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Understanding Weather effects on, in, and from large Herbivore Population Dynamics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Olika arter av stora växtätare lever på platser spridda över nästan hela jordklotet. På många av dessa platser samlar vi människor data för att kunna skatta storleken på deras populationer. Anledningen till att detta görs varierar från plats till plats, det kan till exempel vara för att djuren är utrotningshotade, för att kunna bedriva nöjesjakt eller för att begränsa aLarge herbivores are monitored for various reasons in many areas around the world. Data from such monitoring can be of varying degree of detail and extent. Several studies have shown that we need extensive amounts of data with a high degree of detail to be able to understand anything from it. Nevertheless, data in the less detailed form of annual censuses of large herbivore densities and weather i

Octree Light Propagation Volumes

This paper presents a new method for representing Light Propagation Volumes using an octree data structure, and for allowing light from regular point light sources to be injected into them. The resulting technique uses full octrees with the help of a separate data structure for representing the octree structure. The octree structure enables light propagation to be performed at a lower resolution t

On interactions between Packaging and Logistics - Exploring implications of technological developments

Packaging is a fundamental element in logistics systems. Packaging not only affects every logistical activity; it is also recognised as having a significant impact on logistics costs and performance. In order for logisticians and packaging professionals to gain insight into packaging-dependent costs and performance, the interactions between packaging systems and logistics systems must be understoo

Overview of the MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding Framework

Abstract in UndeterminedVideo coding technology in the last 20 yearshas evolved producing a variety of different and com-plex algorithms and coding standards. So far the speci-fication of such standards, and of the algorithms thatbuild them, has been done case by case providingmonolithic textual and reference software specifica-tions in different forms and programming languages.However, very littl

Legitimering av tvångsvård : Klienter och deras socialsekreterare om LVM

Syftet med denna avhandling har varit att undersöka tvångsvårdens legitimitet. För det ändamålet har jag genomfört, spelat in och transkriberat kvalitativa intervjuer med 80 klienter – som var föremål för LVM-vård våren 2006 – samt deras socialsekreterare när klienterna dels var intagna på LVM-hem och dels vid en uppföljning cirka sex månader efter tvångsvårdens slut. Avhandlingen utgår från fem The aim of this dissertation was to examine the legitimacy and the legitimizing of compulsory care for substance abusers according to LVM. For this purpose I have conducted, recorded and transcribed qualitative interviews with 80 clients – taken into such care in spring 2006 – and their social welfare officers when the clients were in compulsory care and then again about six months after its termi

The 14-3-3 protein family - Conserved structure, diverse functions

While once abstruse, 14-3-3 proteins are now well known as players in several cellular processes. These processes range from apoptosis and mitosis in mammals and yeast, to regulation of primary metabolism in plants. To date, 104 proteins have been shown to interact with 14-3-3s of which 85 are found in mammals and yeast, and 21 are found in plants. Their consensus action is to bind to phosphorylat

Om regelkonkurrens inom inkomstskatterätten. Med särskild inriktning på förhållandet mellan olika grunder för beskattning av dolda vinstöverföringar till utlandet.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bland kommunalskattelagens (KL) allmänna bestämmelser finns vissa regler som motverkar överföringar av obeskattade vinstmedel mellan företag. Om ett företag säljer en tillgång eller tjänst för ett pris understigande marknadsvärdet kan uttagsbeskattning ske. Om ett företag i stället köper en tillgång eller tjänst för ett pris överstigande marknadsvärdet är det möjligt atThis dissertation deals with the conflict of rules for the taxation of income. By 'conflict of rules' I refer to the circumstance that two or more provisions are applicable simultaneously, but where it is clear that only one of the provisions concerned could or should be applied. The dissertation concentrates on the relationship between the different provisions - within the Swedish legal system -