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Novelty and Individual Character in the Community Design Law

Design importance in product marketing has been dramatically increasing in the last few years. There is hardly a commodity available in the market which could escape the ever-growing design trend. Consumer design awareness is growing simultaneously and thus more and more companies choose to invest into researching possible design applications to their products. Currently where production costs are

Problems in Implementing International Humanitarian Law in Non-International Armed Conflicts

This thesis concerns the problems that surround the implementation and enforcement of international humanitarian law in non-international armed conflicts. The provisions applicable to such conflicts are common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions together with Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions. The main obstacles surrounding the implementation of these provisions are of various natur

Patent and Know-how Licensing under the 2004 Technology Transfer Regulation

Intellectual property law seeks to promote society's industrial development through the recognition of patents. The logic of granting patent protection is clear-cut: Patents provide incentives for developing new technology. The lack of an adequate legal protection for innovations would slow progress and the benefits it brings. Without legal protection, companies would be unlikely to spend sign

Development of Animation Tool for Product Development and Production

The purpose of this Master’s Thesis was to examine different usage applications for animations and to develop one or several animated products for Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB. The overall objective was to develop an animated tool for information purposes and to investigate different interesting fields of application for the animated products. The goal was also to show the procedure of c

Corporate Board Authority in Takeover Bids: A Comparative Analysis of the EU and US Approaches

Global Merger and Acquisition activity reached record levels in 2006, with the US and EU playing a large role in this activity. This paper examines the duties of a board which is subject to a takeover bid and any defensive moves the board may take to protect its company from acquisition. The US law in this field requires the boards to actively participate in any bid offers and grants these boards

"Private Enforcement of Competition Law from a Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective; Too much of a good thing?"

At the beginning of this century, the EU set itself the ambitious goal of becoming the most competitive, sustainable and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. In this context, the concept of corporate social responsibility is gradually presenting itself as the hidden key to success. This means that companies should not just aim at financial gain, but should also take up societal and enviro

Unpatentable Exceptions to the EPC. The rationale and understanding of Article 53(b) - A historical analysis.

This thesis investigates Article 53(b) of the European Patent Convention and has at its core, the reasoning for this Article. It establishes and explains the ideological beginnings of these exceptions to patenting. By focusing primarily on the two landmark cases on the Article, I have tried to draw out where the reasoning for this exclusion has come from and where the exclusion may potentially lea

European Conventions on Human Rights and the Prevention of Torture. Issues of Interaction.

The text brings together the ECtHR and the CPT that are different, but key components of the system of combating torture on the European continent. On the basis of analysis of the historical background of the issue it points out the distancing concept that was followed by the drafters of the ECPT in respect of the relationship of the ECtHR and the CPT. As a result, the latter is not bound by the c

The importance of indirect access to the ECJ and the issue of compensation when this is denied

The importance of access to the ECJ, as the common judge of Europe, is of major importance for individuals as a way to ensure effective protection of those rights, which they derive from Community law. Due to the problems facing individuals as regards direct access, because of the requirement of them having to show direct and individual concern, the indirect way of access, by way of the national c

Principle of 'non-refoulement' - Rule of customary international law

This thesis studies the very cornerstone of the international refugee law-the principle of non-refoulement. Since its introduction in the 1951 Convention, this principle has played a key role in the protection of refugees. Last 50 years have generated many questions and various interpretations of the scope of the Article 33 of the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees. States have tried to get

Refugee Protection in the framework of the Common European Asylum System

The foundation of International Refugee Law was laid down in the early 1950s by the creation of the UNHCR and the Geneva Convention of July 28 1951Relating to the Status of Refugees (hereinafter the Geneva Convention) and its 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. Refugees and asylum seekers are not only protected through the relatively limited refugee law but also through general human

The Law and Practice Relating to Female Genital Mutilation inTanzania

This study is an attempt to examine the law and practice relating to female genital mutilation in Tanzania. In the course of writing this work, attention is paid to the difference between enforcement of legal and social norms, as this is important in any fight against the deeply entrenched harmful traditional practice of Female Genital Mutilation. In dealing with this problem, the usefulness of us

Tjänstedirektivet och den svenska modellen

Tjänstedirektivet är en del i den europeiska unionens strävan att bli den mest dynamiska och konkurrenskraftiga kunskapsnationen år 2010. Termen ''tjänstedirektiv'' har varit föremål för het debatt sedan det första förslaget ''KOM (2004) 2 slutlig'' presenterades av kommissionen. Syftet med arbetet har varit att utreda huruvida tjänstedirektivet kommer att medföra n