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Comparing knowledge bases: on the organisation and geography of knowledge flows in the regional innovation system of Scania, southern Sweden

This paper deals with knowledge flows and collaboration between firms in the regional innovation system of southern Sweden. It focuses on industries which draw on different types of knowledge bases. The aim is to analyse how the functional and spatial organisation of knowledge interdependencies among firms and other actors vary between different types of industries which are part of the same regio

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Abstract in German PR-Konzeptionslehre

Funktionshinder och strategival. Om att hantera sig själv och sin omvärld.

Hur upplever och hanterar vuxna personer med stora rörelsehinder sin situation och sig själva? Hur hanterar funktionshindrade sina kontakter med vårdbyråkratin och med allmänheten? Hur påverkas självbild och livssyn av att leva med stora rörelsehinder? Det bärande temat i Funktionshinder och strategival är en kritik av den medikalisering som beskriver och formar funktionshindrade människors tillva

The effect of diluents on the formation rate of nitrogen oxide in a premixed laminar flame

New high-efficiency power cycles and environmentally friendly cycles have introduced combustion atmospheres that differ from the traditional hydrocarbon-air mixtures. Wet cycles, solid oxide fuel cell with a gas turbine (SOFC-GT), CO2 separation/capture and biogas combustion are processes that involve high concentrations of inert gases such as H 2O, CO2 and N2. These new combustion atmospheres hav

Integrating Packaging Suppliers into the Supply/Demand Chain

This paper presents the results from qualitative studies done on leading edge companies in Supply/Demand Chain Management in Sweden. The aim of the study is to create a knowledge base, identify the Network Integrators, and with reference to previous studies conducted in the packaging industry, analyse the development for packaging suppliers.

Investigation of the two-phase flow field of the GTX100 compressor inlet during off-line washing

A modern gas turbine compressor, with its highly aerodynamically loaded blades, is sensitive to changes in profile shape and to surface roughness. Fouling is inevitable, despite highly efficient filtration systems. The remedy to this problem is washing. There are two different approaches, online or off-line washing. The off-line wash is the most effective one, whilst on-line washing only prolongs

Dynamics of Polymer Adsorption onto Solid Surfaces in Good Solvent

Adsorption dynamics of various types of uncharged homopolymers onto solid surfaces in good solvent have been studied by using a coarse grained bead-spring model. Brownian dynamics simulation has been used to examine the adsorption process for polymers released near an adsorbing surface, and Monte Carlo simulations have been employed to explore equilibrium properties of adsorbed polymers. Two diff

Numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in corrugated ducts

A numerical investigation has been carried Out for the turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer in periodic fully developed corrugated ducts. Three turbulence models are used in the calculation: the standard k - epsilon model, the Re-Normalized Group (RNG) k - epsilon model and a Reynolds Stress Model (RSM). The turbulent heat flux is modeled by the simple eddy diffusivity model (SED). The numerical

Striking the balance between formality and informality in safety-critical communication: Train traffic control calls

Talk in safety-critical activities displays features that distinguish it from both ordinary conversations as well as from other institutional talk, but it also shares some features with these. Formality and informality are both interactionally accomplished phenomena, although shaped through different sources. Safety rules and pre-printed forms constitute two sources of formalization, dictating how

Injection schemes in THz quantum cascade lasers under operation

The two main design schemes for Terahertz quantum cascade lasers, based on tunnelling and scattering injection, respectively, are theoretically compared. We apply our simulation package based on the non-equilibrium Green’s function technique. Our results provide a good description of the gain degradation with temperature. Thermal backfilling contributes to decrease of population inversion in both