each instance

Vascular actions of antimicrobial peptides

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sepsis (blodförgiftning) och septisk chock är ett resultat av en inflammatorisk reaktion i kroppen som helhet förorsakad av mikroorganismer. Sepsis patienterna uppvisar inte bara de vanliga tecken till infektion som feber, höjd sänka och ökat antal vita blodkroppar i blodet utan de kan även ha andra komplikationer såsom lung-, njur- och leversvikt. När sepsis orsakar ruThe present thesis focuses on the vascular effects of antimicrobial peptides especially mechanisms involving the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO), which is released from the blood vessel wall during inflammatory conditions such as sepsis. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide stimulates the expression of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), which increases the NO production in vascular tissues or cultured vascular s