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Your search for "*" yielded 531032 hits

Inhibition of Nitrification in Industrial Wastewater - Identification of Sources

Utsläpp av industriellt avloppsvatten till avloppsreningsverk kan medföra problem då det ofta innehåller förhöjda koncentrationer av toxiska ämnen jämfört med avloppsvatten från hushåll. Industriellt avloppsvatten innehåller även ofta kemiska ämnen som är specifika för produktionen i fråga. Det mottagande reningsverket är inte alltid utformat för att rena dessa ämnen, vilket gör att de riskerar atThe discharge of industrial wastewaters (WWs) to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can be problematic due to their sometimes elevated concentrations of toxic compounds compared to municipal wastewater. Also, industrial WWs often contain compounds that are unique to the specific production, and the receiving WWTP is not always designed to remove these compounds. Hence, there is a risk that these

Städer som varumärken

Titel: Städer som varumärken Kurs: FEKH29 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Seminariedatum: 2017-06-02 Författare: Shante Bedrosian, Valdrin Maloku & Tobias Wallander. Handledare: Lars Carlman. Nyckelord: City Branding, Place Branding, Startup-företag, Intressenter, Varumärken. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelse för hur städerTitle: Cities as brands Seminar date: 2017-06-02 Course: FEKH29 Business Administration: Bachelor Thesis in Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 högskolepoäng. Authors: Shante Bedrosian, Valdrin Maloku & Tobias Wallander. Supervisor: Lars Carlman Key words: City Branding, Place Branding, Start-up companies, Stakeholders, Brands. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to increase understanding

Knowledge and Its Impact on Identities of Ukrainian Trans*(gender/sexual) People

Trans*(sex/gender) is an increasingly common phenomenon of the contemporary world. Psychology, Feminist, Queer and Transgender studies have suggested various interpretations of trans* experiences. Departing from certain assumptions that notions of sex and gender are either authentic or performative, these disciplines have established worldwide the tenet that trans* is medically pathological or soc

Att miljöjustera den ekonomiska tillväxten

This essay aims to investigate which results can be derived from an economic growth rate that has been adjusted for environmental damage. In order to do so the usual BNI per capita growth is compared with an adjusted BNI per capita growth. The adjusted growth is derived from the World Banks Adjusted net savings, a way of measuring a nation’s wealth development through the national savings. This me

The Design and Use of Management Control Systems in the Field of Innovation

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the current state of research in the context of management control systems to support innovation by developing a theoretical framework covering relevant concepts and conducting a case study accordingly. Methodology: For the research method, a qualitative, deductive approach was used, containing a literature review, the development of a theor

Study of radiometric variations in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle remote sensing imagery for vegetation mapping

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) provide a flexible method for acquiring high-resolution imagery with relative simple operation and cost-effectiveness. This technology emerged 30 years ago and it is widely used by commercial, scientific, and military communities due to its versatility. However, new technology brings new challenges. One of them is the radiometric accuracy of the UAV imagery. Radiome

Hur kan lokala banker öka lönsamheten hos sina privatkunder genom digitalisering?

Background Digitalisation has a big impact on the financial services industry in terms of new business and cost cutting opportunities, but also as threats from disruptive competitors. The financial sector is also pressured by increasingly strict regulations. New and extended regulations drive costs associated with risk management and compliance which makes it more difficult to uphold historical pr

Virtual Commissioning for a Linear 12-Axis Machine

In practice, Virtual Commissioning is a technical method within the au- tomation field where you can create a simulated twin factory to a real physical factory containing functional machines. The purpose of Virtual Commissioning is to move a great portion of the commissioning tasks to an earlier state in the project. To make this possible a simulation model of a system is created within a simulati

Influencers påverkan på konsumenters varumärkeslojalitet

Sammanfattning: Titel: Influencers påverkan på konsumenters varumärkeslojalitet Problemformulering: Influencer marketing har idag fått ett enormt genomslag på sociala medier och företag använder i allt större utsträckning sig av influencers för att marknadsföra sina produkter. Konsumenter har visat sig vara mer mottagliga för influencers marknadsföring jämfört med traditionell marknadsföring då de

Republic of Korea’s Sunshine Policy: The sweeping fall in support for the Sunshine Policy and the role of the Ministry of Unification during the tumultuous Sunshine years

This thesis aimed to discover the underlying causes for the drastic loss in support for the Sunshine Policy and the role of the Ministry of Unification throughout its duration. The Sunshine Policy was a new approach to inter-Korean relations by the progressives in South Korea which, despite initially strong support, would eventually become disfavoured among large parts of the population. An establ

Spatially resolved spectroscopy across HD 189733A using exoplanet transits

När vi blickar upp mot natthimlen (och om vi har tur) ser vi stjärnor. Några förefaller stora och ljusstarka, andra små och ljussvaga. Dock ser vi dem bara som ljusa punkter, även när vi tittar genom stora teleskop. Vi kan alltså inte direkt urskilja ytorna på dessa avlägsna solar och tvingas utröna deras egenskaper från det samlade stjärnljuset. Undantaget är vår egen stjärna, solen, vars yta är For testing three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic models of stellar atmospheres, spectroscopy across spatially resolved stellar surfaces with high spectral resolution is desired. 3D models predict center-to-limb changes in asymmetries, shapes, strengths and wavelength positions of spectral line profiles, reflecting the hydrodynamics of the stellar atmosphere. However, except for a few supergiants an

Förmågan att böja verb och nonsensverb i preteritum samt förmågan till nonordsrepetition hos en-och flerspråkiga skolelever med olika socioekonomisk bakgrund

Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur skolbarn med typisk språkutveckling presterade på att producera preteritumformer av verb och nonverb, samt på nonordsrepetition. Vidare undersöktes om dessa förmågor skilde sig mellan en- och flerspråkiga populationer och mellan populationer med olika socioekonomisk status (SES). Metod: Etthundra en- och flerspråkiga elever i årskurs 2-4 från fyra sk

GENDER IN TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE CONTEXTS: Reproductive Rights in the Spanish Case of Stolen Babies

A study on the obstacles that the Spanish state puts forward as well as the limitations in transitional justice practice that constitute a challenge for the recognition of the stealing of babies by private individuals during the Francoist dictatorship as reproductive rights violations, gender-based violence and a crime against humanity to be addressed by a hypothetical transitional justice agenda

The Implementation of the Frequency-Time Encoded Decoy-State Protocol with the Slow-Light Effect for Quantum Memories

Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a secure encryption key generation process to be used by two users in the presence of an eavesdropper. The no-cloning theorem allows the sender "Alice" to securely send qubits with single photons to the receiver "Bob". However, due to real-life imperfections, it is not always possible to have a single-photon source with its properties matching Since the dawn of the first civilizations, the security of information has proven vital to the success of any given community. History records the first attempts at using cryptography techniques in a 1900 BC to 600 BC time frame. In ancient times, the working mechanism of this technique involved the use of letters in the alphabet. To secure the information, these techniques shifted the letters’ nu