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The complementary role of end user development to enterprise systems in budgeting: Research proposal
Enterprise systems (ES) offer integrative business solutions to entire organisations. However, it is often found that other software programs such as spreadsheets, which are one of the most common software used in end user developments (EUD), are used to complement ES in several business processes. This proposal intends to study the complementary role of EUD to ES in budgeting to describe and expl
Judging excellent university teaching – the importance of assessment standards
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Context and corporate social responsibility: the case of Saudi Arabia
This article intends to shed some light on the contextual realities that shape the perceptions and practices of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Saudi Arabia. Using both primary and secondary data collection and analysis, we chart some of the key socio-cultural and business drivers that shape the picture of Saudi Arabian CSR. In addition to providing an account of an important, but signifi
Skatte- och avgiftskriminalitet, Svensk juridisk nationalrapport till Nordiska skattevetenskapliga forskningsrådets seminarium i Århus den 5-6 november 1997
LU-CDM, A Conceptual Model of Desertification
This paper presents a generic system dynamic model to simulate and analyze a desertification system and its stability for different desertification syndromes. The study is one of many desertification related modelling approaches carried out by different project partners within the frames of DeSurvey (A Surveillance System for Assessing, Monitoring and Modelling Desertification; 2005-2010). DeSur
Critical feminist teaching - reflections upon experiences in teaching migration, globalization, intersectionality and interculturality
Illusion of knowing: Same or different emotional responses compared to knowing?
Numerical Investigation of Combustion in a Biomass Furnace
Antwort Gottes : Isaiah 40–55 and the Transformation of Psalmody
Design and Construction of an Autonomous Protein-based Motor
Anm. av: Boele-Woelki, Katharina, Ferrand Frédérique, Gonzáles Beilfuss, Cristina, Jänterä-Jareborg, Maarit, Lowe, Nigel, Martiny Dieter, Pintens Walter, Principles of European Family Law, Regarding Divorce and Maintenance Between Former Spouses, Antwerpen-Oxford, 2004, 170 s., samt Principles of European Family Law, regarding Parental Responsibility
Embryos grown in the dead zone. Assembling the first protoplanetary cores in low mass self-gravitating circumstellar disks of gas and solids
Six Sigma, Lean Thinking and TQM
I want to see what it is. City of Lund Art Collection. New Acquistions
Defining Priorities for Transnational Programmes
Development of atto-vial based antibody arrays
European Spallation Source Lattice Design Status
The accelerator of the European Spallation Source (ESS) will deliver 62.5 mA proton beam of 2.0 GeV onto the target, offering an unprecedented beam power of 5 MW. Since the technical design report (TDR) was published in 2013, work has continued to further optimise the accelerator design. We report on the advancements in lattice design optimisations after the TDR to improve performance and flexibil