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Gas exchange with a reflecting system for inhalational anaesthesia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Anesthetic Conserving Device (AnaConDa®) är ett nytt, kommersiellt tillgängligt, hjälpmedel för att ge narkosgaser. AnaConDa® är en förgasare och återandningsfilter, vilken ansluts till patientens andningstub under operation eller intensivvård. Filtret fungerar med hjälp av kolpartiklar som binder utandade narkosgasmolekyler till sig vilka återandas vid nästa inandning.In order to reduce comsumption of inhalational anaesthetsics during high flow anaesthesia a system open in regard to oxygen, nitogen and nitrous oxide, but closed to inhalational anaesthetics, was developed. This was achieved by a reflecting filter for inhalational anaesthetics made of active carbon. The principle has been developed into the commersially available Anesthetic Conserving Device (ACD

Genetic characterization of families with von Willebrand disease

von Willebrand disease (VWD) is the most common hereditary bleeding disorder. It is caused by quantitative and/or qualitative defects of the von Willebrand factor (VWF). The severity of the disease can vary considerably, as can the hereditary patterns. The variable phenotypes of VWD have given rise to a classification scheme that divides the disease into three types according to how it is manifest

"The sky's the limit": fantasy in the age of market rationality

Purpose - This paper has three purposes. The first is to introduce the concept of fantasy, based on Lacanian pyschoanlysis, in order to link theoretically the role of narrative and affect in organizational strategies of control. The second is to use this concept to illuminate the fantasmatic as well as ideological character of so-called "market rationality." The third is to reveal three dominant f

Digital Photoplethysmography for Assessment of Arterial Stiffness: Repeatability and Comparison with Applanation Tonometry.

Arterial stiffness is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and can be assessed by applanation tonometry by measuring pulse wave velocity (PWV) and augmentation index (AIX) by pressure pulse wave analysis (PWA). As an inexpensive and operator independent alternative, photoelectric plethysmography (PPG) has been introduced with analysis of the digital volume pulse wave (DPA) and i

Influence of genetic factors on toluene diisocyanate-related symptoms: evidence from a cross-sectional study

Background: Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) is a highly reactive compound used in the production of, e. g., polyurethane foams and paints. TDI is known to cause respiratory symptoms and diseases. Because TDI causes symptoms in only a fraction of exposed workers, genetic factors may play a key role in disease susceptibility. Methods: Workers (N = 132) exposed to TDI and a non-exposed group ( N = 114) we

Enacting Green Consumers: The Case of the Scandinavian Preppies

The aim of this paper is to develop and illustrate an analytic approach that brings the active making and makings of green consumer images to the fore. Efforts to “know” the green consumers have generated multiple representations. Enactments of the green consumer are not innocent but also play a role in shaping how we understand and approach sustainable consumption. Because of this it is important

Combined performance studies for electrons at the 2004 ATLAS combined test-beam

In 2004 at the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) combined test beam, one slice of the ATLAS barrel detector (including an Inner Detector set-up and the Liquid Argon calorimeter) was exposed to particles from the H8 SPS beam line at CERN. It was the first occasion to test the combined electron performance of ATLAS. This paper presents results obtained for the momentum measurement p with the Inner De

Byggnaden som system : 2 uppl.

Bra inomhusklimat och effektiv energianvändning är av yttersta vikt när nya hus ska byggas. Ny ­teknik har fått ner behovet av energi för uppvärming till ungefär hälften sedan 70-talet. Men elförbrukningen har ökat kraftigt. Här presenterar författarna en systematisk helhetssyn att både spara energi och åstadkomma ett behagligt inneklimat när nya hus utformas eller gamla renoveras. Byggteknik och

Cell and gene therapy for blood disorders. Modeling of novel treatment strategies for Gaucher type 1 disease and Diamond-Blackfan anemia in mice.

Gaucher disease type 1 (GD type 1) and Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) are rare genetic disorders affecting the hematopoietic system and routinely treated by administration of drugs with variable clinical efficacy. Though effective in alleviating disease symptoms in large cohorts of patients, these treatment options have the major drawback of being non-curative. Currently, bone marrow transplantatio

Design of new multipass gas cells with circular and elliptical cross-section

Two new types of multipass gas cells with circular and elliptical cross-sections were developed. As for a cylindrical cell, the reflected rays in the circle would be an irregular trace without superposition and termination, if its central angle is a bit more than 2 pi/3 for an example. Each two adjacent reflected points have the same optical path difference and optical light passes through differe

Arguments for considering uncertainty in QSAR predictions in hazard and risk assessments.

Chemical regulation allows non-in vivo testing (i.e. in silico-derived and in vitro-derived) information to replace experimental values from in vivo studies in hazard and risk assessments. Although non-in vitro testing information on chemical activities or properties is subject to added uncertainty as compared to in vivo testing information, this uncertainty is commonly not (fully) taken into acco

CELL REPLACEMENT THERAPY FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE: The importance of neuronal subtype, cell source and connectivity for functional recovery

Popular Abstract in Swedish Patienter som drabbats av Parkinsons sjukdom (PD) saknar förmågan att medvetet kontrollera sina rörelser. Livslång medicinering krävs, vilket lindrar symptomen och leder till att rörelsemönstret förbättras, men med varierad effektivitet. Trots att de läkemedel (t ex L-DOPA) som finns tillgängliga idag har fantastisk effekt, minskar deras effektivitet i takt med att sjukParkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterised by motor deficits such as slowness in movement, difficulty in initiating movement and tremor at rest. The cause of these motor symptoms is the selective loss of mesencephalic dopaminergic (mesDA) neurons, located in the substantia nigra (SN). These neurons project axons to the striatum where they release dopamine, a neurotransm

Challenges encountered when expanding activated sludge models: a case study based on N2O production.

It is common practice in wastewater engineering to extend standard activated sludge models (ASMs) with extra process equations derived from batch experiments. However, such experiments have often been performed under conditions different from the ones normally found in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). As a consequence, these experiments might not be representative for full-scale performance, a

Evaluating combination therapies for asthma: pros, cons and comparative benefits

Combination therapies with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and either long-acting ß2 agonists (LABA) or leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRA) are commonly used to help patients maintain control of their asthma. LABA and LTRA have different mechanisms of action and both provide complementary benefits when combined with ICS. This paper compares the two regimens based on recent clinical trial data, e

Pre-hatching exposure to water mold reduces size at metamorphosis in the moor frog

Developmental plasticity is increasingly recognized as important for ecological and evolutionary processes. However, few studies consider the potential for delayed effects of early environments. Here, we show that tadpoles hatching from clutches exposed to water mold (Saprolegnia) have 20% decreased mass at metamorphosis, despite no further exposure subsequent to hatching. The effects were consist