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Electric field induced quenching of the fluorescence of a conjugated polymer probed at the single molecule level

Electric field (EF) induced quenching of the fluorescence of large (ca. 10(3) monomers) single chains of MEH-PPV was observed. Directly after application of the field most of the individual MEH-PPV chains were either unaffected by the field or completely quenched by it, while the number of affected molecules increased with the strength of the EF Moreover, application of the field induced fluoresce

A short guide to the theory of the sublime

The article concerns selected important issues of poetics and its history. The authors analyze and interpret the history of the notion of the sublime. The article is an introduction to a theoretical part of a book about a possible theory of the literary work of art and communication that results from the experience of the sublime. The introductory article presents to the reader questions which are

Resistens mot acetylsalicylsyra - klinisk diagnos utan klarlagd mekanism

A review on the subject of aspirin resistance and its role in vascular diseases is presented. Although the clinical diagnosis of aspirin resistance is frequently made, little is known about its biochemical background. Only a few follow-up studies, with varying design, have dealt with the possible association between an aspirin resistant phenotype and clinical outcome in patients with atherothrombo

Effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 on endothelial function in type 2 diabetes patients with stable coronary artery disease

GLP-1 stimulates insulin secretion, suppresses glucagon secretion, delays gastric emptying, and inhibits small bowel motility, all actions contributing to the anti-diabetogenic peptide effect. Endothelial dysfunction is strongly associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus and may cause the angiopathy typifying this debilitating disease. Therefore, interventions affecting both e

Dietary glycerol and adult access to water: effects on fecundity and longevity in the almond moth

The quality of food eaten by larval insects will affect traits such as gamete production, fat reserves, muscle bulk and body size in the adult. Moreover, larvae also depend on high moisture content in the diet for survival. The almond moth (Ephestia cautella) (W.) (Lepidoptera; Pyralidae) does not feed as an adult although it continues to drink water. We tested the idea that an almond moth could c

Apparent half-lives of hepta- to decabrominated diphenyl ethers in human serum as determined in occupationally exposed workers

The aim of the present study was to model apparent serum half-lives of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) with 7-10 bromine substituents. Workers with occupational exposure to PBDEs have elevated serum levels of PBDEs, but these substances are also found in the general population and are ubiquitous environmental contaminants. The calculations were based on exposure assessments of rubber worker

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The pharyngoesophageal segment (PES) is a striated muscular structure separating the relatively wide pharynx from the narrow cervical esophagus. There is a substantial axial and longitudinal asymmetry within the PES, as well as basal resting pressure that is substantially influenced by a variety of stimuli as well as deglutition.

Stationärt bofast eller på resande fot?

Kåserande artikel om skilda former av resande förr och idag, arbetsvandringar och studieresor, hantverkare och soldater. Om ovälkomna resenärer och tendensen att peka ut syndabockar, behovet av källkritik. Gunnar Ståhl: "Resenärer i arkiven". Referat av föredrag.

Helicobacter pylori and CagA seropositivity and its association with gastric and oesophageal carcinoma.

Objective. Helicobacter pylori infection is an established risk factor for non-cardia gastric adenocarcinoma. Infection with H. pylori strains harbouring the cagA pathology island may augment this association. H. pylori infection may at the same time reduce the risk for oesophageal carcinoma. However, prospective data on the association between CagA seropositivity and gastric or oesophageal carcin

Modification of physicochemical properties of dietary fibre in carrots by mono- and divalent cations

Physicochemical changes of dietary fibre in the presence of NaCl or CaCl2 (0, 100 or 400 mM) during boiling (4 or 25 min) of blanched/frozen carrots were investigated, Addition of NaCl (100 mM) to the boiling water reduced total dietary fibre (TDF) content, due to a reduction of insoluble polymers. Higher concentrations had no further effects. NaCl showed minor effects, on molecular weight distrib

Arbetsrätt och konkurrensrätt: en normativ studie av motsättningen mellan marknadsrättsliga värden och sociala värden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur skall en domstol välja mellan att tillämpa konkurrensrättsliga eller arbetsrättsliga regler på ett konkurrensproblem som uppstått genom en bestämmelse i ett kollektivavtal? Ytterst handlar denna fråga om ett val mellan oförenliga regler. Tillämpas konkurrensrätten underkänns i regel den kollektivavtalade bestämmelsen medan samma bestämmelse i stället godkännes om arThe dissertation deals with the normative conflict between labour law and competition law. The legislation in each area gives the Courts guidance in solving a legal problem that has previously been classified as belonging to one or the other area. But the principles guiding the Courts when both competition law and labour law are applicable to a legal problem are vague and difficult to generalise.

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This thesis deals with the information-structural problems native speakers of Swedish have when producing texts in German as their second or foreign language (L2). The study is based on written production data from Swedish learners of German at the initial state (14-year-olds), at intermediate level (16-year-olds) and at advanced level (20-25-year-olds). These data are compared with Swedish and Ge

Modeling and Control of the Paper Machine Drying Section

The topic of this thesis is modeling and control of the last part of the paper machine - the drying section. Paper is dried by letting it pass through a series of steam heated cylinders and the evaporation is thus powered by the latent heat of vaporization of the steam. The moisture in the paper is controlled by adjusting the set point of the steam pressure controllers. There exist several commer

A novel m.12908T>a mutation in the mitochondrial ND5 gene in patient with infantile-onset Pompe disease

Pompe disease is a progressive metabolic myopathy caused by deficiency in lysosomal acid α-glucosidase and results in cellular lysosomal and cytoplasmic glycogen accumulation. A wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes exists from hypotonia and severe cardiac hypertrophy in the first few months of life to a milder form with the onset of symptoms in adulthood. The disease is typically due to severe mut