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Your search for "*" yielded 531656 hits

Economic Evaluation of Pharmacological Treatments in Dementia Disorders - A Systematic Literature Review

The objective is to systematically review the literature on economic evaluations of pharmacological treatments of dementia disorders. A systematic search of published economic evaluation studies in English was conducted using specified key words in relevant databased and websites. Data extracted included methods and empirical evidence (costs, effects, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio) and we a

Excretion of Urinary Metabolites of the Phthalate Esters DEP and DEHP in 16 Volunteers after Inhalation and Dermal Exposure

Phthalate esters are suspected endocrine disruptors that are found in a wide range of applications. The aim of this study was to determine the excretion of urinary metabolites in 16 individuals after inhalation and/or dermal exposure to 100⁻300 µg/m³ of deuterium-labelled diethyl phthalate (D₄-DEP) and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (D₄-DEHP). Dermal exposure in this study represents a case with clea

A review of the legal framework in shallow geothermal energy in selected European countries : Need for guidelines

Over the past years, the installations of Shallow Geothermal Energy (SGE) systems are increasing throughout Europe, and it is indicating that a specific and detailed legal framework is necessary. Towards this direction, this paper consists of an overview of legislation issues on SGE at European level, based on concise reviews from fourteen countries, i.e., Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, L

Complications of laparoscopy-aided gastrostomies in pediatric practice

Purpose: The aim of this report is to establish the frequency and type of complications of laparoscopy-aided gastrostomy in pediatric practice and to identify patients at risk for postoperative complications. Method: This is a follow-up study of 98 children with nutritional problems including inability to swallow, inadequate calorie intake in neurologically impaired children, patients with cystic

Photonic Monitoring of Atmospheric and Aquatic Fauna

Flying insects are of utmost importance in ecology and for human living conditions. Certain species serve as indispensable pollinators to ensure the availability of food stuffs, while others are dangerous vectors for spreading deadly diseases, such as malaria. Agricultural pests reduce the yield of crops, and their abatement through pesticides cause many additional problems. Birds and bats are fre

Loss of Canonical Notch Signaling Affects Multiple Steps in NK Cell Development in Mice

Within the hematopoietic system, the Notch pathway is critical for promoting thymic T cell development and suppressing the B and myeloid lineage fates; however, its impact on NK lymphopoiesis is less understood. To study the role of Notch during NK cell development in vivo, we investigated different NK cell compartments and function in Rbp-Jkfl/flVav-Cretg/+ mice, in which Rbp-Jk, the major transc

Perfusion Monitoring During Oculoplastic Reconstructive Surgery - Opportunities for Optimization of Surgical Techniques

Existing oculoplastic reconstructive surgical techniques are based on empirical knowledge and were established long before perfusion monitoring was possible. It is believed that an avascular graft should always be placed on a vascular bed or flap and also that the viable length of a flap depends on the width of its pedicle. The actual role of the length, width and thickness of a random flap in its

Aberrations in postural control, vibration sensation and some vestibular findings in healthy 64-92-year-old subjects

To assess changes in postural control among healthy elderly and to correlate with suspected age-related events, 33 women and 16 men were studied. Postural control was evaluated by vibration-induced body sway, measured on a force platform, and vibration sensation was tested with a tuning fork. Occurrence of spontaneous gaze and head-shake-induced nystagmus was observed with infrared charged couple

Vestibular Stimulation Perturbs Human Stance also at Higher Frequencies

The effect of primary vestibular disturbance on postural control was investigated in 11 normal subjects exposed to perturbation by bi-polar binaural galvanic stimulation of the vestibular nerve. The stimulus consisted of 30 s of sinusoidal galvanic stimulation at frequencies of 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 Hz, with a current of +/- 1 mA, the subject standing with open or closed eyes a

Effect of proprioceptor stimulation on postural stability in patients with peripheral or central vestibular lesion

Body sway in upright stance at rest and after inducing proprioceptor stimulation, elicited by vibration applied to the calf or neck muscles, was studied in 11 patients with peripheral lesion and in 17 patients with central vestibular lesion. The responses were compared with those of 20 normal subjects. Vibratory stimulus was applied at five different frequencies, ranging from 32 to 150 Hz, and at

Metabolomics of transgenic maize combining Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance-mass spectrometry, capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry and pressurized liquid extraction

In this work, the potential of combining capillary electrophoresis-time-of-flight-mass spectrome-try (CE-TOF-MS) and Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance-mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) for metabolomics of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is demonstrated. Thus, six different varieties of maize, three of them transgenic (PR33P66 Bt, Tietar Bt and Aristis Bt) and their corresponding isogenic

Urban Living Labs: Governing Urban Sustainability Transitions

Urban Living Labs (ULL) are advanced as an explicit form of intervention delivering sustainability goals for cities. Established at the boundaries between research, innovation and policy, ULL are intended to design, demonstrate and learn about the effects of urban interventions in real time. While rapidly growing as an empirical phenomenon, our understanding of the nature and purpose of ULL is sti

Expression of the interpersonal connection between narrators and characters in Umpila and Kuuku Ya'u storytelling

This article analyses the selection of person reference expressions in narratives in Umpila/Kuuku Ya'u, a Pama-Nyungan language of Cape York Peninsula (Australia). The analysis takes the principle of topic-fittedness, one of a set of design principles proposed to account for the interactional conditioning of person reference formulation, and applies it to Umpila/Kuuku Ya'u narration. The ensuing a

Picosecond calorimetry : time-resolved x-ray diffraction studies of liquid CH2Cl2

Liquid phase time-resolved x-ray diffraction with 100 ps resolution has recently emerged as a powerful technique for probing the structural dynamics of transient photochemical species in solution. It is intrinsic to the method, however, that a structural signal is observed not only from the photochemical of interest but also from the embedding solvent matrix. To experimentally characterize the x-r

Problems with Firm-Led Voluntary Sustainability Schemes: The Case of Direct Trade Coffee

Ensuring sustainable consumption and production is one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainable consumption can be supported through regulatory processes. Voluntary private regulatory schemes claiming to contribute to sustainability are a rapidly growing form of regulation. We study one such voluntary sustainability scheme in order to look at the opportunities and challeng