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Tvärkulturella Affärsrelationer - i samspel mellan Sverige och Italien

Syftet för studien är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning som nationella och organisatoriska kulturbetingade beteendemönster påverkar internationella affärstransaktioner. Därutöver granska likheter respektive skillnader vid interaktion mellan affärsgränserna Sverige och Italien, samt försöka förstå dessas ursprung. Studien baseras utifrån en fallstudie på ett svenskt livsmedelimportföretag, där kv

Beställarföretags arbetsmiljöansvar för inhyrd arbetskraft

Hiring of employees is based on the relationship between the temporary work agency, the temporary worker and the hiring in firm. The purpose of the relationship is based on the fulfillment of business' need of flexibility. This paper analyzes the effect of the relationship as regards the hiring in firm's responsibility of the working environment of the temporary agency worker. The point of

Towards a Custermer-oriented Organization. A study at Tetra Pak Processing Systems AB

In later time many companies have faced a major strategically change of focus and companies that have previous acted as traditional product manufacturers now describe themselves as providers of complete solutions. Tetra Pak Processing Systems, operating in the liquid food processing industry, has faced an increased level of competition the past years. The globalization of the industry means that c

Virtual and Phsycial Pre-series Process Verification at Volvo Car Corporation

This master thesis was conducted at Volvo Car Corporation, VCC, in Gothenburg within the Manufacturing Engineering department. It is based on the P11-project (the new model S40) where the process verification has been examined and analyzed. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the reasons behind remaining and new problems at late stages in the development process, as well as possibilities f

Taking ERP to ROI How to Benefit from ERP Investments

Problem definition Even though a great deal of research have been done exploring the ERP field, companies still have a hard time determining and obtaining the full potential scope of benefits that comes with a fully working ERP system. Implementing an ERP system is like changing a heart while the patient still is running. It is therefore hard to measure the benefits and the improved efficiencies,

Gastric bypass - En räddare i nöden?

Det svenska folket blir allt fetare. Som följd ökar sjukskrivningarna för fysisk och psykisk ohälsa. Något som kostar samhället enorma summor. I Skåne har politikerna valt att handskas med problemet genom att drastiskt öka antalet gastric bypassoperationer. I "Gastric bypass - En räddare i nöden?" ges du möjlighet att få höra politikernas, läkarnas och de opererades syn på saken.

A Study of a Successful ERP Implementation: KPA Case Study

ERP systems have become vital strategic tools in today’s competitive business environment. Achieving successful results from IT initiatives has driven most companies to implement ERP systems in order to achieve strategic alignment between the company’s strategic goals and their business objectives. ERP system implementation involves huge costs, effort, time and resources which if not managed may l

Development of a quality assurance system in the stock receipt at Lufthansa Technik Logistik GmbH

Problem The aviation industry is a branch with extremely high quality requirements on spare parts and belonging documents. These documents, which assure that a part complies with authority requirements, are scanned and electronically saved in the stock receipt at Lufthansa Technik Logistik GmbH in Hamburg. The quality level of scanned documents is to investigate and shall provide useful informatio

Dolda användarkostnader vid datoranvändning

When calculating how much it costs to provide a user with a computer it is easy to focus on initial costs for hardware and software, costs for education and costs for providing some kind of support service for the users. It is easy to forget about hidden costs, as time when the user tries to solve computer related problems by his own or when the user gets help from a colleague, and even harder to

Field reliability of plate heat exchangers in oil and gas processes - a market perspective

In the offshore industry, reliability of installed equipment is of paramount concern due to safety, environmental and economic consequences. The costs of unplanned shutdowns and maintenance have high economic implications and are of increasing importance with tighter profit margins. Reliability is therefore of significance when selecting equipment model and brand. This report presents a survey of

VÄGEN TILL RÄTT KVALITET - på inköpta komponenter En fallstudie på Gambro Lundia AB Monitor Division

To avoid incorrectly manufactured components, the modern quality development focus towards preventive actions and process improvements. Therefore, a function as acceptance control is not of particular interest. This report treats the activities that have to take place at Gambro Lundia Monitor Division, GLAB MD, in order to get satisfactory quality of purchased components. The Incoming Inspection i

Bristande jämlikheter i utbildning och ekonomisk tillväxt

Utbildning är något som de flesta vid tidig ålder bekantas med och det sägs att det är en av grundstenarna för ett väl fungerande land och således också dess ekonomi. Det diskuteras inte sällan om varför klyftan mellan rika och fattiga länder är så stor samt hur de fattiga länderna ska kunna uppnå en högre ekonomisk tillväxt och på så vis kunna få en lägre fattigdomsnivå. I denna uppsats har vi fö

FairRent + Motivation from an entrepreneurial perspective

The purpose of this theoretical reflection is to develop a deeper understanding of the different types of motivations that exists and how it influences the success of an entrepreneurial project. This theoretical reflection will be written as an autoethnography, based on my own experiences from the Masters Programme. The essay has been inspired by an inductive approach whereby theories of motivatio

Don’t be the image - be a true piece in the puzzle. En studie om den kvinnliga konsumentens relation till varumärken på den svenska modemarknaden.

Syfte: Syftet med studien är ett öka förståelsen för hur den kvinnliga konsumentens relation till varumärken på den svenska modemarknaden ser ut, och hur man som märkesinnehavare kan agera för att stärka denna relation. Metod: En studie med en kvalitativ ansats och abduktiv metod. För att bearbeta och analysera empirin som utgörs av fokusgrupper, har metoden grundad teori använts. Teoretiska persp

Att skapa mervärde med hjälp av sortiment- En kvalitativ studie på den svenska dagligvaruhandeln

Syfte:Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva hur dagligvaruhandeln skapar mervärde till konsument genom sitt arbete med sortimentsplanering på en konkurrensintensiv och dynamisk marknad. Vi har i uppsatsen valt en kvalitativ metod vars ansats formats av inslag från både praktiken samt existerande teorier. En multipel fallstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer samt idealtypsmodellen har använts för