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Your search for "*" yielded 529893 hits

The Case for Clinical Hypnosis: Theory and Research-Based Do’s and Don’ts for Clinical Practice

We describe key aspects of hypnosis that distinguish it from other psychotherapeuticapproaches, argue that hypnosis occupies a unique niche among clinical interventions, andclaim that a substantial body of evidence supports its use across a gamut of psychologicalconditions. Hypnotic techniques are ideally suited to present useful suggestions that canalter subjective, behavioral, and physiological

Concurrent stem- and lineage-affiliated chromatin programs precede hematopoietic lineage restriction

The emerging notion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) as a low-primed cloud without sharply demarcated gene expression programs raises the question on how cellular-fate options emerge and at which stem-like stage lineage priming is initiated. Here, we investigate single-cell chromatin accessibility of Lineage-, cKit+, and Sca1+ (LSK) HSPCs spanning the early differentiation landsc

Mat vid diabetes. : En systematisk översikt med utvärdering av effekter samt hälsoekonomiska och etiska aspekter.

SlutsatserTyp 1- och typ 2-diabetes Det finns ett samband mellan att äta medelhavskost och lägre risk att dö i förtid oavsett orsak (måttlig tillförlitlighet). Det finns ett samband mellan att äta en större andel2 fibrer eller baljväxter och lägre risk att dö i förtid oavsett orsak (måttlig tillförlitlighet). Det kan även finnas ett samband mellan att äta en större andel nötter och lägre risk att

The NILS Study Protocol : A Retrospective Validation Study of an Artificial Neural Network Based Preoperative Decision-Making Tool for Noninvasive Lymph Node Staging in Women with Primary Breast Cancer (ISRCTN14341750)

Newly diagnosed breast cancer (BC) patients with clinical T1–T2 N0 disease undergo sentinel-lymph-node (SLN) biopsy, although most of them have a benign SLN. The pilot noninvasive lymph node staging (NILS) artificial neural network (ANN) model to predict nodal status was published in 2019, showing the potential to identify patients with a low risk of SLN metastasis. The aim of this study is to ass

Association of CSF Aβ38Levels with Risk of Alzheimer Disease-Related Decline

Background and ObjectiveExperimental studies suggest that the balance between short and long β-amyloid (Aβ) species might modulate the toxic effects of Aβ in Alzheimer disease (AD), but clinical evidence is lacking. We studied whether Aβ38 levels in CSF relate to risk of AD dementia and cognitive decline.MethodsCSF Aβ38 levels were measured in 656 individuals across 2 clinical cohorts: the Swedish

Priority areas in municipality planning : Ecosystem services, environmental impact assessments and research areas

Background Several pressing issues face municipal planners including increased land use and climate change. Managing these issues requires a balance between different actions to accommodate citizen’s demands of ecosystem services (ES) and development projects. The implementation of ES as a new tool for assessments needs to be contrasted by research considering existing tools such as Environmental

Data-Efficient Learning of Semantic Segmentation

Semantic segmentation is a fundamental problem in visual perception with a wide range of applications ranging from robotics to autonomous vehicles, and recent approaches based on deep learning have achieved excellent performance. However, to train such systems there is in general a need for very large datasets of annotated images. In this thesis we investigate and propose methods and setups for wh

Selective precipitation of calcium ion from seawater desalination reverse osmosis brine

The near zero liquid discharge (NZLD) approach, by recovering water and dissolved valuable salts, is the most attractive clean solution for the valorisation of brines from seawater desalination reverse osmosis (SWD-RO) plants. In this perspective, a key aspect is calcium removal/recovery, to avoid scaling problems in the successive advanced separation units for recovering other valuable salts. In

Photothermal Sweeping Gas Membrane Distillation and Reverse Electrodialysis for light-to-heat-to-power conversion

Water and energy are two intimately interconnected issues of strategic relevance for a sustainable industrial development. Herein, we integrated light-harvesting/self-heating membranes and salinity gradient technology with the aim to implement the innovative concept of light-to-heat-to-power conversion. Novel photothermal membranes, prepared by immobilizing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the top

Study of the production of π, K and p in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV as a function of the Transverse Spherocity and the Relative Transverse Activity

High-energy heavy-ion collisions allow the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) production and study, a state of high-density QCD matter in which quarks and gluons are no longer confined inside hadrons for a very short time. Different observables reveal an enhanced production of strange hadrons, signatures of collective effects and opacity to jets due to the QGP formation. However, collective effects and stra

Extraction of the specific shear viscosity of quark-gluon plasma from two-particle transverse momentum correlations

The specific shear viscosity, η/s, of the quark-gluon plasma formed in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC is estimated based on the progressive longitudinal broadening of transverse momentum two-particle correlators, G2, reported as a function of collision centrality by the STAR and ALICE experiments. Estimates are computed as a function of collision centrality using the Gavin

Influences of Shifted Vegetation Phenology on Runoff Across a Hydroclimatic Gradient

Climate warming has changed vegetation phenology, and the phenology-associated impacts on terrestrial water fluxes remain largely unquantified. The impacts are linked to plant adjustments and responses to climate change and can be different in different hydroclimatic regions. Based on remote sensing data and observed river runoff of hydrological station from six river basins across a hydroclimatic

Membrane technology for a sustainable copper mining industry : The Chilean paradigm

Mining is an economically-beneficial activity recognized as crucial in modern society since almost every aspect of our lives relies on minerals. However, intensive mining activities impose a severe strain on the water-energy nexus. In fact, mining ventures: i) need massive amount of water in various ore processing steps; ii) generate a huge amount of waste (tailings), generally transferred to tail

Tuning the electrochemical properties of novel asymmetric integral sulfonated polysulfone cation exchange membranes

In this study, novel asymmetric integral cation exchange membranes were prepared by the wet phase inversion of sulfonated polysulfone (SPSf) solutions. SPSf with different degrees of sulfonation (DS) was synthesized by variation in the amount of chlorosulfonic acid utilized as a sulfonating agent. The characterization of SPSf samples was performed using FTIR and1H-NMR techniques. SPSf with a DS of