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Quasifreestanding single-layer hexagonal boron nitride as a substrate for graphene synthesis

We demonstrate that freeing a single-atom thick layer of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) from tight chemical bonding to a Ni(111) thin film grown on a W(110) substrate can be achieved by intercalation of Au atoms into the interface. This process has been systematically investigated using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, x-ray photoemission, and absorption techniques. It has been demonstra

Toxicity of fungicides to natural bacterial communities in wetland water and sediment measured using leucine incorporation and potential denitrification.

We assessed potential toxicity of fungicides to natural bacterial communities from a constructed wetland, located in southern Sweden, and compared the sensitivity of two endpoints indicating bacterial activity, leucine incorporation, and potential denitrification, in detecting toxicity. The effects of eight fungicides (benomyl, carbendazim, carboxin, captan, cycloheximide, fenpropimorph, propicona

Radiographic and histomorphometric analysis of bone healing using autogenous graft associated with platelet-rich plasma obtained by 2 different methods

The aim of this study was to conduct radiographic and histomorphometric analysis of bone healing in the calvaria of rabbits, using an autogenous graft associated with PRP obtained by 2 different methods. Thirty rabbits were divided into control and experimental groups. Lesions were produced in the calvaria and filled with autogenous graft ( control) or autogenous graft and PRP obtained by the Anit

Service Life Assessment of Harbor Structures - Case studies of chloride ingress into concrete and sheet piling corrosion rates

Popular Abstract in English The two most used building materials in harbor structures are undoubtedly steel and concrete. These two materials are often combined in the structures of wharfs and quays where most steel sheet pile walls have cap beams of reinforced concrete. The degradation processes of these structures must be taken into account both when designing new structures and when inspecting The two most used building materials in harbor structures are undoubtedly steel and concrete. These two materials are often combined in the structures of wharfs and quays where the steel sheet pile walls often have cap beams of reinforced concrete. The degradation processes of these structures must be taken into account both when designing new structures and when inspecting existing harbor structu

Presumption of Equality

Presumption of Equality requires that individuals be treated equally in the absence of relevant information that would discriminate between them. Our objective is to make this principle more precise, if viewed as a principle of fairness, and to determine why and under what conditions it should be obeyed. Presumption norms are procedural constraints, but their justification can be sought in the pos

Real-time prostate-specific antigen detection with prostate-specific antigen imprinted capacitive biosensors

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a valuable biomarker for early detection of prostate cancer, the third most common cancer in men. Ultrasensitive detection of PSA is crucial to screen the prostate cancer in an early stage and to detect the recurrence of the disease after treatment. In this report, microcontact-PSA imprinted (PSA-MIP) capacitive biosensor chip was developed for real-time, highly

Defects on endoanal ultrasound and anal incontinence after primary repair of fourth-degree anal sphincter rupture: a study of the anal sphincter complex and puborectal muscle

Objectives To perform three-dimensional endoanal ultrasound (EA US) after primary repair of fourth-degree anal sphincter rupture (ASR) and correlate the sonographic defects with anal incontinence (AI); to measure the axial and sagittal thickness and angle of the puborectal muscle (PRM) as well as the length of the anal canal, and then correlate these measures with AI; and to assess the interobserv

In-plane visibility of lesions using breast tomosynthesis and digital mammography

Purpose: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the visibility of simulated lesions in 2D digital mammography (DM) and breast tomosynthesis (BT) images of patients. Methods: Images of the same women were acquired on both a DM system (Mammomat Novation, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) and a BT prototype system adapted from the same type of DM system. Using the geometrical properties of the

Strength Design Methods for Laminated Glass

In this thesis, methods for efficiently determining stresses in laminated glass structures are developed and tested. The laminated glass structures comprise both bolted and adhesive joints. A recently developed finite element is suggested to be suitable for the modeling of laminated glass structures. The element is implemented and tested. It is proven by means of a simple test example that the ele

Life Satisfaction and the Oldest-Old. Results from the longitudinal population study "Good Aging in Skåne".

The overall aim of this thesis was to study life satisfaction (LS) and factors associated to LS in the group aged 78 and above. As an aid in interpreting the findings, Baltes’ and Baltes’ theory of selective optimisation with compensation (SOC) was used. All four studies included the same studypopulation who were followed for three years in the study Good Aging in Skåne, a national, randomized, po

Extremum seeking of dynamical systems via gradient descent and stochastic approximation methods

This paper examines the use of gradient based methods for extremum seeking control of possibly infinite-dimensional dynamic nonlinear systems with general attractors within a periodic sampled-data framework. First, discrete-time gradient descent method is considered and semi-global practical asymptotic stability with respect to an ultimate bound is shown. Next, under the more complicated setting w

TAR-DNA binding protein-43 and alterations in the hippocampus

Immunocytochemistry for transactive response binding protein-43 (TDP43) was assessed in the granular cell layer of the dentate gyrus in 250 cases displaying hippocampal pathology identified by haematoxylin-eosin staining. 18%, nearly one in five displayed TDP43 immunoreactive pathology in the granular cell layer of hippocampus. This percentage increased to 43% when only subjects with hippocampal p

Stereoisomeric analysis of 6,10,14-Trimethylpentadecan-2-ol and the corresponding ketone in wing extracts from African Bicyclus butterfly species

Gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS) were used to determine the stereoisomeric compositions of 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-ol and 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one in wing extracts from 17 Bicyclus butterfly species from different regions of Africa. All samples were purified using solid phase extraction (SPE). Since some species contained both alcohol and ketone, these were separat

Tyska misstag i öst

Recension av Rolf-Dieter Müller, Hitlers okända soldater. Utländska förband på östfronten 1941–45.

Charmonium and e(+)e(-) pair photoproduction at mid-rapidity in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

The ALICE Collaboration at the LHC has measured the J/psi and psi' photoproduction at mid-rapidity in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV. The charmonium is identified via its leptonic decay for events where the hadronic activity is required to be minimal. The analysis is based on an event sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 23 mu b(-1). The cross secti

Theoretical and experimental comparison of SnPc, PbPc, and CoPc adsorption on Ag(111)

A combination of normal-incidence x-ray standing-wave (NIXSW) spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and density-functional theory (DFT) has been used to investigate the interaction of a number of phthalocyanine molecules (specifically, SnPc, PbPc, and CoPc) with the Ag(111) surface. The metal-surface distances predicted by the DFT calculations f

Multivariate analysis of selected metal ion transport through a hollow-fiber supported liquid membrane device used for passive sampling monitoring

A hollow fiber supported liquid membrane module using one single fiber impregnated with a mixture of 1,10-dibenzyl-1,10-diaza-18-crown-6 and bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate dissolved in hexylbenzene was used for passive sampling of ppb levels of Pb(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), and Cd(II) in water. The target ions were simultaneously transported and preconcentrated into a citric acid acceptor so

Video assisted gastrostomy in children

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att kunna äta och dricka via munnen är för de allra flesta barn en självklarhet och grunden för en god tillväxt och välmående. Problem uppstår när barnen av någon anledning inte kan svälja eller har ett så stort behov av näring pga en bakomliggande sjukdom att de basala behoven inte kan tillfredsställas på normalt sätt. För att underlätta tillmatning under en kortare pChildren with severe diseases can be provided nutritional support through a gastrostomy if needed. At the Department of Paediatric Surgery in Lund we have used the Video Assisted Gastrostomy (VAG) procedure since 1994 when establishing gastrostomies. In this thesis, children with different diseases, who all had undergone the VAG procedure, were studied in five different clinical studies. Postopera