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Faster enclave transitions for IO-intensive network applications

Process-based confidential computing enclaves such as Intel SGX have been proposed for protecting the confidentiality and integrity of network applications, without the overhead of virtualization. However, these solutions introduce other types of overhead, particularly the cost transitioning in and out of an enclave context. This makes the use of enclaves impractical for running IO-intensive appli

MAP3K6 Mutations in a Neurovascular Disease Causing Stroke, Cognitive Impairment, and Tremor

Objective: To describe a possible novel genetic mechanism for cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD) and stroke.Methods: We studied a Swedish kindred with ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage, tremor, dysautonomia, and mild cognitive decline. Members were examined clinically, radiologically, and by histopathology. Genetic workup included whole-exome sequencing (WES) and whole-genome sequenci

Gender and the Outcome of Postcardiotomy Veno-arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

Objective: There is a paucity of sex-specific data on patients’ postcardiotomy venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO). The present study sought to assess this issue in a multicenter study. Design: Retrospective, propensity score–matched analysis of an international registry. Setting: Multicenter study, tertiary university hospitals. Participants: Data on adult patients undergoi

Breathlessness across generations : Results from the RHINESSA generation study

Background: Breathlessness is a major cause of suffering and disability globally. The symptom relates to multiple factors including asthma and lung function, which are influenced by hereditary factors. No study has evaluated potential inheritance of breathlessness itself across generations. Methods: We analysed the association between breathlessness in parents and their offspring in the Respirator

Widespread Decoding of Tactile Input Patterns Among Thalamic Neurons

Whereas, there is data to support that cuneothalamic projections predominantly reach a topographically confined volume of the rat thalamus, the ventroposterior lateral (VPL) nucleus, recent findings show that cortical neurons that process tactile inputs are widely distributed across the neocortex. Since cortical neurons project back to the thalamus, the latter observation would suggest that thalam

Potential drug target identification in porphyromonas gingivalis using in-silico subtractive metabolic pathway analysis

Introduction: Porphyromonas Gingivalis (P. gingivalis) a primary periodontal disease pathogen. This bacterium affects sub-gingival tissue and leads to loss of teeth and alveolar bone destruction in the acute stage. In recent years, P. gingivalis is often connected with other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease, though the aetiology is still unclear. Obje

Widely Different Correlation Patterns Between Pairs of Adjacent Thalamic Neurons In vivo

We have previously reported different spike firing correlation patterns among pairs of adjacent pyramidal neurons within the same layer of S1 cortex in vivo, which was argued to suggest that acquired synaptic weight modifications would tend to differentiate adjacent cortical neurons despite them having access to near-identical afferent inputs. Here we made simultaneous single-electrode loose patch

Why we keep separating the ‘inseparable’ : Dialecticising intersectionality

Disputes about how to understand intersectional relations often pivot around the tension between separateness and inseparability, where some scholars emphasise the need to separate between different intersectional categories while others claim they are inseparable. In this chapter the author takes issue with the either/or thinking that underpins an unnecessary and unproductive polarisation in the

Making waves, and beyond

In evaluating the current state of feminism and gender studies it has become increasingly challenging to avoid the conclusion that these fields are in a state of disarray; or, less calamitously, that they are in a state of considerable flux. While the presence of a diverse range of theoretical/political positions may simply reflect the vitality of the feminist movement - it does raise any number o

A defence of the category ‘women’

Against influential strands of feminist theory, I argue that there is nothing essentialist or homogenising about the category ‘women’. I show that both intersectional claims that it is impossible to separate out the ‘woman part’ of women, and deconstructionist contentions that the category ‘women’ is a fiction, rest on untenable meta-theoretical assumptions. I posit that a more fruitful way of app

A novel pipe structure for geyser elimination in a vertical cryogenic pipe

In the present study, according to the recirculation concept, a new elimination structure for the geyser in a cryogenic pipe is proposed. An eccentric spacer plate is used to stimulate the recirculation inside the cryogenic pipe. The geyser-elimination effect of the proposed structure is then validated and the elimination physics is explored. It is found that the geyser is successfully eliminated

Gate control, g factors, and spin-orbit energy of p -type GaSb nanowire quantum dot devices

Proposals for quantum information applications are frequently based on the coherent manipulation of spins confined to quantum dots. For these applications, p-type III-V material systems promise a reduction of the hyperfine interaction while maintaining large g factors and strong spin-orbit interaction. In this Letter, we study bottom-gated device architectures to realize single and serial multiqua

Epitaxial stabilization of thin films of the frustrated Ge-based spinels

Frustrated magnets can host numerous exotic many-body quantum and topological phenomena. GeNi2O4 is a three-dimensional S=1 frustrated magnet with an unusual two-stage transition to the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic ground state, while GeCu2O4 is a high-pressure phase with a strongly tetragonally elongated spinel structure and magnetic lattice formed by S=1/2 CuO2 linear chains with frustrated

Tissue response of radiation therapy assessed by electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in subcutaneous tumours in rats.

Föreliggande undersökning syftar till att utvärdera möjligheten att använda bioimpedansspektrometri för att mäta tumör- och vävnadsrespons på strålterapi. Bioimpedansmätningar utförda med CythorLab ™ utrustade med en signalgenerator med en känd högutgångsimpedans och signalmätanordning som kan mäta spänningen som appliceras av generatorn. Styrenheten utlöser signalgeneratorn som genererar en MLS-sThe present investigation aims to evaluate the possibility of using bio-impedance spectrometry to measure tumour and tissue response to radiation therapy. Bio -impedance measurements performed with CythorLab™ equipped with a signal generator with a known high output impedance and signal measuring device able to measure the voltage applied by the generator. The control unit triggers the signal gene

A numerical model to simulate short-term beach and dune evolution

Sediment transport in the cross-shore (CS) and associated changes in the beach profile, especially during storms, have been topics of widespread concern. Since storms are often accompanied by high water levels and large waves, large quantities of sand from the beach and the dune are typically transported offshore, leading to severe beach and dune erosion, which threatens the integrity of buildings

Future Nordic Fashion

Utställning, Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, 24/4 – 3/10 2021.Det är hos den unga generationens kreatörer som idéer om framtidens mode först tar form. I utställningen Future Nordic Fashion visas ett urval visionära kreationer, som har skapats av några av de främsta nyexaminerade modedesigners inom ramen för den nordiska designtävlingen Designers´ Nest. Teman som lyfts fram i utställningen är dagsaktue

Vilken roll spelar bin i det moderna jordbruket?

Bin är en del av den biologiska mångfalden och bidrar dessutom med pollineringstjänster i våra odlade grödor och trädgårdsväxter. Men många arter är hotade och minskar i antal, med minskande biologisk mångfald som följd. Vilka konsekvenser får detta för jordbruksproduktionen? Genom att identifiera hoten och hitta motåtgärder finns det hopp om en väg framåt som gynnar alla.

Sarcopenia Definitions as Predictors of Fracture Risk Independent of FRAX®, Falls, and BMD in the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study : A Meta-Analysis

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)-derived appendicular lean mass/height2 (ALM/ht2) is the most commonly used estimate of muscle mass in the assessment of sarcopenia, but its predictive value for fracture is substantially attenuated by femoral neck (fn) bone mineral density (BMD). We investigated predictive value of 11 sarcopenia definitions for incident fracture, independent of fnBMD, fractur