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Assessing data‐scarce contaminated groundwater sites surrounding petrochemical industries
A common problem when studying groundwater contamination in low-income countries is that data required for a detailed risk assessment are limited. This study presents a method for assessment of the potential impact of groundwater contamination by total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in a data-scarce region. Groundwater modeling, using the MODFLOW, was used to simulate regional-scale flow pattern. Th
Oil refinery and water pollution in the context of sustainable development : Developing and developed countries
This paper is an attempt to evaluate the impact of the oil refinery industry on water resources worldwide from the point of view of sustainable development (SD). The local laws, reports from the industry and environmental agencies, conditions of the final disposal system were analysed. Key aspects, such as existing approaches for treatment systems, quality of treated wastewater, and ways to assure
Lemberg. Die Vergessene Mitte Europas
Recension av Lutz C. Kleveman (2017) Lemberg. Die Vergessene Mitte Europas. Aufbau Verlag.
Landskapsmåleri i gränslandet
Reflektion kring Leif Engströms uppmärksammade landskapsmålningar.
Pathways to ion-exchange polymer membranes with high stability and conductivity through superacid–mediated polyhydroxyalkylations
Muted multidecadal climate variability in central Europe during cold stadial periods
During the last ice age, the Northern Hemisphere experienced a series of abrupt millennial-scale climatic changes linked to variations in the strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and sea-ice extent. However, our understanding of their impacts on decadal-scale climate variability in central Europe has been limited by the lack of high-resolution continental archives. Here, we
Den urbana nutidslitteraturen frodas i Malmö
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Ziel der Arbeit ist es, eine Analyse sozio-technischer Energieszenarien durchzuführen, um herauszufi nden, inwieweit soziologische Dimensionen beziehungsweise Konzepte in diesem enthalten sind und welche dabei am häufi gsten aufgegriff en werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeitist eine qualitati ve Inhaltsanalyse dieser Energieszenarien nach Mayring durchgeführt worden.Dabei bestand der theoreti sche H
Environmental impact and costs of externalities of using urban consolidation centres : a 24-hour observation study with modelling in four scenarios
The literature presents a considerable number of practical experiences of urban consolidation centres (UCCs) and some estimates for vehicle reduction. Still, there is limited knowledge about the potential reduction of the environmental impact and the related externality costs. This paper evaluates the environmental impacts of consolidation in four scenarios of different consolidation set-ups. It a
A global approach to long-term follow-up of targeted and immune-based therapy in childhood and adolescence
While considerable efforts and progress in our understanding of the long-term toxicities of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy in children with cancer have been made over the last 5 decades, there continues to be a wide gap in our knowledge of the long-term health impact of most novel targeted and immunotherapy agents. To address this gap, ACCELERATE, a multi-stakeholder collaboration of clinical
Literature and the Making of the World : Cosmopolitan Texts, Vernacular Practices
Authenticity in tourism theory and experience. Practically indispensable and theoretically mischievous?
The notion of authenticity arises in tourism research in two ways: In theory, as a contentious, complicated and disputed construct; empirically, as a recurrent theme in accounts of tourist experiences of place and culture and as a quality of tourists' experiences. This duality creates tension over the utility of authenticity in research and theory. We review recent literature on authenticity withi
Investigations on Membrane Fouling and Cleaning in Ultrafiltration Processes in Lignocellulosic Biorefineries
The current fossil-based economy must be transformed into a bio-based circular economy. A cornerstone of this transformation is the conversion of pulp and paper mills into lignocellulosic biorefineries that allow not only the production of pulp, paper, and electricity, but also novel biochemicals. Highly selective, electrifiable, and low-energy-consuming separation technologies will be key in the
Antalet religiösa ökar globalt sett
(p)ppGpp controls stringent factors by exploiting antagonistic allosteric coupling between catalytic domains
Amino acid starvation is sensed by Escherichia coli RelA and Bacillus subtilis Rel through monitoring the aminoacylation status of ribosomal A-site tRNA. These enzymes are positively regulated by their product-the alarmone nucleotide (p)ppGpp-through an unknown mechanism. The (p)ppGpp-synthetic activity of Rel/RelA is controlled via auto-inhibition by the hydrolase/pseudo-hydrolase (HD/pseudo-HD)
Environments supporting sustainable mobility during dark hours
Contrasting use of space by two migratory Afro-Palearctic warblers on their African non-breeding grounds
In migratory birds, constraints due to breeding are relaxed during the non-breeding season and thus, social behaviours and spatial associations are potentially more directly coupled to food resources and habitats. Use of space and territorial behaviour has rarely been studied in Afro-Palearctic migrants. Variation in strategies could exist among species within the same habitat because of differenc
När läkare ansåg att rökelse skyddade mot smitta
On the governmentalization of sustainability: the case of flood risk mitigation in Sweden
Contemporary society is confronted with numerous sustainability challenges. Some are new, others have been around since time immemorial, but none have been governed on the societal level since their emergence. Despite an abundant literature that addresses the governing of a range of such sustainability challenges, the processes through which they become something governable in the first place have