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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Templated electrodeposition as a scalable and surfactant-free approach to the synthesis of Au nanoparticles with tunable aspect ratios

A high-throughput method for the fabrication of ordered arrays of Au nanoparticles is presented. It is based on pulsed electrodeposition into porous anodic alumina templates. In contrast to many synthesis routes, it is cyanide-free, prior separation of the alumina template from the aluminium substrate is not required, and the use of contaminating surfactants/capping agents often found in colloidal

Whole Body Coordination for Self-Assistance in Locomotion

The dynamics of the human body can be described by the accelerations and masses of the different body parts (e.g., legs, arm, trunk). These body parts can exhibit specific coordination patterns with each other. In human walking, we found that the swing leg cooperates with the upper body and the stance leg in different ways (e.g., in-phase and out-of-phase in vertical and horizontal directions, res

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Simultaneous planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) and Rayleigh scattering thermometry (RST) were applied to measure the key species and temperature fields of premixed ammonia/ hydrogen/air jet flames to investigate the effects of differential diffusion on flame structure. NH-PLIF technique was developed to properly characterize the reaction zone of ammonia flames. Three flames with similar lam

Sensory Processing Difficulties in Children and Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive and Anxiety Disorders

Altered sensory processing has been linked to symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders (ADs) in youth, but few studies have examined sensory processing in clinical samples and no study has analyzed self-report data from youth meeting diagnostic criteria for OCD or ADs. This study included 86 youth with OCD, 82 youth with ADs, and 46 youth without psychiatric disorders.

Generic instruments in a synchrotron radiation facility

This paper explores the concept and the levels of genericity of different instruments, or beamlines, at a synchrotron radiation facility. We use conceptual tools from the sociology of science, bibliometrics and data from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) publication database, enriched by data from Web of Science. The sample size is of 11,218 observations for the period 1996 to 201

Flower plantings support wild bee reproduction and may also mitigate pesticide exposure effects

Sustainable agriculture relies on pollinators, and wild bees benefit yield of multiple crops. However, the combined exposure to pesticides and loss of flower resources, driven by agricultural intensification, contribute to declining diversity and abundance of many bee taxa. Flower plantings along the margins of agricultural fields offer diverse food resources not directly treated with pesticides.

Tapering-free monocrystalline Ge nanowires synthesized via plasma-assisted VLS using in and Sn catalysts

In and Sn are the type of catalysts which do not introduce deep level electrical defects within the bandgap of germanium (Ge). However, Ge nanowires produced using these catalysts usually have a large diameter, a tapered morphology, and mixed crystalline and amorphous phases. In this study, we show that plasma-assisted vapor-liquid-solid (PA-VLS) method can be used to synthesize Ge nanowires. More

Inactivation of RB1, CDKN2A and TP53 have distinct effects on genomic stability at side-by-side comparison in karyotypically normal cells

Chromosomal instability is a common feature in malignant tumors. Previous studies have indicated that inactivation of the classical tumor suppressor genes RB1, CDKN2A and TP53 may contribute to chromosomal aberrations in cancer by disrupting different aspects of the cell cycle and DNA damage checkpoint machinery. We performed a side-by-side comparison of how inactivation of each of these genes aff

Force Estimation and Control in Robot Manipulators

In this paper we present some results on model based force estimation and how these estimates can be integrated in a common robot force control scheme. A generalization of the force estimation method proposed in [Hacksel and Salcudean, 1994] is done and a force observer able to follow ramp environmental forces is introduced. An extension of this method for robotic manipulators is also experimental

The maintenance of telomeres in the budding yeast Naumovozyma castellii

Linear chromosomes of eukaryotic cells require the presence of functional nucleoprotein terminal structures, known as telomeres, to protect the integrity of the genome. The telomere is a highly dynamic and regulated structure constituted by short tandem DNA repeats rich in guanine nucleotides that extent as double-stranded DNA ending in a single-stranded 3′ overhang. An abundant number of proteins

The implementation of a noninvasive lymph node staging (NILS) preoperative prediction model is cost effective in primary breast cancer

Purpose: The need for sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) in clinically node-negative (cN0) patients is currently questioned. Our objective was to investigate the cost-effectiveness of a preoperative noninvasive lymph node staging (NILS) model (an artificial neural network model) for predicting pathological nodal status in patients with cN0 breast cancer (BC). Methods: A health-economic decision-ana

Simultaneous multiple time scale imaging for kHz-MHz high-speed accelerometry

Fast transient events, such as the disintegration of liquid bodies or chemical reactions between radical species, involve various processes that may occur at different time scales. Currently, there are two alternatives for monitoring such events: burst- or high-speed imaging. Burst imaging at ultrahigh speeds (∼100 MHz to THz) allows for the capture of nature's fastest processes but only for a nar

Contributions to the Understanding of Early Prehistory in Santa Maria Valley, North-Western Argentina

At the Museum of World Culture (former Etnografiska Museet i Göteborg) there is an archaeological collection from the Santa Maria and Calchaqui Valleys of north-western Argentina, which came to the museum in 1930. In this article we will focus on six well-preserved objects with provenience from Quilmes and La Quebrada del Carmen in the Santa Maria Valley. In addition to the good conservation of th

100 miljoner ord : Reflektioner kring forskningsarbete med storskaliga dataset som historisk empiri

I forskningsprojektet Välfärdsstaten analyserad (1945–89) arbetar vi med olika typer av algoritmisk textanalys av storskalig empiri från politikens sfär (digitaliserat riksdagstryck och statliga offentliga utredningar under perioden), dagspress och skönlitteratur. Svensk efterkrigstid är en väl utforskad period, men genom att applicera digitala metoder på kurerade dataset kan politikens, nyhetsmedA hundred million words: Reflections on historical research with large-scale textual datasets as empirical evidenceThe research project Welfare State Analytics: Text Mining and Modelling Swedish Politics, Media & Culture, 1945–1989 uses probabilistic methods and text-mining models to study three massive textual datasets from Swedish politics, news media, and literary culture. By topic modellin

How sociotechnical imaginaries shape consumers’ experiences of and responses to commercial data collection practices

How is the ongoing “datafication” in society experienced by consumers? Critical discussions regarding the impact of datafication on consumers seldom study consumers’ actual experiences. Conversely, the studies that do exist of consumers and their experiences of datafication tend to take an individualistic approach, arguing that how consumers experience and respond to the ongoing datafication is th

MHC class II genotype-by-pathogen genotype interaction for infection prevalence in a natural rodent-Borrelia system

MHC genes are extraordinarily polymorphic in most taxa. Host-pathogen coevolution driven by negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS) is one of the main hypotheses for the maintenance of such immunogenetic variation. Here, we test a critical but rarely tested assumption of this hypothesis—that MHC alleles affect resistance/susceptibility to a pathogen in a strain-specific way, that is, there i

Medarbetare : En historia om organisation och lekfolksuppdrag i Svenska kyrkan

Inom Svenska kyrkan talas idag ofta om vikten av att rekrytera ideella medarbetare. I en tid då de ekonomiska resurserna minskar blir det viktigt att på nytt arbeta med människors engagemang. Vi har vant oss vid att de anställda medarbetarna är många, men hur och varför växte de stora arbetslagen fram?Detta är en bok om hur lekmannamedarbetare kom att bli en naturlig del av den församlingsverksamh