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Detection of Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) in the Blood of Drivers in an Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program

Objective: The rate of failed interlock blood alcohol content (BAC) tests is a strong predictor of recidivism post-interlock and a partial proxy for alcohol use. Alcohol biomarkers measured at the start of an interlock program are known to correlate well with rates of failed BAC tests over months of interlock use. This study evaluates 2 methods of measuring low blood levels of the biomarker phosph

Mechanistic-Empirical Modeling of Permanent Deformation in Asphalt Concrete Layers

Popular Abstract in Swedish De allra flesta av oss bilister har någon gång kört på en väg med tydliga spår i vägytan. Man märker tydligt hur både komforten och säkerheten minskar eftersom möjligheten att styra fordonet försämras. Dessutom försämras trafiksäkerheten ytterligare när regn eller snö ansamlas och orsakar vattenplaning eller halka. Därför får de gradvis framväxande spåren inte bli för dThree mechanistic-empirical permanent deformation models were evaluated under Swedish conditions with respect to traffic, climate and materials using accelerated pavement testing and long-term pavement performance studies. The mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (M E PDG), the incremental-recursive mechanistic-empirical CalME model (CalME), and the PErmanent Deformation of asphalt concrete

An upgrade of the internal dosimetry computer program IDAC

A full update of the internal dosimetry computer program IDAC has been conducted. The new update is based on new and more accurate computational phantoms to calculate effective dose and absorbed dose to organs and tissues. The new ICRP Adult Reference Computational Phantoms has been adopted as well as the latest of the ICRP standardized biokinetic models. The updated computer program includes a us

ABCA1 upregulating apolipoproein M expression mediates via the RXR/LXR pathway in HepG2 cells

We have previously reported that liver X receptor (LXR) agonist, TO901317, could significantly inhibit hepatic apolipoprotein M (apoM) expression. It has been reported that TO901317 could activate the ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) that mediates cholesterol efflux to the lipid-poor apoA1, which is an essential step for the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) formation. It is unknown if ABC

Double Religious Belonging and Some Commonly Held Ideas about Dialogue and Conversion

There is often a perceived tension between dialogue on the one hand and conversion on the other hand. This article suggests that this tension may be related to religious conviction and religious belonging being seen as monolithic. A basic idea of this article is that there are suggestive empirical findings and relevant conceptual arguments about double religious belonging in a large sense, which l

Laparoscopic bile duct injury: understanding the psychology and heuristics of the error.

Bile duct injury is an important unsolved problem of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, occurring with unacceptable frequency even in the hands of experienced surgeons. This suggests that a systemic predisposition to the injury is intrinsic to cholecystectomy and indicates that an analysis of the psychology and heuristics of surgical decision-making in relation to duct identification may be a guide to

Placidiopsis custnani – a new pyrenocarpous species to Sweden

Placidiopsis custnani (A. Massal.) Körb., last recorded from the Nordic countries almost 160 years ago, is reported from the island of Gotland as new to Sweden. Its taxonomy and ecology are described from the new locality, and a key is provided for the former members of the genus Catapyrenium growing on soil, mosses or bark in the Nordic countries.

Human studies evaluating dGEMRIC as a prognostic tool for knee osteoarthritis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Artros är den vanligaste ledsjukdomen i världen, och orsakar ledvärk och stelhet. Artros leder till försvagning av brosket och sedermera förlust av allt större mängder belastat ledbrosk. För närvarande är vanlig röntgen den gyllene standarden för att diagnostisera knäartros. Dock är sjukdomsförloppet ofta väldigt långt framskridet när broskförändringar börjar synas på rOsteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder worldwide, causing joint pain and stiffness. The current gold standard for diagnosing knee OA is radiography. However, the disease has often progressed well beyond the point of no return once radiographic cartilage changes become visible. Identifying changes in cartilage at an early stage of OA would allow curative or prophylactic treatment to

State-of-the-art in the documentation of the Papuan languages of Timor, Alor, Pantar and Kisar

The Timor-Alor-Pantar language family has a special place in South-East Asian linguistics; its members make up the western extreme of the Papuan language sphere. Along with an exhaustive bibliography of works on the TAP languages, this paper presents a state-of-the-art review of the ongoing documentation of the TAP language family in terms of both linguistic description and (pre-)historical recons

Local Refinement for Stereo Regularization

Stereo matching is an inherently difficult problem due to ambiguous and noisy texture. The non-convexity and non- differentiability makes local linear (or quadratic) approximations poor, thereby preventing the use of standard local descent methods. Therefore recent methods are predominantly based on discretization and/or random sampling of some class of approximating surfaces (e.g. planes). While

Hemoglobin induces inflammation after preterm intraventricular hemorrhage by methemoglobin formation.

Cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is a major cause of severe neurodevelopmental impairment in preterm infants. To date, no therapy is available that prevents infants from developing serious neurological disability following IVH. Thus, to develop treatment strategies for IVH, it is essential to characterize the initial sequence of molecular events that leads to brain damage. In this study,

Updated Genetic Score Based on 34 Confirmed Type 2 Diabetes Loci Is Associated With Diabetes Incidence and Regression to Normoglycemia in the Diabetes Prevention Program

OBJECTIVE Over 30 loci have been associated with risk of type 2 diabetes at genome-wide statistical significance. Genetic risk scores (GRSs) developed from these loci predict diabetes in the general population. We tested if a GRS based on an updated list of 34 type 2 diabetes-associated loci predicted progression to diabetes or regression toward normal glucose regulation (NGR) in the Diabetes Prev

Structural transitions of encapsidated polyelectrolytes.

Conformations and structural transitions of polyelectrolytes strictly confined onto a spherical 2D surface have been investigated by scaling descriptions based on physical arguments concerning polyelectrolyte adsorption onto planar surface and liquid crystals as well as by Monte Carlo simulations using a bead-spring model with short-range and electrostatic repulsions. In case of the electrostatic

Synthesis and characterisation of new PCsp3P-supported nickel complexes

The coordination behaviour of the aliphatic pincer ligand cis-1,3-bis-((di-tert-butylphosphino)methyl) cyclohexane with NiCl2 and NiBr2 was studied. Reflux in toluene afforded cyclometalated, tridentate PCsp3P pincer complexes, that were characterised by elemental analysis and NMR spectroscopy; the solid state structures were determined by X-ray diffraction showing an unusually long Ni-Br bond in

Variation in Artemisia pollen seasons in Central and Eastern Europe

This paper aims to address some gaps in current knowledge by studying temporal and spatial variations in Artemisia pollen counts (2000-2009) at 13 sites located in different biogeographical areas of Central and Eastern Europe. Analysis showed that start dates of Artemisia pollen seasons are greatly dependent on temperature during June and July, with hot summer temperatures having a tendency to del

Många allvarliga brott mot regler när läkemedel marknadsförs

Läkemedelsindustrin är en viktig källa till läkemedelsinformation. Industrins marknadsföring kan dock leda till användning av icke-ändamålsenliga eller onödigt dyra läkemedel [1]. En ny studie, publicerad i PLoS Medicine, har analyserat marknadsföring i Sverige och Storbritannien 2004–2012 samt de egenåtgärdssystem som industrin i de båda länderna inrättat för tillsynen av marknadsföringen [2]. Sl